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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO IIiI IIiIi i May 29 Third day Chicago Jockey Club Spring Meeting Weather cloudy track fast Presiding Judge Capt J H Rees Starter J J Holtmau Racing starts at 230 p m O K A Q Q FIRST RACE 78 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third OttOO 4yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St H 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 25358 CHAK MOORE 109 2 li 11 U 1 1 J WinkfleldT F Coles 3 4t 4i 75 i lMEHlTp 107 f g 32 2 g J Mathew HB Durham 85 85 85 35 2 2 2i 45 T 251133SCARLST LILY 9711 2a34l 4i34H 43tJH Butler W S Barnes 20 40 30 81 254203LEK 81254203LEK KING 109 41 6 5 5 135 5 Coburn J S OBrien 2 4 5 5j85j Timo 5j85jTimo 13 241 35 491 1 102r 02r 1 la 1 27t 27tWinner Winner B g by Eon Lady Grace GraceWent Went to post at 230 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won in a fierce drive second easily Winkfleld clearly outrode Mathowa in the final strides Charley Moore ran gamely and beat Merito on the post The firat two always hold Ipaline whb was not persevered with to any great extent Scarlet Lily was woll up at the last eighth but sprawled badly from there to the wire The race should do her a great deal of good Leo King was palpably outrun all ths way and never had a chance Merito displayed more gamenesa than she is credited with possessing Charley possessingCharley Moore Ehow 1 to 2 Merito show out Isaline show 2 to 5 O PC A Q Q SECOND RACifi 58 Mile Purse 100 575 to second 25 to third l J tt O C7 2yoarolds Allowances Inrt Horses A Wt Bt K 5 StrFin Jockey Owners O H C P BLENNEN WORTH 104 4 52 5 31 1 J Mathows D OBrien 8 11 11 4 25287HARRY BECK 103 5 5i 4 3 2 2 J Woods J C Milam 8993 25418 SOUTH ELKHORN 114 1 12 in m 31 Cay wood W H McCorklo 2 2 115710 250182 250182RED RED HOOK 107 2i 31 2a 42 41 Cobnrn J Marston 65 75131025 25153 JOHN A CLARKE 105 G 66 5 53 T Knight J E Gushing 10 12 12 5 24091 LEGAL MAXLM 109 31 2 41 6 6 JWinknoldP Dunne 10 25 23 10 Time 10Time 12 241 36 49 101 MiddlomarchWent Winner 101Winner Ch c by Prince of Monaco Middlomarch Went to post at 300 At post 12 minutes Start fair Won driving hard second easily South Elkhorn had the speed of the bunch to the head of the stretch whore a general closing took place with the exception of John A Clarke who was always outrun South Elkhorn cracked at the last eighth and Harry Beck looked u sure winner but Mathows brought Blonnenworth up with a rush on the inside rail and nailed him on tho post Red Hook stopped about the daruo place as South Elkhorn Legal Maxim ran a fair raco for his first start here and will do to watch John A Clarke appeared to bo outclassed It was the winners maiden effort and ho performed like a colt of fair class classOverweights Overweights Harry Beck 1 pound South Elkhorn 2 Legal Maxim 5 Blennenworth 2 Blennenworth show 6 to 5 Harry Beck show 6 to 5 South Elkhorn show 1 to 5 Red Hook show 1 to 6 O K I Oli THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purso 100 75 to second 25 to third i fl tfc t7 J 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses AWt Bt M 5 StrFin Jockoya Owners O H O P 25457MOSES 3 97 2 1 li 1 1 1 J MclnernyJ S Ward 10 25 16 7 25420KBANNERET 4 116 6 6 4 42 21 2 Dominic R M Westerfield 2 3 3 65 25416 PLEAD 3 91 5i 4 53 53 66 31 J Ranch J S Hothert 6 10 8 3 254162UNCLE TOM 3 94 71 74 6 6 SH 43 R Jackson T J McHale 10 10 10 4 25419 ANDES 5 lit 3 2 31 2 4 5 Coburn J Arthur 6652 25416IMPROMPTU 665225416IMPROMPTU 3 100 4 52 2 SH SH 6 Soo F W Minor 95 12512545 21958 SEN THOMPSONS 111 8 8 8 8 72 73 W Wilson DHarringtonCo 50 500 500 100 252942IDA V 3 99 1 3H 72 7 8 8 T Knight J E Gushing 8 15 15 5 Apprentice allowance Time 13 26 38 501 1 03 1 16t 1 29 1 41 41Winner Winner B c by Mars Polnaieo PolnaieoWent Went to post at 335 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won in a canter next throe driving hard Mosos got off Hying and had speed to loan Just before entering the stretch Mclnerny gave the winner his head and he came away as if those back of him wero tied Knightbauneret with his big impost ran an impressive race although ho had all ho could do to stave off Pleads determined rush on the end Undo Tom was pinnod in against the inside rail about the last eighth or he might have had a chance to get third place impromptu woll up for seven furlongs drizzled completely out in the final strides and ran far below his showing in his last raco Ida Y ran a short five furlongs