untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-30


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SILURIAN 5 1 LADAS5I IRISH JEWEL 32 BOWEN7IO BOWEN7IOThese These are our examples of the information we furnish our clients daily Customers that hava havabean bean dealing with us for the past two years are as a rule oxpirt handicapped themselves but butuse use our reliable informatiou as a guide We treat every onn fairly never misrepresent and the thesooner sooner you come and deal with us the sooner yon will begin beatin the races racesTODAYWE TODAYWE HAVE THREE GRAND SPECIALS AT HAWTHORNETODAY HAWTHORNETODAYALSO ALSO TWO AT ST LOUIS LOUISIf If you miss us today yon miis the opportunity of the year Retnambar no guessing in our camp We employ an expert timar and always know what is going on at the track in tha morning Come and give us a trial today and ba convinced that we know what we are talking about and make you baat the races St Louis winners on sale at 11 am NO SOONER SOONER50C 50C DAILY 300 WEEKLY WIRED AT 1O AM THE AMERICAN HANDICAPPERS REYNOLDS CO 72 119 Dearborn St

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901053001/drf1901053001_2_11
Local Identifier: drf1901053001_2_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800