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HAMILTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Balling Ind Horsts Age Wt Hdcp 27207 Grandeur 4 110 690 26683 Laurentian 4 110 695 27177 Tenderloin 4 107 715 27205 Boyal Salute 5 107 710 25737 Devils Own 4 107 695 27260 Verna K 4 107 700 26882 Glad Hand 5 105 710 27172 Bandy 4 105 700 27205 Magog 4 105 705 705272073Viotent 272073Viotent 6 105 725 27202 Innomioatum 4 102 700 26087 Samivel 6102 720 27205 Ahamo 4 100 705 705271773Badimtge 271773Badimtge 4 100 715 715Second Second Race fi8 Mile 2yoarolda Allowances Allowances26614SWire 26614SWire In 114 710 27173 Moderator 109 715 715272473ilk 272473ilk Cord 109 720 270242 Meditation 101 725 27261 Merriment 101 715 715Third Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Balling Balling27156Obatinate 27156Obatinate Simon 5 Ill 705 27249 Bathlin 4 105 710 271742 Bellcourt 5 105 715 27054 All Saints 3 101 720 27174 Gray Dally 3 100 705 27112 The Golden Prince 3 88 725 725Fourth Fourth Race 4 1S Furlongs 2yearolds Belling 27264 Concertina Ill 710 7102726i2Eaey 2726i2Eaey Street 110 725 72527251Paper 27251Paper Maker 108 705 27173 Halmetta 107 720 720270833Lady 270833Lady Patroness 105 715 27203 Latch String 100 700 27261 Snuffers 99 695 25846 Caller Herrin 98 715 715Fifth Fifth Race 5 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances27111Edinborough 27111Edinborough 4 110 715 27176 Hie Away 4 107 720 27172 Blacltford S105 700 27202 Bacebnd 5 105 710 710271112Coralis 271112Coralis 6 103 725 27106 Edna J 3 98 705 27111 Mauga 3 96 715 715Sixth Sixth Race 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds Belling 27159 Magnus Troil 107 725 27206 Pando 102 700 27084 Beau 99 720 27207 Isaac Hopper 96 705 27268 Younr Henry 93 715