and then fell out of it finishing beaten off Her race should not be taken seriouslyScratched seriously Scratched 24598 Prestar 103 103Overweights Overweights Impromptu 2 pounds Plead 2 Senator Thompson 5 Moses 4 Moses show 3 to 1 Knightbannoret show 3 to 5 Plead show 7 to 5 Impromptu show 9 to 20 6 K A O 1 FOURTH RACE 78 3Iile Purse fGOO 75 to second S25to third t tt J JL 3yearolds Handicap nd Horses A Wt St M 1A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 23653 4558524802DYXONA SILURIAN 109 5 4 4 31 32 12 J Winkfield P Dunne 45585 24802DYXONA 104 3 32 21 23 1 22 Coburn J E Gushing 4 4 4 85 252412FANCY 85252412FANCY 11571025142JONY WOOD 103 2 1 In 1 2 31 Dominick W S Barnes 3 3 115710 25142JONY MCARTEY 98 1 5 5 5 45 410 y Knight W L Hazelip 56595 21413 JIMINEZ 114 34485Time 4 2 3t 43 5 5 Caywood F J Kelley 34485 Time 13 24 36i 49i 1 03i 1 15 1 27i Winner 27iWinner Br g by Belvidoro Yirgio D DWent Went to post at 4 05 At post 7 minutes Start good Won handily second the same Silur ¬ ian lay in fourth position to the head of the stretcn where Winkfleld swung a little wido and brought him up on the outside with a rush Dyxoiia ran a good race but hung when Silurian nailed and beat him Johnny McCartey was unable to run a little bit until nearing the final quarter where he moved up on tho insido rail and joined his field and looked for a moment to have a winning chance But he propped badly in the last eighth In most of his good races he is a front runner This race should do him considerable good and he should bo a hard horse to boat next time out in his own company Jimiuoz was wofully short and after running a short half ho was oased up Fancy Wood quit in tho last sixteenth The winner was much the best Overweights bestOverweights Silurian 3 pounds Dyxona 4 Fancy Wood 1 Jiminez 2 Silurian Ehow 4 to 5 Dyxona show 3 to 5 Fancy Wood show out Jiminez show 3 to 5 S p Q fc FIFTH RACifi 1 18 ftllles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third i tdb J 3yearolds and upward Selling ind Horses A Wt St St K 5 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25156 ESPIONAGE 5 109 3 1 1 H H H 1 J WinkfioldS LHommedien 85 2 2 35 253743TREBOR 6104 5 41 42 31 21 21 23 Otis K J Murphy 332 35 25374 BEN CHNCE4 110 1 5 5 4 41 31 33 Dominick R M Weaterfleld 2 1159512 25374L1TT ELK1N 3 95 41 32 3 5 5 5 45 B Jackson A J Ogles 20 30 25 7 25371RED APPLE 3 93 2 2 22 2 2 4 5 Rice E Trotter Co 20 30 30 8 Apprentice allowance Time 12i 37 49 1 02 1 15 1 28l 1 41i 1 54 Winner 54Winner B m by Inspector B Sun Maid MaidWent Went to post at 4 45 At post 3 minutes Start good Won ridden out to the last ounce second easily Wiukfield outrode Otis in tho last few strides as Trebor was closing fast The winner was cleverly handled and just lield together long enough to win Trebor with a stronger rider would have won Bon Chance lacked his usual last furlong rush He made a dangerous move at tho head of the stretch but quit in tho last sixteenth Rod Applo and Little Elkin well up to tho last quarter quit badly down the stretch Little Blkin ran a much improved race at that thatOverweights Overweights Espionage 2 pounds Espionage poundsEspionage show 1 to 4 Trebor show out Ben Chance show out O I O Q SIXTH RACE C8 Mile Pureo 400 75 to second 25 to third xa t ± rtO 2 yearolds Maidens Fillies Allo francos Ind Horses A Wt St V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 24097 EVENING STAR 107 31 IH 21 21 Hi See J Griffin Co 2 4 4 75 25262 HEHSE 107 12 22 1 12 21 J Matbews H B Durham 8 13 7 3 242782NEL WADDELL 112 4 41 42 31 31 J Ranch J J Marklein Co2 4t 4 95 24576 12JENNIE CHAMINADE 107 52 32 3u 45 41 Dominick H T Griffin 2 2 75 12 JENNIE DAY 109 2 51 51 53 51 J Winkfield W H May Son 10 15 15 5 VING DANCE 107 7 7 63 65 6 Coburn S 8 Brown 7 25 25 8 APPA 107 63 6 7 7 7 Robertson J Weil Co 8 25 25 8 Time 12 24137491 102 Winner Ch f by Loyalist Satellite II IIWent Went to post at 520 At post 5 minutes Start fair Won handily after a short drivo with Herse at the last sixteenth next four driving bard Herso got off running but was not good enough to beat the winner She had a lead of two lengths at the last sixteenth but quit as soon as Evening Star throatlatched her Chaminado ran well for a half but tired badly in tho last eighth Nellie Waddell off nono too well ran a fair race She would have beaten Eersa with an even break breakOverweights Overweights Jennie Day 2 pounds Evening poundsEvening Star show 7 to 10 Herse show 6 to 5 Nellie Waddell show 3 to 5 Chaminade show 1 to 4