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FORT ERIE FORM CHART CHART1FORT 1FORT ERIK OUT August 31 Fortysecond day Fort Erie Racing Association AssociationBummer Bummer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Starter Mars Cassidv Racing starts at 230 p m FIRST HACE34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Maidens Allowances 27695 Ind Horses A AWt Wt Bt 8t M H 3 StrFin Jockeys O H C P 27641 REMSEN 104 1 1375773FAR8IGHT 22 11 12 11 LThompsnH McCarren Jr 44485 375773FAR8IGHT 101 4 6 61 31 21 Haydon E J Nash 33365 333657i 24287 MOLLIE PEYTON 105 6 7i SHK 2s 31 Kinsella R W Neilson 40 40 10 4 4S 27641 WILLAHD J 103 8 S 8 51 4 Troxler E H Hanna 8 8 8 S 27641 CHAIRMAN 104 7 44 4 5i McQnade M Kabn 10 10 8 3 36791 JOHNNY BROWN 107 9 0 9 9 61 Callahan Cahill Andereon2i 3 3 65 27395 AUROUS 104 5 3 31 7 7 Minder Mrs M C LylesCo8 6 6 21 26834 KERRY MILLS 101 10 10 11 10 8 LOaly 50 100 100 40 27577 NONPAREIL 99 11 11 12 11 9 Lorenz O L Richards 10 12 12 5 21088 VICTOR 111 12 12 13 12 10 W Morris J Callahan 27641 GR BILL HIGGINS 101 3 1 IH 21 8 11 Adams J Maiden 6883 27574 JUVEN JUVENCDB CDS 114 IS 13 10 6 12 H Lewis H Lowie 10 10 10 4 27641 HAYSEED 103 2 51 7 13 13 Blake J K Garnett 12 15 15 6 27641 BUNNY GIRL 100 14 14 14 14 14 Alario A M Higgins 10 12 12 5 5Time Time 231 481 115 115Winner Winner Ch c by St Leonards Lucille LucilleWent Went to post at 250 At post 5 minutes Start good Won driving second tha same Rom sen want to the front early without much of an effort but was doing his best all through the last furlong to stall of Farsight The latter caught Mollie Peyton tiring when rounding the far turn but hung whan it came to a drive Mollio Peyton ran a good race Willard J closed a big JQD Aurens and Gray Bill Higgins showed early speed but tired and quit quitScratched27641 Scratched27641 Northman 104 104Overweights Overweights Willard J 2 pounds Victor Juvencus 1 Hayseed 2 Sunny Girl 1 1Remsen Remsen show 4 to 5 Farsight show 3 to 5 Mollie Peyton show 2 to 1 Johnny Brown fihow 3 to 5 SECOND RACE 4 12 ITurlongs Purse 250 2yearolds Selling 27696 Inii Horses A Wt Bt K K BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 107 1 12 H Hi May FBrnhnsCo 34475 075343CIRCUB GIRL 107 2 22 23 21 Troxler W Hendrio 5552 5552276372LATCH 276372LATCH STRING 107 5 S 33 32 Blake F Reagan 1 1 710 out 27517 APPOINTEE 110 6 6i 51 43 R Bendar J Wild Co 10 10 10 4 27396 EFFRONTERY 114 3 52 4 51 H Lawis H Lewis 10 10 10 4 27575 OUEEN FBIEBE 107 4 4 6 6 L Jackson Chambers Co 40 50 50 15 l5753CORMAC 107 8 877 LThompsnF A Hart Co 4552 27083 DORSET 112 9 998 Force J E Lane Co 10 12 12 5 DOMINICAN 115 7 7 8 9 W Morris Nagla Mannix 10 15 15 6 6BENBLANTON BENBLANTON 11510 10 10 10 WashingtnMrs MC LylesCo 15 20 20 8 8Time Time 23 49 55 55Winner Winner Ch f by The Reaper Lison LisonWent Went to post at 3 23 At post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second tho same Jannita 5M showed the most speed all the way and was never in trouble She was taken the short route and saved ground at all turns Circus Girl was easily the host of tha others Troxler did not Dersevere with bar whan ha saw he could not beat tha winner Latch String began slowly and 3 hustled along from flagfall Appointee closed a big gap gapScratched Scratched 27613 John P Roth 107 27575 Silver Chimes 107 107Overweights Overweights Appointee 3 pounds Effrontery 2 IR Oirl ehnw avons T THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds Allowances 27697 Tnd Horses A Wt Bt Ji X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 2768S EDITH C 102 1 1 H 1 13 May W R Baker Co 7883 27683 MAGNEWC 107 5 51 3 3 2 21 Hayden F Martin 65 75 75 35 106 2 3a 58 42 31 3 Alaria P Reagan 95 2 2 710 101 4 21 11 21 41 41 LThompsnLamasney Bros 3 3 3 1 mAPENZANCE 93 3 41 4 5 5 0 550 L Jackson W Weir Co 44475 H AW ANTITHESIS LiL MDiD 103 6 8 6 6 6 6 Blake J K Garnett 30 50 50 20 Tim8 24 481 1 14i 1271 WInnerB f by FabnlqnBWicketit j r Mvar In