Newport Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-30


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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KT May 29 Fortyfourth day Queen City Jockey Club Spring Mooting Weather clear track slow and lumpy Presiding Judge Henry Queen Starter Thomas Riley Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST HACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Selling 25500 irsen A Wt St M Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 25314 MICOU 102 5 56 IH 12 13 U Lindsay W Duffy 2 21 21 1 153502T 53502T NGIBLE 97 2 61 51 41 42 2 Washgton C F Schleith 3431 3431251283ROWDY 251283ROWDY G ire 6 41 43 2 21 32 BeanchampJ S Wallace 21 3 3 1 1253962LOT 253962LOT THOMAS 102 8 8 7 7 51 43 W Narvaez Torreyson Bros 6652 5396 CONCHA 97 4 2a 2i 31 32 51 M WilliamsK P Bhipp 8 15 15 6 25286 ANN 105 3 3 62 61 62 6 W Woods J Murphy 5 6 6 21 25396 SISTER SUDIE 102 1 It 3 51 7 730 Jleidling Chambers Co 12 15 15 6 5346 SQUAW BETTIE 105 7 7 8 8 8 8 M Jordan E W Fitzgerald 25 40 40 15 Time 13 25 38 50i 1 041 1 17f 1 311 1 45K 45KWinner Winner B c by Eon Emma A Went to post at 232 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second the same Micon had to ba ridden out to the limit to win Tangible with a more capable rider might have won Rowdy G was doing his best Lot Thomas closed a lot of ground in the last furlong Concha tired in the stretch Sister Sudie showed early speed speedOverweights Overweights Rowdy G 1 pound Sister Sudie 5 5Micon Micon show 1 to 2 Tangible show 1 to 2 Rowdy G show 1 to 2 SECOND RACE 34 Milo Purse 250 3yearoldB and upward Allowances 255O1 led Horses A Wt St Vi BtrFin Jockeys Owners O U C P 253103CORAL1S 6 111 2 31 3 11 13 WashingtnR E L Rice 8 15 lo 6 25393 ROBERT GRAY 4 114 4 4253142THE 63 61 31 2n Patton J R Hand 5662 253142THE BR DEMONS 3 981 9816 6 62535131DA SH 5 21 33 JHothersllW S Laird 65757512 2535131DA PENZANCE 3 991 9 9 7 51 42 Troxler ONeil Co 2 21 2 45 25429 J J T 5 5116 116 1 22 1 41 52 Mosier Miller Co 4 6 6 21 24294 HAVELOCK 5 116 7 7254032BACK 8 8 61 62 L Jackson J J McAlester Col2 15 15 6 254032BACK TALK 4 4111 111 5 42 7 72 May McFadden AllenS 662 24989 SOU DAN A 4 109 3 7 9 9 8 Grantland Morehead Co 50 60 60 20 25346 TIMES STAR 4 115110 10 10 10 92 J Higgins C M Kenner 15 30 30 12 16313 CARRIE 1 4 109 8 1 = 21 8 10 Higgins Farmer Territt 10 20 20 8 8Time Time 121 241 361 491 1021 116 116Winner Winner B m by Iroqnois Grace J JWont Wont to post at 255 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second driving Coralis was much the best and came away easily at the finish Robert Gray showed great improvement He was taken the longest way The Bronze Demon was pocketed to the head of the stretch Ida Penzanco closed a big gap in the last eighth Carrie I showed some early speed speedScratched Scratched 253252Dr Tarr 111 25280 Arrogant 97 97Overweights Overweights The Bronze Demon 11 pounds Ida Penzance 21 Times Star 11 11Coralis Coralis show 3 to 1 Robert Gray show evens The Bronze Demon show out Ida Pen 2anze show out THIRD RACE 4 13 JTurlongs Pnrss 250 2yearolda Allowances 25502 Ind Horses A Wt St H V4 M StrFin Jockeye Ownare O H 0 P 253123TOM CRABB 104 1 In 12 12 May T 8 Crabb 21 3 3 1 13n 25290 MISS GAINES 101 5 3n 31 2 Lindsay ST Gaines Bro 65 85 85 35 25312 MARTHA D 103 2 21 21 31 BoauchampE W Fitzgerald 8 12 12 5 25326 MARY RAtLEY 104 4 51 52 41 L Jackson L Smitha Co 3 6 6 2 25362 NATALIE H 101 6 6HATTIE 41 42 51 Troxlar O Rhodes 5542 HATTIE DAVIS 107 3 3LAURETA 61 62 62 Aker E Moore Co 6 10 10 4 LAURETA BURKE 108 8 8 7 72 R Lewis L Smitha Co 3 6 6 2 25428 WINNORA 101 7 7Coupled 7 8 8 W Woods W H Sayre 15 15 15 6 Coupled in betting Time 12i 241 36 501 57 Winner B c by Resplendent Punchy I IWent Went to post at 3 30 At post 2 minutes Start good Won easily next two driving Tom Crabb was ridden without a whip which formerly made him swervo and the change was a good one Miss Gaines was pocketed to the head of the stretch but came