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A PR] I AND OTHEK FOKM BOOKS. April books of Form Charts in paper cover are on Bale. They contain all the Form Charts of all tracks from April 1 to April 30 mclugivc. Price, .00. UIKRK.VN MORTINO MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1900 contains all racing records at large, revised and complete up to the end of 1809; lour handicapping systems with directions for their practical application, a table showing how to compute bookmaking percentages, track records of all the recognized tracks of the country, the western and Bttton -cales of weights, tables showing the comparative speed of tracks, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1899 of any conse quence, trotting and pacing records at all distances and a list of the new 2 :15 trotters of 1899. Also a complete record of performances at all styles of billiards, together with scores of all the important matches and tournaments of 1899. WE ALWAYS DELIVER THE GOODS. STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Friday Night — Under auspices of the FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB. Sam Summerfield, and*$£££,;; C. T. ESSIG. Secretary. CARD FRIDAY, MAY 18 67TH CONTINUOUS. WEEK. Billy Kendall, Chicago, vs. Frank Brown, Chicago. 105. Martin Duffy, Chicago, vs. Adam Ryan, Philadelphia, 133." Walter Nolan, Chicago, vs. Lew Mansfield, Chicago, 145. Jim Adams, Omaha, vs. Tom Dixon The Iron Man. Marion. 111.. Heavy weights. WIND-IP— Harry Harris, Chicago, vs. Morris Ranch, Chicago, 115. For Sale-Dont Care By IMP. GALORE— MINERVA; First dam Maudina, by Imp. Australian; Second dam Imp. Maud, by Stockwell. DONT fARF brown stallion UKJW I V/AIXL, . 5 YEARS OLD.. Horse is 16 hands high and a stake winner. APPLY S. B. BENDER. ROBY, IND. 8to1and15to1. No impossible Things Advertised Bg Us ....ONLY AND OLDEST.... Race Track information Bureau. TRY US ONCE and you will never be without our specials .00 DAILY. .00 FOR I Handicap on all races THREE DAYS I ready at 8 :30 a.m SATURDAY 25 TO 1 CHANCE. Rooms 500-502-504, 263 Dearborn Street, Tel. Harrison 1580. CHICAGO. CRINKLE OUR IM SHOT 10 to 1, and our other two advertised good things— His Excellency, 5 to 2. His Eminence 8 to 5— all won. THEY ALWAYS WIN. TODAY at St. Louis our 20 to 1 chance starts and it looks BETTER than Crinkle, and two other WINNERS. SATURDAY AT LAKESIDE another grand chance from 15 to 25 to 1. A tip from the stable. .00 DAILY, .00 WEEKLY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room TUT, 225 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. Yellow hn ™ *%**«*** ■ vuw ▼▼ , orR YESTERDAYS ADV. T-vil !„ ..telling yon . .. I t%A 31 HE WOlLD WIN THE INAUGURAL HANDICAP? IF YOU DID NOT. LOOK IT IT. We have the winner of every big event in the L.S. and for today and Saturday at Chicago and Morris P.trk a 20 to 1 shot at each track, as sure as YELLOW TAIL. Special attention to out of town subscribers. Telegrams ready by 10 a.m. .00 WEEKLY. Turf Information Association 303, 185 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO.