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BROOKLYN FORM CHART GRAVESEND L J May 29 Fourth day Brooklyn Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather wet track muddy Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 p m 65 CEir 5 FIRST RACK58 Mile S700 added 2yearolds Maidens Selling Ind Horses AWt St U K 5 BtrFm Jockeys Owners O H C P 25426 FIVE NATIONS 105 2 31 2 = 11 13 Shaw F Farrell 21 3 11545 1 253813TCHULA 101 1 21 1 23 28 Lyno P Wimmer 31 31 6535 25381 BENTON GRAY 99 3 4 4n 4 3 Daly J L Holland 12 15 15 5 i 246743TEA VARRE 107 5 62 62 51 43 Landry G C Johnson 8 10 8 3 OCLAWAHA 99 7 5 51 3 53 Slack E Hirsch 10 12 10 WOODMANSTEN 104 6 7 7 7 61 Cochran J J McCafferty 10 20 20 6 25059 DANDY WEST 108 4 11 31 61 7 Bnllman P H McCarren 3 31 3 1 Time 13 24 37 52 103 103Winner Winner UnadagaWent B c by Montana Unadaga Went to post at 230 At post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Fiva Nations was easily best and responded with a winning burst of speed when called upon a quarter out Tchnla displayed a superior order of speed and finished well bnt her jockey was not com ¬ petent to force her to her best Bonton Gray ran out as usual and finished on the extreme out side Oclawaha has been well tried Dandy West off badly showed a great burst of speed to the far turn when he commenced to bear out and finally was pulled to a walk to avoid bolting into the outside fence He is a fine looker and if cured of this bolting tendency will prove a use ¬ ful colt coltOverweights Overweights Five Nations 1 Tea Varro 2 Oclawaha 3 Dandy West 21 I 21I Five Nations show 2 to 5 Tchnla show ont Benton Gray show 21 to 1 Dandy West7 show 1 to 2 i prK kfT SECOND RACK 1 18 Miles 700 added 3yearolds and upward Selling lud Horses A Wt St St J StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25378 ANDHONICUS5 104 1 31 31132 11 IH H Cochran G Brown 75853212 24673 DBL DUMMY 7 102 2 21 2n 2n 32 22 21 looker F Frisbie 23212 254253LANCEIAN 23212254253LANCEIAN S 101 4 4 4 4 4 4 33 Dangman J E Madden 21 4 31 45 25378 MILLBTBEAM6105 3 la 11 11 2H 31 4 Slack J Hoye 58875 58875Time Time 25 51 1 17 1 45 1 58 Winner Br h by Strathmore Ovation OvationWent Went to post at 255 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Androni cus waited on the pacemaker to the far turn where he pulled to the front without much effort He is evidently in good form favors a route and is above the average plater class Double Dummy is partial to soft going and ran right to his best form Lancemans jockey made a lama and tardy move in the stretch Millstream was used up in Betting the pace and quit badly in the last quarter Andronicns was bid up from 500 to 1100 and bought in inOverweights Overweights poundsNo Lanceman 4 pounds No show betting 255O8 THIRD HACE 58 Mile 700 added 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St Vi StrFin Jockeys Ownnre OHO 253793MER1DIAN 104 4 4 4 31 11 Odom S S Brown 65 75 65 13 13254213SMART 254213SMART SET 105 1 2S 2 1 2 Shaw JFleischmann 851159512 851159512254263PEN1NSULA 254263PEN1NSULA 102 3 3 3 21 33 Dangman J E Madden 8 12 12 3 325381RED 25381RED DAMSEL 111 2 1 1 4 4 Landry G C Johnson 4 6 41 1 1Time Time 12 23 36 51 103 103Winner Winner B c by Sir Dixon Merdin MerdinWent Went to post at 320 At post 4 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Meri ¬ dian broke fiatfooted and appeared hopelessly out of the race before he got into his stride From the threeeighths post home ho ran like a crackajack and undoubtedly outclassed the field Smart Sat as the race was run should have won displayed a brilliant and lasting speed through ¬ out but the terrific fast early pace helped to defeat him at the end Peninsula was triad out on a waiting tactics plan and it worked well His raco was a great improvement over his previous efforts Red Damsel ran well bnt was overweighted Overweights overweightedOverweights Meridian 2 pounds Smart Set 3 3No No show batting 6 K KQ FOURTH BACK 1 110 Miles 81000 added 3yoaroldB Handicap lad Horsea A Wt St H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25162JJANICE 112 1 Hi 12 HI 1 12 Piggott GB Morris 9101 71014 22556 HUMBOLDT 107 2 2 21 33 310 21 T Burns Mrs M Roche 67775 25425 WALL ABOUT 108 44 31 2 2 320 OConnor C F Dwyer 21 31 16535 16535252793QLADE 252793QLADE RUN 97 3 31 4 4 4 4 Wonderly J C McGill 7 10 10 2 2Time Time 24J6 51 117 144 151 Winner Ch f by Midlothian Rosette RosetteWent Went to post at 350 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second