fast when clear Martha D ran abont to her notch The others cut no figure figureScratched Scratched 253263Corinne C 101 101Overweights Overweights Martha D 2 pounds Lauretta Burke 1 1Tom Tom Crabb show 1 to 2 Miss Gaines show out Martha D show 2 to 1 Natalie H show 4 to 5 O 25503 K K f O FOURTH RACE 1 11G Miles Purse 2250 3yearolds and upward Selling Iml Horses A Wt Bt li Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 252543EITHOL1N 6114 1 22 11 11 11 H W Webster W C Smith 3 41 41 65 254003 HINSD ALE 8 98 6 51 41 22 21 22 Cogswell C OConnor 1 1 710out 25469 ALBERTVALE 7114 7 7 6 SH 31 32 M WilliamsE T Graves 3 41 41 85 15738 FATHERLAND 5 112 2 42 32 41 45 48 May F Oots 5 15 15 6 25199 THE SLUGGARD 5 112 4 3 5 65 510 512 Meidling J McNaught 8 12 12 5 525431TONY 25431TONY LICALZI 6 107 3 1 22 52 62 62 W Narvaez Torreyson Bros 10 12 12 4 25314 WEST BADEN 4 103 5 61 7 7 7 7 Lynch A E Forsyth 20 50 50 15 15Time Time 121 251 51 1 17i 1 44 1 50 50Winner Winner Br h by Eothen Mrs General Gilflora GilfloraWent Went to post at 400 Off at the first break to a good start Won handily the next three were driving Eitholin could have won further off if necessary He was going away at the nish Hinsdale made a bold bid at the head of the stretch bnt did not have the necessary speed The improving track was not the kind Albertvale likes Fatherland ran a fair race Tony Licalzi abont ran his race raceScratched Scratched 25432 Abe Fnrst 114 25311 George La Bar 107 24920 Jucoma 106 106Eitholin Eitholin show 1 to 2 Albertvale show 3 to 5 FIFTH RACK 4 1JJ Furlongs Puree 5250 2yearolds Selling 255O4 Ind Horses A Wt St M Vt 5 S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 2479128T HERA 109 2 11 12 1 BeauchampK P Shipp Shipp254653BEN 656571025 254653BEN HULLUM 106 6 31 21 25 M WilliamsG W Innes Co 21 41 41 32 25281 PAUL BART 106 1 41 42 32 D Hall Daniels Br Br251323DR Bros 5 10 10 3 251323DR WORTH 104 3 51 65 41 Lynch Donahue DonahueWatsn 7 10 10 4 25132 VENEER 97 4 21 31 51 May S P Harlai 6883 25428 PIGEON TOP 98 5 62 51 6 68 L Jackson S S Rhodes 35585 25428 ILOE 104 7 77 7 78 W Narvaez Lockart B BFRIED Bros 15 30 30 10 10FRIED FRIED KRUPP 112 8 888 Aker Moore fe C Co 3 12 12 5 5Time Time 12 24361491561 24361491561Winner Winner B g by St Saviour Miss Hera HeraWent Went to post at 426 At post 2 minutes Start fair Won driving second easily St Hera was best bnt finished out in the soft going in the middle of the track and came near losing the Tace Ben Hnllnm came like a flash in the last eighth and finished strongly Paul Bart ran his race Dr Worth was thrown into the fence twice by Pigeon Top Veneer was worn out in the arly part of tho race in chasing St Hera HeraOverweights Overweights Veneer 2 pounds poundsSt St Hera show out Ben Hnllnm show 3 to 5 Paul Bart show 3 to 2 KK K SIXTH BACK 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling lud Horses A Wt St St M V4 X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 25466 MCLEARY 6 1041 6 6 6 61 41 33 Mosier Miller Co 6 12 12 5 25400 LOCST BLOSSOM6 1011 4 41 5 53 51 41 W Narvaez Torreyson Bros 67432 2531 PHOSPHORUS 3 90 7 7 7 7 61 51 Cogswell W H Sayro 6883 25348 DR 8 C AYRES 4 107 3 32 32 31 32 62 Meidling H T Hoffman Co6 15 15 6 25043 MMANUS 4 97 5 52 42 4n 7 7 May J W Hall Co 7 13 13 5 5Time Time 121 24 J 491 1 151 1 29 29Winner Winner Or f by Eshor Maria Lewis LewisWent Went to post at 507 At post 12 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Frances Reis was best and won as she pleased Beauchamp got everything out of Fairy Dell that she could do McCleary was slow in the early stages bnt finished strongly Dr S C Ayres tired badly Locust Blossom showed some speed when it was too late late8cratched25432Eva 8cratched25432Eva Wilson 106 249203Randy 99 254022Mr Brookwood 94 25464Robort Morrison 93 25427 Lucy Leach 92 25431 Polly Bixby 92 show out

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Local Identifier: drf1901053001_5_1
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