Harlem Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-06


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HARLEM FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CHICAGO ILL August 5 First day Harlem Jockey Clnb Bummer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presidios Judge Col A W Hamilton Starter Bichard Dwyar Racing starts at 230 pm O T O PC Q PIB8T BACE6 l JFurlongs Purse 400 75 to second 325 to third i f O O 8yearolde and upward Sailing Ind Horses A Wt Bt M tf 3 StrFiu Jockeys Owners O H C P 271S5 W B GATES 5 105 6 6 72 7 V B Sullivan G C Bennett Co 6 18 18 7 28980 BANCO 4103 U 2 H 11 23 T Knight JD McMillan Co6 15 15 5 267223HYLO 3 98 51 51 61 61 31 Helgeson Lockart Bros 10 16 15 6 25525 LUC BE AMBLE 5 101 2 33 32 32 41 J Hicka J Brenock 20 40 40 12 27104 TBIADITZA 4 105 3 1 22 21 5 Dominick J W Schorr 2 3 1151 26797 BOSA DIAH T 4 103 IK 8 83 81 6 Narvaez C B Campbell 20 20 16 6 27191EMMA C L 3 94 4n 41 4 41 71 Birkenrnth D V Grace Co 3 41 4 85 27131THE PHNICIAN 6 98 9 9 9 9 831 LAJackson H E Bowell 20 20 15 6 26021 PCESBOTILLIES 96 82 72 5 5 9 J Banch H Bobinson 6 6 3 65 Apprentica 65Apprentica allowance Time 31 56 1 09 1 21 21Winner Winner B g by Prince Boyal Penelope Went to post at 230 At poet 7 minutes Start good Won handily second easily W B Gates came with a well timed rush in the last sixteenth and was going away at the end Banco was tiring in the last sixteenth after showing a groat deal of early speed Hylo finished stoutly through the stretch Lucille Bramblowas tiring fast at the end Triaditza had enough after six furlongs had been run Emma C L ran fairly well in the first part of the race Overweights poundW raceOverweights Emma C L 1 pound W B Gates show 21 to 1 Banco show 8 to 5 Hylo show 21 to 1 Triaditza show 1 to 2 Emma C L show 4 to 5 Princess Otillie show 3 to 5 r7 1 pT A SECOND BACK 34 Mile Purse 400 75 to eecond 25 to third i I A ft tar 3yaarolds and upward Allowances Ind Horsis A Wt St 24 H 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 272242MISS BENNETT 3 104 It It272243BDBNIE 11 1 IH 11 Dominick G C Bennett Co 12 12 25 out outSH 272243BDBNIE BUNTNS 100 Si SH 221 23 23 Bansom J F Newman 8 12 12 2 26843 FEDEBAL 5 107 2n 2n268411TOAH 61 41 32 35 Conley L Marion Co 15 30 30 6 268411TOAH 3 102 51 8 611 52 43 J Ranch P Dunne 4 51 51 1110 27042 VULCAIN 4 116 8 72 52 6 63 521 T Meade B C Hildreth 8 16 16 31 313H 20052 OSCAR 3 95 41 3H 3 SKI 4 4Ni 65 J Hicks C E Bowe 30 150 150 30 25529 NATDBAL GAS 3 99 7H 7HVONZOLLERN 4 8 72 7 Otis Miller Finch 30 60 60 15 VONZOLLERN 15YONZOLLERN 3 100 6 5 72 8 8 J MclnernyC T Boots 60 200 40 12 12Time Time 12J 24 48 113 Winner Ch f by Bnssell Memoria MemoriaWent Went to poet at 300 At post 7 minutes Start good Won handily second easily It was a two horse affair from start to finish Miss Bennett outgaming Bnrnie Burton in the last six ¬ teenth Federal ran a cracking good race and finished fast and strongly Toah was always outrun as was also Yulcain Oscar was right there for five furlongs and can win when placed right speedScratched Natural Gas showed a little early speed Scratched 27163 Hart D 105 271022Emma B 97 27224 Headwater 109 27224 Lonox 95 Overweights 95Overweights Natural Gas 1 pound Vonzollern 5 Burnie Bunton show 3 to 5 Federal show 2 to 1 O rf O K K THIRD BACK Jshort Course 4yearolds and upward Handicap A I O O The thirdNat Golf Steeplechase 800 added 200 to second