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ST LOUI3 ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Raca 34 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Soiling SoilingInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 25352 Bobert Jr 3 110 660 660Around Around Again ch h by Miil Ely 5 107 253163Begatta 6 105 665 25210 Bonnivard 4 105 680 25316 La Princessa 7 102 670 25459 Cogswell 3 102 675 20063 Fort Union 4 102 670 25438 Lako Fonso 5 102 685 25004 Auster 4 102 675 675Wild Wild Katio b f by Car ¬ negie Wild Bose 4 100 252103 Qae en Anne 4 100 700 25459 Lawton 3 93 690 25210 Ellis Glenn 3 91 685 20620 Shotover II 3 90 675 19514 May Do 3 88 680 680Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds SeBing Ind Horses Aga Wt Hdcp HdcpAccolade Accolade 110 21254 Minion 110 685 25438 Harry Pulliam 107 715 25103 Little Tommy Tucker 107 710 710254592Maximus 254592Maximus 106 725 725254353Albort 254353Albort F Dewey 106 710 710253573Tea 253573Tea Gown 105 715 23073 Menace 105 720 25136 Moade Belle 105 705 25512 William Boyer 104 700 25459 Boidlo 104 690 25433 Kate Freeman 102 690 25273 Vedas 102 700 25433 Grace Cup 102 695 695254593Mrs 254593Mrs Grannan 102 705 705Third Third Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Soiling 25434 Huntrossa 109 715 25099 Loflaro 106 710 25353 King Ford 106 705 705250393Debentnre 250393Debentnre 106 710 25268 Larry Wilt 103 700 2 3533Baby Dixon 103 710 710254342Maria 254342Maria Elena 103 720 25458 Tristram 103 700 25431 Has Gift 103 715 25460 Miss Dora 103 725 25434 Irosnta 100 705 705Fourth Fourth Race 1 34 Miles 4yearolds and upward SeBing 25357 Lady of the West 6 115 700 70025213Celtic 25213Celtic Bard 8 107 i 25269 Bansom 9 107 715 25512 Joe Doughty 5 106 705 70525433Loxoll 25433Loxoll 4 103 720 20909 Bound Turn 5 103 695 695251622Chickamauga 251622Chickamauga 4 102 715 25103 Ice 4 99 710 25462 Frank Pearce 4 99 695 695Fifth Fifth Race 5 13 Furlongs FurlongsAll All Ages Handicap Tho Memorial Stakes Value 1500 150025352Sharp 25352Sharp Bird 4 120 740 74025272Misa 25272Misa Mao Day 4119 715 715248353FrankBell 248353FrankBell 5 118 735 23660 Bummer 5 114 730 730253522Midsnmmor 253522Midsnmmor 4 112 720 25436 Duelist 3 112 750 25390 Kindred 4 109 730 25390 Jorry Hunt 5 108 725 72525272Maude 25272Maude Gonne 3 108 735 21212 Liasso 4 107 715 25319 Dandy Jim 3 104 725 725255172Ben 255172Ben Ledi 5 99 730 73025463Fridolin 25463Fridolin 3 90 730 730G G W Scott entry entrySixth Sixth Raco 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward SoBing 21687 Parole dOr 7108 700 700253903Jake 253903Jake Weber 4105 720 25463 Meddlesome 5 105 705 25007 Boqneath 6 105 710 71025435Sarner 25435Sarner 3 101 725 25357 Linden EBa 4 99 705 705254352Farmer 254352Farmer Bennett 3 98 715 71525389The 25389The Caxton 3 87 710 710Seventh Seventh Race 34 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Selling Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp 24626 Matt Hogan 4115 690 25390 Vicie Vance 7 108 710 25237 Hi KoBar 5 107 705 705254632Ed 254632Ed L 7 107 725 72513503Deveric 13503Deveric 4 105 700 700Pray Pray Tell b c by Luke LukeBlackburn Blackburn Game GameLass Lass 3 105 25463 ABeviato 6 105 715 715254383SUO 254383SUO Johnson 1 4103 710 710251102Elsio 251102Elsio 7151991328ard Barnes 7 102 715 1991328ard 3 101 705 206olsCnpa 705206olsCnpa 3 97 700 25438 Orleans 3 94 720 20950 Pierre Jr 3 93 700 Spin 700Spin Bock 3 88 18380 Tenletta 3 88 695