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TORONTO FORM CHART CHARTTOEONTO TOEONTO ONT May 29 Sixth day Ontario Jockey Club Spring Moetine Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge Alfred S Post Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 230 p m 25494 QKIQi1 FIRST BACK 3 4 Mile Puree 100 3yearolda and upward Allowances urf Horses AWtStJi V i BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 253033ANDRATTUS 3 9 4 21 1 1 11 J Martin CarthersShields65 65 1 25 254SO SILVER GARTER 4 ICO 5 41 4 43 2 L Daly M J Daly 8 15 15 5 25342 PJLLARDIST 4103 1 3 31 2 35 Postal J C Powers 33345 3334524673ALTHEA 24673ALTHEA 5107 2 6 6 6 042 LThompsnE Reynolds 6 12 12 4 24S753OUB LIZZIE 6 105 6 51 5io 51 5 Dugan W H Ketchiman 2 5 4 32 25303 VIOLENT 6 93 3 U 21 32 650 Qormley J Dnggan 20 20 20 6 20817 MUSSULMAN 8 105 7 7777 Fulton D A Boyle 20 200 200 40 40Time Time 24 50 117 117Winner Winner OtyannaWent Br g by St Andrew Otyanna Went to pest at 230 At poet 4 minutes Start straggling Won handily second driving Andrattus was best at the weights and went to the front when called on He tired somewhat at the endfjbut bad Etmetbirg Itft Silver Garter improved suddenly and ran a good race Pil lardist did his best and had no mischances Our Lizzie was off poorly and did not improve her position materially Violent showed early speed speedScratched 98Andrattus Scratched 254S68corpip 112 25345 Tyrba ICO 25303 Infelice 98 253872Horsa 98 Andrattus show out Silver Garter phow 2 to 1 Pillardist show out SECOND HACK 58 Mile 2ynarolds Fillies Allowances The Hopeful Stakes 500 added Ind Horses A Wt St M Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H f 254463Mlba BLARNEY 117 2 41 4H 1 H Boland H P Headley 3662 25384 MISS LOBSTER 112 5 31 3 42 2 J OConnor Meagher Ray 34485 34485254832LARACOR 254832LARACOR 71025299VLADY 105 1 13 11 21 3 Pryce W F Presgrave 232 710 25299VLADY PATRONESS117 4 21 2 31 41 Vititoe J E Seagram 2331 25299 RATHFLIGHT 116 3 51 65 53 510 Wapshire BAG Craig 6 7 7 21 25446 DESIGN 113 6 7 7 7 63 Dugan JSCWWadswth6 15 15 6 6BTRCONA BTRCONA BELLE 112 7 61 51 61 7 J Martin A Smith 6 15 15 6 Added starter Time 25 511 1 04 Winner 04Winner Br f by St Mark Bl arney Wont arneyWont to post at 258 At post 4 minutes Start good Won handily second driving It was a hard drive through the last eighth among first four but Mies Blarney was going away at the finish Miss Lobster only got Efcond place in the last stride Laracor showed the most speed early but tired at the end Lady Patroness quit in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched Rowanhurst 112 25446 Impressive 112 Ursula Gurnetto 112 25483 Effrontery 107 Overweights 107Overweights Rathflight 4 pounds Design 1 1Miss Miss Blarney show evens Miss Lobster show 4 to 5 Laracor show out Lady Pa ¬ troness show 1 to 2 fc K I O f THIRD RACE Miles Purse 5400 4yearolds and upward Allowances O4ttO Steeplechase Ind Horses A Wt 8t 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 253443ARREZZO 7 141 4 42 43 2 23 23 12 Gallagher T P Phelan Phelan24299BA8LE 24299BA8LE 4 133 5 51 51 4103503502 H 8 WilsonW F MacLea MacLea25344ELI 25344ELI KINDJG13 148 2 21 2 33 U H 3iOOMOxley C C Sewell Sewell253003iNTRFBNCE5 253003iNTRFBNCE5 139 6 7 7 5 4 4 4 Kelly K R Marshall 25448 ABAQNOL 6 144 3 14 13 1 Fell Hneston A M Orpen 32 2 2 45 45W 25448 JACK CAREY 5 144 7 62 31 Lost rider W JohnsonJ Dubrule Jr 6883 6883Connelly 25344 VENETIAN 6 144 1 3 6 Fell Connelly J W Welsh 10 20 20 8 8Ray 25302 MA RIO 5141 Fell Ray A Hinehart 10 10 7 2 2Meagher 25448 MR DUNLAP11 141 Fell Meagher C W Penniston 8 15 15 6 6Time Time 449 449Winner Winner B h by Aretino Libbie L LWent Went to post at 332 At post 3 minutes Start good Won ridden out second the samo Arrezzo showed the most speed in the stretch where he caught Eli Kindig tiring Basle finished well and beat the latter in the final stride Aragnolledto the eleventh jump