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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDSOR WINDSOR ONT August 5 Thirteenth day New Windsor Jockey Club ClubSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge M N Macfarlan Starter J J Holtman Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST BACK 4 12 Furlongs Parse 250 2yearolds Selling 27266 Ind Horses A Wt 8t M K 3 StrFin Jockeys Ownora OHO 27232 AMIGRl 95 1 Hi 13 is J Martin Mrs E Harris 56585 56585271883ELGIVA 271883ELGIVA 105 2 32 3 23 JHothersllP 8 Crow 1 65 65 25 27208 FOLLOW 110 3 22 2 31 J Miller Graves Innea 85 21 2i 35 27208 PIRATE GIRL 110 5 5 41 4 Herman F A Pope 33235 27227 STUART YOUNG 103 4 4i 5 5 R Steele J J MarldainCo 10 15 15 4 4Time Time 24 481 541 541C C ± Winner B f by Albert Marie Marief5 f5 Went to post at 232 At post 2 minutes Start poor Won eas dm second the same Ami gari who had been left at the post in her last two starts baat the flag and apreadeagled her field before a quarter had been negotiated and was eased up in the final sixteenth Elctiva began slowly but closed quite a gap from the head of the stretch and finished stoutly Follow was worn out in chasing the pacemaker but ran well as far as he went Tho last two were never con ¬ tenders Pirate Girl was kicked while at the post Scratched 272322Bon Milam 113 No show betting O rT O fj SECOND RACE 3 l Mile Purse 250 Syaarolds and upward Maidens 4 j O Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St M Vt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27009 GHETTO 4 109 1 12 11 1 1 J Martin CartheraShieIds85 3 85 710 27064 ONANETTA 4 102 5 5272093MR 51 4 52 21 R Steele J B Riley 34485 272093MR POMEROY 3 105 8 71 2a 21 31 Paretto Torreyson Bros 85331 27209 LECTURER 3 105 4 4269912DYNASTY 62 51 41 4i J Miller MannionConnelU 552 5522K 269912DYNASTY 3 102 6 2K 31 3i 51 JHothersllW T Washam Jr 5 7 7 2 26907 TOM POE 3 102 3 3PET 32 7 51 61 McCann P Burke 6 20 20 8 PET SHOT 3 100 11 11 8 8 71 A Weber J P Davia 6 20 20 8 21910 SEIP 3 104 7 8 62 7 82 Givens J Woods 10 15 15 5 27185 COLONEL ROREB3 105 12 12HAZEL 12 9 9 9 Ball JJames 15 40 40 15 HAZEL RAY 3 104110 9 10 10 102 Berman Oots Bros 15 20 20 8 21126ALICE MANTELL3 100 9 10 11 11 1H C Murphy T C Dolan 15 20 15 6 27034 DEWEY D 4 109 2 4 = 12 12 12 Hehberger Mrs G H Pierce 8 10 10 4 Omitted from entries Time 24 481 1 14h 14hWinner Winner B c by Strathmore La Joive JoiveWont Wont to post at 301 At post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second the same Ghetto showed plenty of speed but wanted to quit from the head of the stretch Martin was compelled to do his best to land his mount first Onanetta was in a pocket to the last eighth but when clear ran around the other horses and came strongly on the outside and would have won in the next stride Mr Pomeroy had no mishaps He had clear sailing from the threequarter post There was considerable interference on the backstretch from which Dynasty and Lecturer suf ¬ fered severely severelyCorrectnd Correctnd weights Lecturer 105 105Overweights Overweights Dynasty 2 pounds Seip 2 Hazel Ray 41 41Ghetto Ghetto show out Onanetta ehow 4 to 5 Mr Pomeroy show 1 to 2 TH1KD RACKShort Course Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt St 3 6 9 12 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 272303 J MEG1BBBN 6 136 3 li H 12 H H It L Webster A Shields 85 2i 8545 27230 COLBY 4140 1 21 22 32 22 23 2 W JohnaonT L Pierce 322 2 35 27230 TATES CHEKS 145 4 32 33 2 3 36 38 Moxley C C Bewail 85 2 2 45 37230 D CLARNfIO7 142 2 5 6 42 43 4 46 J A Weber C H ik fe Sons 6662 27230 GWJEN KINS3 125 6 6 51 5 5 5 5 ODonnell M J Maloney 8 12 12 4 27230 ROXBURGH 4 131 5 41 4i Fell Casey D Johnson 4662 4662Time Time 250 250Winner Winner B h by Eberlee Battle Belle BelleWent Went to post at 326 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second easily The first two had the race between them all the way Both were driving to the limit at the finish Jim immediately Don Clarencios race was an improvement George W Jenkins is a