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ISSUED BVSBY DAY Hmsrloan Turf Congress Becom BecomOFTIOIAIi OFTIOIAIi OBOAN OF OFTHE THE AMEBICAN TUBF CONGBESS CONGBESSAND AND ANDWestern Western JQCKBIJ Glut Bulletin BulletinOFFICIAL OFFICIAL OEQAN OF OFTHE THE WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB GAILY BAOING FOBM PUBLISHING CO COPYBIGHTED COPYBIGHTEDKKtsred KKtsred according to Act of Congress in th y ar 1901 by Frank H Brunoll in the offico ton D 0 U 8 A AShi Shi chart and index numbsrs and track form of DAILY BAOING FOBU mnst not ba nssd They ar copyrighted daily and will bo keenly protected A Dally Bcfloction of tho American Tnrf by Telegraph stared in the Foot Office at Chicago as second olaei matter 1J4126 Fifth Avenue Chicago Illinois XDITOB AND PHOPKIETOB F H BEUNELL BEUNELLASSOOIATH ASSOOIATH EDITOR CLINTON C BILEY BILEYBBOBBTABT BBOBBTABT MBS F H BBUNBLL B0B80BIPTION8 MUST BS PAID IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS TBBMB TBBMBFor For Month S 125 125Half Half Year 750 750One One Year 1400 1400Sha Sha aboTO rates are for single copiee aa sealed sealedletters letters firstclass mail Dallr Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to tosend send eingla coulee as firstclass mail in all alleases eases easesOM1 OM1 enbscriptlons ontsiae the down town dietriot frill be declined at other than first firstclass class mail matter rates So bo considared and answered all queries to DAILY BAOING FOBU mnst be sent over the full name and with the name of tho writer Thoso names and addresses are snbjact to a local and foreign directory test ST LOUIS MO OFFICE 19 N BBOADWAY BBOADWAYBasement Basement M Mnrphy Agent AgentOn On Sale at 830 am amDAILY DAILY BAOING FOBM can ba delivered to any address in St Louie LouieBack Back numbers can be promptly supplied suppliedOrdora Ordora for advertisements can be left at tho St Louie office for telegraphic transmission CINCINNATI OFFICE40S41C Vine Street StreetJ J B Hawloy Agent On Sale at Noon OUBOIT OFFICE 189 Griswold Street Onsale at 900 am A3 NASHVILLE TENN Dnncan Hotel HotelAT AT TOBONTO ONT ONTG G orgs MeSwoanoy Iroqnois Hotel HotelAT AT NEW OBLEANS LA LAH H J Hollo tl Commorcial Place PlaceAT AT KANSAS CITY MO MOBickBQcker BickBQcker Cigar and News Co Ninth and Walnut Streets StreetsAT AT HOT SPB1NGS ABK ABKF F C Boving 418 Central Avenue AvenueAT AT DENVEB COL COLHamilton Hamilton Kendrick 906912 17th Street StreetAT AT MEMPHIS TENN B M Mansford Co E H Clarke Bro 1 CHICAGO ILL AUGUST 22 1901