Venetian went down at the sixteenth jump Johnson fell off Jack Carey after crossing the seventh jump Tho last two fell over the first obstacle obstacleOverweights Overweights Basle 2 pounds Venetian 3 3Arrezzo Arrezzo show 1 to 2 Basle show 3 to 2 Eli Kindig show evens Aragnol show 2 to 5 FOURTH HACK 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Liverpool Cup Cup and 500 added Ind Horses A Wt St 4 1A K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25343 PBOCEbSlON 5 126 1 31 31 3 U 1 H Lewis J E Seagram 1 85 85 25 25485OHONTAS 4 127 4 42 40 410 32 21 Blake G W Cook f35 35 12 out out253833COLCHE8TEH 253833COLCHE8TEH 3 108 2 23 21 H 2 33 Vititoe J E Seagram 1 85 85 2 25449 BENCKART a 103 3 13 1 2 4io 415 LThompsnG W Cook f35 35 12 2 25343 RATHLIN 4 122 5 5 5 5 5 5 Wapshire BAG Craig 10 20 20 5 5tCoupled tCoupled in betting Time 24 50 1 16 1 44 1 51 51Winner TriumphWent Winner B h by Order Triumph Went to post at 4 11 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second all out Procession was best and best ridden wont to the front at his riders leisure and won with speed in reserve He could have won much further off Orontas ran gamely but the weight was too much for him Colchester and Benckart tired in the last quarter after making the running for their stable mates Scratched 254512Mr Jersey 127 20905 Laverock 120 25486 Magnus Troil 96 25345 Barley Sugar 86 86Overweights Overweights Colchester 2 pounds poundsProcession Procession show out Colchester show 1 to 2 Banckart show 2 to 5 61K1 FIFTH HACK 1 Mile Jfursa 1500 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St 34 K StrFin Jockeys Ownoru O H O P 19282 MONTREAL 110 3 H U U 1 13 Dugan H Alexander 10 15 10 2 2253453ALG1E 253453ALG1E M 122 1 2 21 21 2 25 Powers W Weir 35 35 12 out out25450CHEBRY 25450CHEBRY WILD 122 2 3 4 4 4 3 Pryce E Kelly 22225 25385 BED BREAST 110 44 SB 3 3 4 Pemberton W Hendrie a 10 10 2 2Time Time 25 51i 117 145 145Winner Winner B f by St Saviour St Veronica VeronicaWent Went to post at 446 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Mon ¬ treal tiptoed her field early Algio M got to her at the head of the stretch but when Dngan hit his mount with the whip she came away sgain and Algie M hung The weight made quite a dif ¬ ference in Cherry Wilds running but he did his best bestScratched Scratched 253863PariBian Lady 110 254472Ferney Tickle 110 25385 Mowitzka 110 25386 Tyarsprite 110 25 447 Sleepy Hollow 110 SIXTH BACK 5 12 Furlongs Purse 100 3yearolds and upward Allowances A Wt St H Ki K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 3 103 8 3 22 12 IG Pryce W F Preegrave 2 3 3 1 23 1 23 22 J Martin CrnthrsShieldslO 10 10 J 4 25486 MAGNUS TROIL 3 103 4 42 42 33 3 Blair J E Seagram 8 10 10 3 24196 W1LLARD J 3 100 5 7 = 3 45 41 LThompsnE H Hanna 10 10 104 17778 RASSELA8 3 103 7 9 7 6 52 Postel W C Hayes 5 5 3 1 24404 SOUPREP 5 117 9 5 61 5 66 Powers H H Meyerstein 3 4 3 1 25342 BROADWAY 3 103 3 8977 J OConnor H McCarren Jr 10 12 12 5 18228 DEVILS OWN 4 107 10 11 11 9 8 Blako D Higgins 10 15 15 6 21134 ST RON AN 3 103 6 10 10 8 9 Pomborton W Hendrie 10 25 25 10 10THE THE ORIOLE 4 110 11 12 12 12 10 Forehand Fox McDowell 15 20 20 8 25383 PRINCE DAVID 3 100 2 1 8 11 11 Dugan F J Kittleman 6 30 30 10 25451 VERNA K 4 110 12 6 5 10 12 Adams G W Ross 5662 21098 SUNNY GIRL 3 98 13 13 13 13 13 Gormley A M Higgins 6 10 10 4 4Time Time 25 50 102 109 109Vinner Vinner Ch c by Timothy Greenwood GreenwoodWent Went to post at 518 At post 9 minutes Start good Won easily second tho same St David easily came away in the last quarter and was only cantering at the end Ghetto ran well but owes his position to a lucky start and a good ride Magnus Troil ran a fair race Rasselas made beginningScratched up much ground from a poor beginning Scratched 22080 Favornette 103 103St St David show 1 to 2 Ghetto show 2 to 1 Magnus Troil show 3 to 2 Rassalas show Ito2 Sonprep show 1 to 2