S100 to third Nat value to winner 970 Ind Horses A Wt St 4 6 9 11 StrFin Jockeys Owners i 26981 FILON DOB 5 158 421 43 4 21 11 11 12 Ellison S C Hildreth 4442 25M2ALICE 444225M2ALICE B 5 133 31 5 5 J 13 25 23 2 C Johnson J Brenock 6 10 10 3 260X5 U HUNDBED4 131 1 21 21 35 33 33 31 Lloyd J W Colt 2 2 2 1 271632DONATION 8 148 6 6 6 5 48 48 420 y Hughes Mrs J T Stewart 85 21 21 1 269812FLACCU8 4 130 5 31 SH 43 5 5 5 Honlihan J D Hooe 2 2 2 1 271623CBEST 4 142 21 IT IB Fell Slater Ezell Lazarus 4993 34Winner Coupled in betting Time 3 34 Winner FidesWent Ch g by Bayou dOr Fides Went to post at 330 At post 2 minutes Start good Won hands down second easily Filou dOr was easily the best made bis run at the right time and came home under restraint Alice B was easily the best of the others Bermuda Hundred tired in the latter part of the chase Hughes on Donation laid entirely too far out of the race and made up his ground too fast in the latter part of the trip Flaccns ran well up to the sixth jump and then gradually retired Crest was going well when she fell at the sixth jump She camo near fumbling the fifth obstacle neckScratched27162 the rider luckily retaining his seat by clinging to her neck Scratched27162 Dick Fnrber140 26385 Walter Cleary 148 272303 Jim Megibben 133 260632 Coronatus 142 142Overweights Overweights Bermuda Hundred 3 pounds poundsFilon Filon dOr show evens Alice B show evens Bnrmuda Hundred show 3 to 5 Donation T f PJ v FOUBTH BACK 1 116 Miles Purse 700 75 to second 25 to third JU I tJJ 3yearolde and upward Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 270402 VE3UVIAN 4104 1 = 2 2 25 12 12iT Knight W B JanningeCo 92092025 out 271033SCOTCH out271033SCOTCH PLAID 6 108 3 12 12 lr 210 212 J Ranch BnrnsWaterhse 85 11511518 27161 8TBANGE8T 5 111 21 3 3 3 3 3 Davisson C K Bnrdeau 20 20 18 3 Time 24 49 g 1 14 1 40 1 46 Winner SpringWent B c by St Andrew Hot Spring Went to post at 4 K0 At post 1 minute Start good Won easily second the same Yesnvian suffered Scotch Plaid to remain in the lead for a half mile and then easily went to the front His race wae a big improvement over his last performance Scotch Plaid was done for after six furlongs had been run Strangest was never a contender FIFTH BACK58 Mile Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 2yearolds Allowances Ind Horses A Wt St K X StrFin Jockeys Owner i O H O P 271643JAUBERT 108 1 21 31 2 IN Alexander H J Scoggan 366 271642HOSEWAR 97 4 25 41 4 2 J Banch BnrnBWaterhse45 1 1 25 27130IBHTAR 93 311 31 21 31 3 T Meade A Poniatowski 6872 271S3SHEHODIADE E 6872E 108 21 U U H 4 Dominick G C Bennett Co 4 61 61 2 27194 HOODWINK 102 8 73 63 52 52 Vest CEBrossman 10 20 20 7 26890 MARY PINE 88 5 4 = 5 65 65 Davisson J N McCarthy 15 15 9 3 2M90 COACOA 89 72 65 T 715 715 Fields W T Muir 100 100 100 30 WHIFF1T 97 9 9 9 82 83 Weir J B Bespass 30 100 ICO 30 JOHN 30ABB H CABB ABB 88 63 gs 83 9 9 Beaton J Curl 30 100 100 40 Time 40Time 12 36 48 1 00 Winner MishapWent Br c by Azra Mishap Went to post at 4 25 At post 6 minutes Start fair Won driving second and third the lame Jaubert always well up finished strongly on the inside rail and just managed to get his noeo over the liiiO in front Bqsewar came like a rocket at the end and would have won in an ¬ other stride Ishtar was the victim of a weak ride Meade losing his wits in the closing stride Herodiado quit when a sixteenth out Mary Pine showed early speed but could