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HAWTHOR E RACING RACINGA A good crowd was out despite the cool weathor Batting was brisk and heavy through ¬ out the day Most of the finishes wore hotly contested three of them being wou just at the thewire wire Dan OBrien sprang a good thine in Blennen 0 0Dan worth in the twoyearold race The horse was said to have worked fiveeighths of a mile with 116 pounds up in 102 flat It was the first time he had ever faced tuo barrier was bicked for a good thing being bet down from 0 to 8 to 1 Karry Bock was also backed heav ¬ ily on the strength of his Latonia form Both newcomers in this race ran onetwp Charley onetwpCharley Moore was ably handled by Wink field in tho first race The colored jockey seemed to be able to get more out of him than Dominick did in his last race Moees was backed for a good thing by a number of sharp ¬ shooters He was handled to perfection his race of the night before being only a prep for todays killing killingEspionage Espionage appeared stiff and sore when going to the post but warmed up to her work after the first quarter had been run Silurian had worked well and was backed by a number of the talent There was a strong tip out on Johnny McCartey and a number of horsemen thought he couldnt lose He lacked his sharp turn of speed usually shown in all his races at New Orleans last winter winterDyxona Dyxona ran a fine race and snowed a srnat deal of gamoness in tho run down the etrotch but Fancy Wood tired and quit whon the rub came and had all she could do to beat Johnny MsCartey for second place placeJ J Carrolls Catastrophe broke his leg and had to be destroyed