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Amirante 151 151OUR OUR ADVERTISED GOOD THING THINGThis This horso was specially prepared for this race and was an easy winner winnerBoney Boney Boy 8 1 Won Odnor 51 Won Wonwera wera also aunt out by us Nina winners on our card Tuesday and Wednesday 6 to 10 to I Good Thing ThingFIFTH FIFTH RAGE RAGEFBEE1 FBEE1 FBEE the balance of the weak if ifthis this good thing dont gallop home Form Latter Handicap on all races Tale graphed anywhere at 9 am 100 DAILY 400 WEEKLY WEEKLYRACE RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU BUREAUSDITB SDITB 500 263269 DEARBORN ST STSold Sold at Kolmans cigar store 267 Dearborn St