trouble and ehowed irreat spaed today Her racing is vary inconsistent Magnetic d BMU did tbiir best and fought it out all through the last quarter for second place Com petitor showed speed but quit Ho likes about six furlongs best Ida Penzance was never a contender stageEdith at any stage Edith Q show ovens Magnetic show out Beau show out Competitor show 1 to 2 Ida Penzance show 3 to 5 i 2 76 9 8 FOURTH HACS1 mie Pn o250 3yaarolds and upward Belling InA Horeea A Wt Bt K K 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27577 AHGANAUTA 3 89 9 52 3a 2 13 In Lorenz M Kahn 4 4 4 8 = 5 27202 L W 7 104 4 32 4 35 3 25 May 20 0 20 8 S MayS i rB lUlEEr lUlEErsMS E 8E L Lft sMS f 2 ftSfeS ft a 888 jj I JfiS ittta 88 8 i 27533 TEliPLAH 4102 3 4i 51 4n 7 9 Finnerty GB Waters 20 20 20 8 27678 JS8S PORTER II6 103 1 9 11 11 10 10 Troxler JDyment 12 12 12 5 27424 THE LOAFER 3 9 7 21 21 7 11 11 Hayden W A Eraser 60 50 20 8 8m Time 24 481 1141 1411 m Winner ArnicaWent 1411Winner Br f f by Top Gallant Arnica Went to post at 425 At post 10 minutes Start good Won in a drive second easily Ar gananta saved ground when rounding the turn into the stretch after eoing around her field to got up She was tiring at the end and driving to the limit to stall off L W Tho latter ran a eood race and would havo won in another stride Highland Prince caught Frandoo tiring and beat him out in the last few strides for third place Frandoo showed speed but could not last the journey out outScratched Scratched 27636 Randy 112 27E3S GaUienne 102 Overweights 102Overweights Jessamine Porter II 1 pound Little Tommy Tucker 2 Arganauta show 4 to 5 L W show 4 to 1 Highland Prince show 2 to 1 Frandoo show out Little Tommy Tucker show out 2 T 0 9 9 A oSSrr l FuTlousa par88 5250 yaarolds and upward Ind Horses A Wt Bt M V BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 276143OCONEE 4 102 3 12 1 13 li L Jackson L Smitha Co 85 85 65 12 27535JTYRBA 1227535JTYRBA 5 109 1 8 41 21 2 McQnade B L Cole 33365 27302 1NNOUINATUM 4 94 6 5 6 S 36 Adams LTilt 40 40 20 6 274Z1 8AMIVEL 6 114 4 21 2 41 4n H Lewis P M Civill 21 3 3 65 27302 GLAD HAND 5 94 5 31 32 6 51 Hadfarn O O West Co 15 15 6 2 27682 DIVA 5 96 2 4 511 51 6 W Woods J Cochrane 30 30 20 6 27612 PH PLAUSIBLE 5 103 Left at tha post Blake J K Garnett 33365 33365m Time 231 47 101 1071 m Winner 1071Winner B f by Julian Jolly Nun NunWent Went to post at 455 At post 13 minutes Start bad Won in a drive second the same Ooonee was off with a running start but was tiring at the end and out to the last ounce Tyrba was used up getting to the leader and hung in the last fifty yards Innominatum finished fast and would have been second in another stride strideOverweights Overweights Samivel 5 pounds Diva 4 Prince Plausible 4 Oconee show out Tyrba show 1 to 2 Innominatnm show 3 to 1 Samivel show 1 to 2 Prince Plausible show 1 to 2 277OO SIXTH RACE 1 Mi lo Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horses A Wt 8t 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 27639 DICK WAHKEN 9 111 5 41 31 31 32 Si Blake D Wheelihan S 4 3 1 276832PRCE OF SONG 3 101 6 61 51 51 61 4 L Jackson F S Nelson S Si 21 1 276122BADGE BELL 3 89 3 3 I 21 4n 51 Adams W T Baldwin 344 75 27535 SILVER GARTER 4 112 77777 6 L Daly M J Daly 10 20 20 8 27636 EXIT 5 109 2 75Time 1 21 1 51 7 Hayden Nagle Mannix 3 81 31 75 Time 25 4911 15i 143 143Winner Winner B g by Water Level Miss House HouseWent Went to post at 5 35 At post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Water house came away at the head of tho ekretch and won with speed in reserve Ziogfald hung in the showsd in front for a few strides Dick Warren Badge Bell and Exit tired ia the run ho The last two raced themselves into exhaustion in front frontScratched275213Little Scratched275213Little Bailie 109 27533 Sempira 101 Watorhouse 101Watorhouse show 1 to 2 Ziogfold ahow 2 to 1 Dick Warren show 1 to 2 Prince of Song show 1 to 2 Badge Boll show 3 to 5 Exit show 3 to 5