Delmar Park Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-06


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DELMAR PARK ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Waather cloudy track fast fastfirst first Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling BellingInd Ind Horaaa Agt Wt Hdap 27028 Delsarte 6 Ill 685 26152 Sublimity f 152 2 t 27120 La Carina 4 109 685 685271492Qolden 271492Qolden Easter 3 107 700 26716 Boy McDonald 3 107 665 26334 Prentice Young 3 107 680 27149 Dr McNully 3 104 675 24891 SpndCaldwell 3 104 670 67027149JDiaz 27149JDiaz SJP 522 26716 Elnerica 3 102 670 670Second Second Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Balling 27279 Inuendo 6 110 705 27240 Pantheon 5 107 700 27119 Water Crest 6 103 715 27119 Mystery f 103 705 27179 Tortugaa 5 100 720 26914 Nick Lahart 4100 690 27241 Hansborongh 4 100 710 27120 Pomelia 6 98 700 27279 Barrica 4 98 725 27241 Two Anniea 4 98 700 27240 Phosphorus 3 97 710 27148 Empyreal 3 88 715 715Third Third Race 4 19 Furlong Furlong2yaarolda 2yaarolda Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp265S2 265S2 Ben Hempstead 110 715 26937 Dr Lovefoy 110 710 710Navarino Navarino ch c by Cayuga Antelope 110 26859 Anna Elliott 107 710 27029 Boyal Buby 107 695 26939 Called Back 107 700 24580 Attelle 107 725 725271182Broodler 271182Broodler 107 720 27215 Jollify 103 695 27178 Mada Belle 100 700 27178 Leneta 100 705 27178 FlorrieS 100 715 715Fourth Fourth Race 0 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yearoldi 3yearoldi and upward Soiling SoilingInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 27063 B Q Ban 10 Ill 705 70527241Eutorpe 27241Eutorpe 5 110 710 27002 Jerry Hunt 5 108 715 26870 Daniel 4 108 710 710271533Eleie 271533Eleie Barnes 7 105 720 27183 Bobert Jr 3 99 700 24754 Miss Golightly 3 99 705 27031 Sinfl 3 99 725 27149 Jackson Day 3 96 690 27241 Queen Quality 3 94 695 27217 Sweet Dream 3 94 715 715Fifth Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling Selling27027Larry 27027Larry Wilt 110 720 26969 Handrol 107 715 71527118Crozier 27118Crozier 107 710 710271802Lady 271802Lady Brockway 107 725 725271783Badger 271783Badger 105 705 27215 Ferreno 102 700 27178 Mazzara 102 705 7052717821rosnta 2717821rosnta 102 700 26969 Miss Thomey 102 715 27180 Wissendine 102 710 710Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards Yards4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Balling 26876 Outburst 4 107 700 700272162Zonne 272162Zonne 4 107 725 27216 Ignis 5 104 710 71022402oharles 22402oharles D 51C4 705 705271192John 271192John Morton 4104 710 71027214Land 27214Land Ho 5 104 715 715272183Zazel 272183Zazel 4 102 720 27181 Eugenia S 5 102 715

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Local Identifier: drf1901080601_3_4
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