driving Janice assumed command on the first turn and was under restraint almost to the last hundred yards where Humboldts determined bid brought her to a mild drive The runner up a superior colt in such going last season has trained on well and for a first time out ran finely Wall About put up a game and honest effort bnt was not good enough Glade Run longstriding and awkward goingScratched was not suited by the going Scratched 213203Boau Gallant 126 126Overweights Overweights poundsNo Hnmboldt 3 pounds No show betting O K pT T f FIFTH RACKAbcmt 34 Mile 165 feet short 700 added 3yearolds 4 J J JL J and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St M Vi 5 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25423 MARGR AVIATE 3 107 1 1 H 1 1 Shaw Shaw25159SCURRY FBrindle 23245 25159SCURRY 3 84 4 51 6 23 2io H Micha MichaelsP S P Randolph 10 15 15 5 25423 BILLIONAIRE 3 97 12 8 51 4H 31 Wonder Wonder247462DR Wonderly J H Carr 12 20 15 6 247462DR RIDDLE 4 101 8 411 4 5 52 4 Cochran Cochran254233JDGE JJMcCafferty 5762 254233JDGE WARDELL6 98 5 3 3c 3 3 51 Daly Buckley Bailey 4652 25423 EDNA J 3 95 2 62 72 71 6 J OConnor N Bennington 10010010040 25309 SPRY 3 85 7 71 8 8 76 Wangh J R F P Keene 15 20 20 8 195113SKY SCRAPER 5 103 3 22 22 61 81 Odom J L Holland 3 4 31 65 25309VENTORO 5 102 6 9 9 9 91 Miles WC Daly 10 15 12 5 25275 MONAD 3 90 9 10 10 10 10 Thompson J BTSteimer 20 100 100 30 14514 CHEVAL DOR 6 106 11 12 12 11 11 Rntter E Dudley 50 100 100 30 24225 LADY PADDEN 3 99 10 11 11 12 12 Slack Mrs E G Hughes 50 60 60 20 Winner B a by Margrave Mount Vernon VernonWent Went to post at 4 20 At post 18 minutes Start straggling Won in a canter second easily Margraviate far outclassed the field in the mud broke in motion however and had all the beat of it throughout Scurry on the rail and impeded at different times was much the best of the others at the weights and showed a brilliant last quarter Billionaire came from last to third place and ran a thoroughly good race Dr Riddles effort in the last furlong was meritorious Judge Wardell got off badly and was pocketed to the stretch turn Sky Scraper suffered from long and frequent breaks at the post showed a splendid burst of speed bnt tired badly in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 20638 Waiter 102 24635 Ante Up 90 90Overweights Overweights Billionaire 2 pounds Edna J 3 Sky Scraper 3 Cheval dOr 5 Lady Pad den 3 Ventoro 5 5Margraviate Margraviate show 2 to 5 Scurry show 21 to 1 Billionaire show 3 to 1 Sky Scraper show 3 to 5 fcJprKT T SIXTH HACK 1 Mile and 70 Yards 700 added 3yearolds and upward ju J O JL JL Maidens Allowances Ind Horses A Wt Bt M K 3 BtrFin Joekeya Owners O H C P P22587DACTYL 22587DACTYL 3 105 7 61 3 2 2 1 Slack C Simms Co 30 30 15 6 25304 ALL SAINTS 3 105 10 7 72 65 51 2 Shaw J H F P Keene 2 21 95 45 45252752ROXANE 252752ROXANE 4 106 3 IH IH H 12 34 Rntter J Offntt 3 4 4 65 20093 ZEUS 4 112 4 25 2 310 3 4n McCue F Gebhard 3 3 1151 25470 BEAUTIFUL 4107 9 41 52 51 62 53 Miles W C Daly 50 10010030 241843STREET 10010030241843STREET BOY 3 107 2 10 10 10 9 6 Brennan C Mack 30 40 40 12 25217 ISAAC HOPPER 3 110 5 51 6 9 72 7 Monnce W Oliver 50 100 40 15 25423 MARK TWAIN 3112 1 31 41 41 41 83 Spencer R L Rosa 8 7 7 21 22587 BLUE VICTOR 3 107 8 9 9 71 81 930 Mackey J Ferguson 50 100 100 40 17624 MOROSE 5 109 6 8 8 8 10 10 McDermott Johnson DunlaySO 100 100 40 Disqualified 40Disqualified for foul Time 24 52 1 ll 1 46 1 50 50Winner Winner CypriaWont B f by St Saviour St Cypria Wont to post at 500 At post 12 minutes Start good Won with the first three driving hard Dactyl ran a game race was luckily placed and vigorously handled bnt her victory waa obtained right at the end through boring into and bumping All Saints and Roxane for which she was dis ¬ qualified All Saints off last met with repeated interference and was timidly handled when apparently hopelessly out of the race she came in the stretch with a great burst of spaed and bnt for the bumping would have won She was far the bast Boxane displayed a fine burst of speed and evidently liked the going Zeus has worked very fast but looked big and gross He will probably boat this kind later on onScratched21088 Scratched21088 Frank Kenney 110 25217 Fairy Tale 107 24774 Sen Da Laar 107 14741 Salamagundi107 252173Belvino110 25057 Goldilia 110 220SO Ceapades 110 Overweights 110Overweights Boxane 1 pound Zens 2 Mark Twain 2 Morose 2 All Saints show 2 to 5 fiorane show 3 to 5 Zoua show 3 to 5