not carry it far 8cratched26979Mure8ca 100 27221 Ermack 88 25418 Brannigan 103 Overweights Hoodwink 2 pounds Coacoa 1 W hifflt 4 Jaubart show 4 to 5 Bosowar show out Ishtar show 4 to 5 O r7 b K Q SIXTH HACK 6 12 Furlox gs Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third 4 1 O O 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt St U V4 K StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO 27131 LIKENESS 3 98 2 21 2n 2 IH J Banch T F Sailers 3 3 21 1 27222 ANDES 5 103 IH 5n 41 5 22 Otis J Arthur 466 27104JFLEDBON 4105 4 IH 12 IN 31 T Knight MrsJBBrnanCo5 6 6 26869 EVELYN BYBD 5 103 3 31 51 73 421 Dominick F C Moshier Co 8 12 12 5 26796 MINYON 4 103 51 62 7 42 511 B Sullivan J F Newman 12 20 20 8 271952CON8TELLATOB4 1081 8 71 61 6 6 JWinkfleldT H Byan 3 41 1651 27104 BBAW LAD 7 109 61 41 1 311 31 75 C Mitchell J O Keene 10 17 17 5 27222 IF YOU DABE 3 102 711 8888 Daviseon Bolich Sweet 6883 Apprentice allowance Time 24 48 1 09 1 13 1 20 20Winnerfir LikelyIlliseeWent Winnerfir f by LikelyIllisee Went to post at 455 At post 22 minutes Start good Won driving to the limit second easily Likeness just lasted long enough to beat Andes a head on the post The latter finished fast and strongly and would have won in another stride Flenron tired in the last one hundred yards Evelyn By rd ran a good race bnt bad enough a sixteenth out Minyon was cut off badly on the inside rail at the last sixteenth post She was running well within herself at the time Conetellator had no chance from where he got off Braw Lad was right there to the last six ¬ teenth teenthBoratcbed27222 Boratcbed27222 Phil Eisel 103 26797 Sim W 107 107Overweights Overweights Conatellator 11 pounds Braw Lad 1 1Likeness Likeness show 1 to 2 Andes show 6 to 5 Fleuron show evens Constellator show 1 to 2 bEVKNTH BACK 1 18 Miles Purse 400 75 to second 25 to third Ind Horses A Wt Bt St fc M X StrFin Jockeys Owners O HOP 272252ALASKA 6 109 6 7 61 4 22 14 U Alexander A M Linnell Co 1153 3 1110 271951TAM CHIEFS 97 SH SH 3 3U 321 21 2 J Banch J W Schorr 85 85 85 35 35AQMAB AQMAB 6107 51 S 2 22141 4s 31 Baesinger BT Wright Co SO 50 50 15 27134FBNGIBLE4 108 11 5 5i 51 50 53 4 Schwartz Bold Bros 7 6 115 270753CHOBU8 BOYS 111 2 IH Hi 12J 11 31 55 j WinkfleldH Bobinson 41 81 95 1 27192LIT SINGES 6 99 7 62 7 7 61 65 63 Otis B M Hennessey 30 40 40 12 26953 FOX BABD 4 104 4 41 42 6 7 7 7 T Knight F Grady Co 15 25 25 8 27226MUBKALNGE8 104 Left at the post J MoInernyF M Arthur SO 100 80 25 Apprentice allowance Time 24Vg 49 1 14J 1 41 1 55 Winner 55Winner Ch g by Fellowcharm Sister to Butu Kyan Went KyanWent to post at 5 35 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Alaska moved up fast when entering the last quarter and fairly ran away from hie field Tammany Chief finished strongly but had no chance to beat the winner Dagmar overraced himself put ¬ ting up a good performance Frangible was meesed all about and ran a poor race under a poor ride mileScratched Chorns Boy was right there for almost a mile Scratched 24462 George Lee 101 101Corrected Corrected weights Chorus Boy 111 111Overweights Overweights poundAlaska Dagmar 1 pound Alaska show 1 to 2 Tammany Chief show 1 to 4 Dagmar show 6 to 1 Chorus Boy show 4 to 5

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901080601/drf1901080601_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1901080601_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800