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HAMILTON FORM CHART CHARTHAMILTON HAMILTON ONT Auffuat STwenbyeighth day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationBummer Bummer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mara Casaidy Racing starts at 250 p m ST BACK5 18 urlongs Purse 250 All Ages Allowances In3 Horses A Wt St M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 2616DEBEMA 3 90 3 11 is 12 u L Jackson J Waldner 1 656512 656512o58 S9v9 ° 103 223 2I 2 Troxler Charles Bay 21 21 21 1 o58 27158 GOLD LACK 4 101 1 S 32 3 31 Farman A Peters 5662 27201 3NARK 3 105 2 41 4 4 41 Callahan W Oliver 5552 555227055TREMAR 27055TREMAR 3 961 5 7 6 51 5 F Morris 3 L Johnson 34485 344852636533PRINGWELLS 2636533PRINGWELLS 5 102 6 61 7 62 61 LThompsnG Hendrie 3662 27023 VERNA K 4 103 7 8 5 7 7 Alaria G W Rosa 20 50 50 20 27023 ALZORA 3 95 8 5 8 8 8 McFeeloy H Lewis 20 50 50 20 20Time Time 12 21 48 101 l07h l07hWinner Winner B f by Tremont Secret SecretWent Went to post at 306 At post 10 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Erema showed much the most spaed and made an exhibition of her field Scorpio was as easily the best of the others Gold Lack tired after going fiveeighths and could not stand the pace Tremar was not persevered with Snark was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 271713 Whistling Con 104 26880 Horaa 95 2720 Dixie Queen 86 86Overweights Overweights Scorpio 2 pounds Tremar 31 3pringwelle 3 Varna K 1 Alzora 5 Erama show out Scorpio show 1 to 2 Gold Lack show evaas Tremar show 4 to 5 6 r7 O O SECOND RACE 4 18 Furlongs Purse 250 2y arolda Maidens d i JJ JL Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27018 MERRIMENT 103 5 4ii li H Blake G W Cook 65 65 65 12 26650 ME flAH CHE 102 3 21 21 2 LThompsnH McCairen Jr 4 4 3 65 27024 SANTA BONITA 103 4 3 4 3 Alaria H Stull 5 7 7 21 21271553HAPPY 271553HAPPY MAY 104 6 5 51 41 Postel H P Headley 65 85 85 12 27203 SILVER CHIMES 102 1 6 6i 5 Callahan W Oliver 4662 25483 CIRCUS GIRL 107 I 1 3 6 Pemberton W Hendrie 6 15 15 5 27107 SNUFFERS 103 7 777 McQuade H Alexander 15 25 25 10 10Tims Tims 12 241 481 541 541Winner Winner Ch f by Handspring Merry Danca DancaWent Went to post at 340 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Merri ¬ ment outclassed her field She wont through it without any great effort after beginning slowly and was well in hand at the end Me Bah Che hung on gamely She was easily the bast of the others Santa Bonita was under a hard drive all through tho lost furlong and finished gamely Happy May got away poorly and waa always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 26805 Effrontery 99 99Over Over weights Merriment 4 pounds Me Sab Che 3 Santa Bonita 1 Happy May 2 Snuffers 1 1Merriment Merriment show out Me Bah Che show 3 to 5 Santa Bonita show 6 to 5 Happy May show oat T ± O THIRD RACK1 110 Miles Purse 300 3yearolda and upward 4 5 A Handicap nd Horaaa A Wt Bt M H X StrFin Jockeya Owners O H OP OP272062FILIBUSTER 272062FILIBUSTER 7 93 1 13 it ia iz J Daly R F Myers 2 115115710 27249CHAPPAQUA 5103 3 2 2 2 3 2 McQnado PMCivill 451 1 14 26879 BARONET 3 101 2 3 3 S 2 3 L Jackson J W Hall Co 85857514 85857514Time Time 241 501 116 1421 149 149Winner Winner Ch g by Longsida Little Mollie MollieWent Went to post at 406 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second the same Fili ¬ buster showed the most speed and outran tho other two all the way The pace was not favor able for Chappaqna but ho and Baronet both ran far below their trne form the lattera race be ¬ ing far out of line lineScratched Scratched 268803Orontas 117 27174Wine Proas 106 272502Alfred Vargrave 105 27158 Uledi 105 271582 Albula 103 270552 Pharoah 101 26880 Horsa97 O 27263 T 5 J Q FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Fnrse 250 3yoarolds and upward Selling lurt Horses A Wt St X W HtrFin Jockeys Own ra O H C P 2680S3OAK MAID 5 C9 2 2270522GOTUMBA li 1 U 1 May G Hondrio 853 3 1 270522GOTUMBA 3 90 4 4271403MOROKANTA 5k 31 4J 2n J Daly E Moore 6 7 5 2i 271403MOROKANTA 4 