untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-06


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BROOKLYN JOCKEY CLUB 82500 IN NINE STAKES FOR 1902 AND 1903 1903To To Close on Thursday August 15 1901 1901FOR FOR TWOYEAROLDS IN 1902NOW YEARLINGS YEARLINGSTo To Be Run at the Spring Meeting of 1003 1003The The Great American 186 00 For 2yearolds By subscription of 250 each 100 forfeit or 20 if declareo b January 1 1892 The club to add an amouut necessary to make the gross value of the race 12500 of hich 1750 to the second and 750 to the third Winners of a race of the value of 5000 to carry 3 Ibs extra of one of 10000 or two of 5000 7 Ibs extra Nonwin ners of 2500 allowed 7 Ibs Five furlongs furlongsIhe Ihe Trcmont of 1OOUO For 2 yearolds By subscription of 250 each 100 forfeit or of the race 10000 of which 15CO to the second and 500 to the third Winners of a race of the value of 5000 to carry 3 Ibs extra of one of 10000 or two of 5GCO 7 Ibs extra Nonwinners of 2500 allowed 7 Ibs About six furlongs furlongsThe The Expectation f 5000 For 2yearolds By subscription of 50 each or 10 if declar ¬ ed by January 1 1902 100 additional for starteta The club to t dd an amount necessary to makt the gross value of the race 5000 of which 700 to the second and 3CO to trie third Winners of a race of the value of 5000 to carry 3 Jbs eitra of one of 10000 or two of 5000 7 Ibs extra Non winners of 2500 allowed 7 Ibs Five furlongs furlongsThe The Hudson of 3000 For 2yearolds By subscription of 50 each or 10 if declared by January 1 1902 100 additional for starters 2 he club to add an amount neceaiary to make the gross value of tbe race 3500 of which 100 to the stcoud and 200 to the third Winnera of race of the value of 5000 to carry 3 Ibs extra of one of 10000 or two of 5000 7 Ibs extra Non winners of 2500 allowed 7 Ibs Five furlongs furlongsThe The Criterion of 3600 For nilies two yeara old By aubecription of 50 each or 10 if declared by January 1 1904 100 additional for starters The club to add an amount neceaaary to make the gross value of the race 3500 of which 400 to the second and 200 to the third Win ¬ nera of a race of the value of 3500 to carry 5 Ibs extra Nonwinneri of 2500 allowed B Ifco Five furlongs furlongsFOR FOR TWOYEAROLDS IN 1902NOW YEARLINGS YEARLINGSTo To Be Run on the First Day of th Autumn Meeting of 1003 1003The The Juntor Champion of 15000 For 2 yearolds By subscription of 250 each half forfeit or 50 if declared by May 1 1902 The club to ado an amuuut necessary to make gross value of the race 15000 of which 3000 to the second and B2COO to the third Winners of a raco of the value of 7100 to carry 5 Ibs extra Nonwinners of a raco of the value of 5000 not having won two races of the value of 3500 each allowed 5 Ibs non winners of 1500 allowed 12 Ibs About six furlongs furlongsFOR FOR THREEYEAROLDS IN 1 903NOW YEARLINGS YEARLINGSTo To Be Run at tho Spring Meeting of 1003 1003The The Brooklyn Derby of 10000 For 3yearolds By subscription of 250 each 100 for ¬ feit or 50 if declared by January 1 1903 The club to add an amount necessary to make tha gross value of the race 10000 of which 1500 to the second and 00 to the third Nonwinners of 3500 in 1903 allowed S Ibs One mile and a half A he Carlton of 5 OOO For 3yearolds By subscription of 150 each 75 forfeit or 25 if declared by January 11903 The club to add an amount necessary to make the gross value of allowed 8 Ibs One mile mileTLe TLe Gazelle of 3OOO For fillies three years old By subscription of 100 each 50 for ¬ feit or 25 if declared by January 1 1903 T e club to add an amount necessary to make the gross value of the race 3000 of which 400 to the aecond and 200 to the third Winners of 2500 in 1903 to carry 3 Ibs extra Non winners of 1000 in 1903 allowed 8 Ibs One mile and a sixteenth TO BE RUN AT THE AUTUMN MEETING OF 1903 1903The The Hindoo f lflOOO For 3 yearolds By subbcription of 250 each half forfeit or 50 if declared by January 1 1903 The club to add an amount necessary to make the gross value of ihe race 415000 of which 53000 to the feecotid and 2000 to the third Non iunera of 5000 in 1903 allowed 8 Ibs of 2500 12 Ibs of 1500 20 Ibs About one mile and six f urlonga urlongaNominations Nominations should be addressed to the secretary 399 Fulton Street Brooklyn N Y Entry blanks can be bad at the office of DAILY BACINO FOBH H D McINTYBE SECRETARY PHILIP J DWYEB PBSilDJKNT

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901080601/drf1901080601_3_11
Local Identifier: drf1901080601_3_11
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800