poor jumper and seems to hfve but little speed Roxburgh had no chance when he fall fall8cratched272302Lord 8cratched272302Lord Farandole 158 27230 Nidanas 135 27230 Ikie W 130 130Overweights Overweights Tates Creek 3 pounds Roxburgh 3 3No No show betting on first three L r7 V f f FOURTH HACK 1 flllie Purae 300 Syearolde and upward Allowances 27269 Ind Horses A Wt St M A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 47187TBEBOB 6101 1 5 31 21 li 1 Howell K J Murphy 75858525 27187 VELMA CLARK 3 86 4 IH Hi 12 23 2 J Martin W L Hazelip 71071035 out 27231 ALOHA II 4 99 3 23 21 32 32 33 A Weber A C Jones 10 12 12 4 4272112IR1BH 272112IR1BH JEWEL 4 113 2 31 4 43 42 V R Steele A H Vivell 4551 27213 B G FOX 5104 5 41 5 56 56 56 Berman D P Rodgers 6 10 10 3 uoooo 26863 ft RICE v 5 104 6 6 6 6 6 6 Finnerty Miller Co 20 20 20 6 Time 25 49 1 14i 1 39l Winner Brg by Barnes Betty W WWent Went to post at 355 At post 1 minute Start good Won canterini canteriniTrebor Trebor ran the race of his life He allowed Velma Clark to make tho running for six furlongs when he moved up and drawing away in the stretch came homo in a canter Velma Clark ran her race and had no mishaps Aloha II showed plenty of speed in the first part of the race but tired and quit under the hot pace Irish Jewel could never get up while the other two wore woreSeel8c Seel8c ° atched 272312Charley OBrien 114 27147 Cormorant 104 Overweights Irish Jewel 4 pounds Rice 3 Trebor show out Aloha II show 3 to 2 OT Tfl FIFTH HACK 1 l ftiiies Purse 5250 3yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses A Wt St St X S StrFin Jockeys Owners O H OP 7210CEYLON 4 101 7 61 63 53 52 31 11 1 Michaels W Oliver 85 3365 JARBOE5 110 1 31 32 32 31 li 2 McCann Mrs M Goldblatt 46485 70803BAFFLED 4 108 2 41 42 42 41 21 33 W Nelson E W Fitzgerald 85 2245 278 BENTLEY B 5 106 3 5 51 65 610 68 4 JHothersllGiles Babbitt 8 10 10 3 27212 EDNA GERRY 4 97 4 IH IH l 22 51 51 R Steele W Webb 3 5 3 85 27014 AUTOMATON 3 99 5 21 2 2H 1 41 6io A Weber H Herendeen Co2i 21 21 1 T 10 K ELKWOOD 8 100 6777777 C Jackson H Simmons Co 12 20 20 8 8Omitted Omitted from entries Time 24 49h 1 15 1 42 1 56 56Winner Winner Br g by Hindoo Amy Davenport Went to post at 424 At post 1 minute Start good Won cleverly second driving Ceylon saved two lengths at the stretch turn and under a vigorous ride caught Jessie Jarboe in the last fifty yards The latter seemed all over a winner when a sixteenth out but quit whan challanged Baffled finished stoutly Edna Gerry and Automaton raced as a team to the head of the stretch where Edna Gerry went wide carrying Automaton with her But for this accident they would possibly have run onetwo Bentloy B ran to his mark Tho winner was bid up 5125 and bought boughty y Ceylon sbow 1 to 2 Jessie Jarboe show 4 to 5 BafHed show out Edna Gerry show 4to5 Automaton show 1 to 2 SIXTH RACK 34 Mile Puree 250 4yearolds and upward Selling f T V T 1 A Wt Bt U K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 26996 NINA B L 4 105 2 2H IH H 11 Givona SputhwodOdairS 3 3 65 72092 LADY KENT 4105 3 32 23 22 23 Berman F Raumheckol 21 21 21 45 45LiND LiND iffii l 1 it 3 MSB1 KVc0 t5 jU jU271853MRS 271853MRS DANIELS 4 102 9 7 61 7 55 Paretto Torreyson Bros 12 15 lo 6 SJ N 44 9976 78 98 94J 8 8 5 SW U o 20 1 M RTT0 46 II I If I S gSSSP L U o 2713 CROE3US 7 98 10 10 10 10 10 Henderson L Thompson 30 ICO 100 30 30Time Time 2H 49 1141 1141Winner Winner B f by Cavalier Savitri j i XT XTWent Went to post at 455 At post 1 minute Start good Won riddon out second easily Nina B L was best handled at tho end and onUamed Lady Kent The latter was clear from all inter ¬ ference but faltered when it came to a drive Little Land ran a winning race for five furlongs then tired Aurea began slowly but closed a big gap and finished strongly Fairy Dell showed speed in spots and can do batter Calopcan was evidently not fit Scratched 27124 Elba 102 26682 Lanreatoa 102 102Overweights Overweights Jena 3 pounds Nina B L show 1 to 2 Lady Kent ahow 2 to 5 Littlo Land show evens Aurea show 2 to 5