108 9 6 = 2 21 8 = Callahan E A Farrell 4883 26292 MANGO 5 111 5 5272072MAGNETIC 41 4 6 4 Blake G W Cook 88485 272072MAGNETIC 3 106 11 11272022TAMARIN 8 8 5t 51 McQuade V Hallar 21 4 4 85 272022TAMARIN 4 102 12 12 10 10 61 L Jackson O O West Co 44485 27154 FLANEUB 3 91 8 827205NONA 9997 Adams J Maiden 15 40 40 15 27205NONA B 6 105 1 2H 7 3 8 Troxler Charles Ray 3 41 41 85 258473 BARLEY SUGAR 4 107 6 3 51 8 9 Pnmberton W Hendrie 10 20 20 8 8257003THECOVENNTR3 257003THECOVENNTR3 105 3 7 61 7 10 LThompanH McCarren Jr 6652 27177 THE BROTHER 3 9710 10 11 11 11 Dolan M F Sheedy 15 20 20 8 27052 YOUNG HENRY 3 97 7 11 12 12 12 Gough A Brown Co 6883 6883Time Time 2550 115 115Winner Winner B m by IdalinmMaria F FWent Went to post at 432 At post 15 minutes Start fair Won easily next four driving Oak Maid was moving when the flag fell went to the front quickly and came aw y at her leisure Gotumba just managed to last long enough after standing a hard drive allthrough the last quar ¬ ter Morokanta was tiring at the finish Mango came wide at the stretch turn but finished strongly and would have been second in a few more strides Magnetic closed a big gap from a bad beginning Tamarin was all tangled up when the flag fell and was as good as left Nona B can do much better betterScratched27205 Scratched27205 Royal Salute 105 27207 Grandeur 93 27156 Algie MI92 Onward 86 86Corrected Corrected weights Mango 111 111Overweights Overweights The Brother 2 pounds poundsOak Oak Maidj show 1 to 2 Gotumba show 6 to 5 Morokanta show 8 to 5 Mango show 4 to 5 Magnetic show 4 to 5 Tamarin show 4 to 5 FIF FIFTH RACK 68 Mile Parse 250 2yaarolds Soiling 27264 iud Horses A Wt St M X Si BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H C P 2708728T HERA 104 6 52 55 2 li L Jackson K P Shipp 65 65 65 35 271752EA3Y STREET 103 3 311 31 la 23 LThompsnN Bennington 22245 26691 PLUM TART lOt 2 21 2 4 SH Pemborton V Hendrio 3 271753CONCEBTINA 4 4 52 41 J Daly J E Lane Co 33365 26964 J PATRICK 99 1 1 lii 3 52 May W Woir Co 15 15 15 6 27175 LEMUEL 108 7 65 610 620 60 Troxler Charles Ray 68 26897 OSMAN DIGNA 94 5 7777 Fnrman J L Holland 15 25 25 10 27083 ST LAZARUS 97 8 8888 Gongh J H Carr 15 15 15 6 6Time Time 21 49 1021 1021Winner Winner B g by St Saviour Miss Hera HeraWent Went to post at 513 At post 5 minutes Start bad Won driving second easily St Hera caught Easy Street tiring got up in the last twenty yards and waa going away at the end He had to be far the best to win as he appeared to be hopelessly out of it when going down the back stretch but closed a big gap and finished very gamely Easy Street ran well but tired at the finish Pinna Tart was used up in chasing J Patrick Tho latter got off flying Concortina showed but little speed Oaman Digna ran away throe furlongs when going to the post postOverweights Overweights J Patrick 1 pound poundSt St Hera show out Easy Street show 2 to 5 Plum Tart show 3 to 2 Concertina show Ito2 t J rT r pr SIXTH RACK Short Course Purse 5250 4y3aroids and upward upwardjU jU 6 ljJ Allowances Steeplechase tnd Horses A Wt 8t 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H G P P272522FIFIELD 272522FIFIELD 8147 2 15 13 16 p n is Gallagher C K Hodgers 11112 26616 ANGE3 6147 4 45 Z 25 2s 2 2 H 3 Wilson W I MacLaan 2 4 4 75 26730 HIGH BEE 8 139 3 21 SHI 3T 3 3 3 Kelly F Farrell 2 1151151 1151151QUICKFIRE QUICKFIRE 4 126 1 315 4 4 4 4 4 C vVilson HendrwHollandS 10 10 4 27252 INTRFRNCEa 145 5 5 5 Fell Shields K R Marshall 21 4 4 65 65Time Time 413 413Winner Winner B g by Bob Miles Voltino VoltinoWent Went to p ist at 5 39 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second tho samo Fifield won all the way and as he pleased Angos did his bast throughout It was a bad rido on High bee and warao on Interference Kelly was euapondod for hie rido on Highbao Quickfira stum ¬ bled over a bank when going tho second time arouad and noarly lost his rider riderScratched Scratched 202172Credaatial 142 27252 Mrs Bradahaw 137 137Fifield Fifield show out Angea show 1to 2 Hicrhboo show 1 to 2 Interference show 1 to 2