untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-08-22


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HICAGO THURSDAY JLTJ TST 22 1901 Gtilcago Joofcey Glut HAWTHORNE AUGUST 22 The Emerald Stakes AUGUST 24 The Excelsior a Steeplechase Handicap for four Stakes a Handicap Sweepstakes yearolds and upward 800 add ¬ for threeyearolds 52000 added ed Short Course One Mile and a Furlong MUSIC BY CICERO ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 100 IIMnnK f ff f ntral trains leave Randolph Btreet at 940 am 1230 1250 105 115 and 150 The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated and Madison St Ogden Avei 12th Bt and 22ad Bi groundsAve lIUlo V CIIUCU pm stopping at Van Bnren Park BowHalstcd street and Ashland lines connect with electric cars every seven minutes direct to grounds groundsSpecial Ave returning at 4 39 pm and after races Does not stop at Ashland Ave Q Special electric cars leave State and Tan Bnren streets at 1250 t 100 110 n and 115 pm stop ¬ ping only at Canal Halsted Ashland and Ogden Aves direct to track in 40 minutes Oa Wednesday and Saturday only CD trains leave Union Depot at 12 15 1 05 1 28 and 2 10 pmstopping at Siztoeath Metropolitan express trains leaving Pacific Ave ana Tan Bnren St at 12 41 12 51 and 1 01 pm W St Bine Island and Western Avae returning after races stop at all stations on Loop Franklin Halsted and llarehflold Ave reaching track in 27 minntes from Franklin Bt Fare For Round Trip on Special Trains 25 Cents Sheridan Clark Secy Room 403 Monadnock Bnilding

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901082201/drf1901082201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1901082201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800