Windsor Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-22


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WINDSOR ENTRIES Frobabilitiea Weather clear track good goodFirst First Race 7 13 Furlongs Furlongs3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Belling BellingInd Ind Horses Aae Wt Hdep Hdep276302Longflo 276302Longflo S106 710 27671 Aloha II 4105 725 27560 Rare Perfume 5 104 715 27630 Hinsdale 3 103 705 27629 Round O 4 101 700 700276273Prince 276273Prince Zeno 6 101 710 27665 Troubeam 5 9 7 KT 27627 Polly Bixby v 4 99 705 705276292Marion 276292Marion Lynch 4 99 720 27544 KingElkwood 8 96 695 695276652Elbe 276652Elbe 4 94 715 27559 Madeline G 3 92 690 690Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Belling 25003 Hot 101 665 27702 Ardita 101 675 27208 Dougherty 98 665 27626 King Ford 98 690 27702 The Widow 98 670 27598 Ben Hnllnm 98 700 27558 Lathrop 93 680 27540 Maid of Dundee 95 680 680276263Vela 276263Vela 95 685 27702 Edna Kennor 95 670 670238993Yetta 238993Yetta P 95 685 685Third Third Race 34 Mile All Ages Allowances Allowances276282Joe 276282Joe Martin 4117 725 27146 Senator Beveridge 3 115 715 27628 Prince Russell 5 112 700 27628 Georgia 5 107 710 71027B94Panl 27B94Panl Creyton 2 88 705 27666 Wakita 2 85 720 720276282Lacrimae 276282Lacrimae 2 85 710 710Fourth Fourth Race a Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling27671B 27671B G Fox 5 112 725 72527630Tea 27630Tea Gown 3108 710 27541 Sanber 6 105 715 71527629Edna 27629Edna Gerry 4104 720 27630 Ceylon 4 101 701 27544 Fusion 5 97 700 27671 Tempt 3 98 705 705276253Alex 276253Alex Pearson 3 87 715 27629 Georgia Gardner 3 85 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Belling Belling276S9 276S9 Raveling 3 109 715 71527557Life 27557Life Line 3 106 690 69027S31Nlna 27S31Nlna B L 4 105 710 71027689Toluca 27689Toluca 5105 715 71527562JExpelled 27562JExpelled 4 104 725 27871 Nyx 8 102 710 27665 Northumbria 4 99 705 27480 Sister Kate II S 98 720 72027S49 27S49 ZackFord 3 97 TOO TOO27559Bean 27559Bean 3 95 695 69527625Porter 27625Porter B 3 92 705 27497 Rustic Girl 3 89 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile8yearolds 8yearolds and upward Belling Ind Horses color sax pedigree Wt Hdcp 27497 Grandad 5 109 660 27557 John Todd 4 109 685 27627 Albert Lee 4 109 700 700Dr Dr Stevens b c by Oc ¬ topus Ignoramus 3 105 27290 Spud Caldwell 8 102 660 27448 McWilliama 3 102 670 27350 Dr Moore 3 102 675 27500 Tenario S102 680 27701 John McGnrk S102 190 190Lady Lady Carnival 3 100 27557 Pet Shot 3 100 665 665277063Dynasty 277063Dynasty 3 100 185 27267 Hazel Bay I1W M

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Local Identifier: drf1901082201_3_9
Library of Congress Record: