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FORT ERIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Race 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horses Age Wt Hdcp 27360 Magnus Troil 3 113 715 27699 Prince Plausible 6 Ill 705 705270693Lord 270693Lord Frazer 6 Ill 700 27172 Prince of Africa 3107 680 27477 Grandeur 4 105 685 27638 NonaB 6 104 710 26171 Delia Gee 3 102 700 27636 Coralis 6 102 725 27001 Edgeworth 3100 710 27003 Idle Chat 3 100 695 27538 Blaokford 3 99 690 690275383Inniscara 275383Inniscara 3 99 705 27476 Drogheda 3 97 710 27477 Lady Hayman 3 95 715 Second Rate 4 12 Furlongs 2yaarolda Allowances Allowances2757S3Paper 2757S3Paper Maker 112 715 27179 Dash 109 700 700276812Meditation 276812Meditation 102 725 725275752Frank 275752Frank Becker 102 720 720I I 27681 Flintlock 99 710 127687 YiTianl 94 705 Third Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolda and upward Allowances Allowances275002Tobe 275002Tobe Paine 6 110 700 700276152Oak 276152Oak Maid 5 105 720 27639 JHSloan 4104 705 705276892Radford 276892Radford 4 102 725 27639 Filibuster 7 101 710 27680 Gray Dally 3 94 715 715276803Montroal 276803Montroal 3 92 710 710Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yoaroldB Allowances Allowances276tOLac 276tOLac 118 725 27613 Quixada 109 695 69527616Concertina 27616Concertina 107 715 715276402Mowich 276402Mowich 105 705 276373 Abbey Dell 101 710 27575 Bourbon King 99 700 27637 Couaine 99 720 720Fifth Fifth Race 34 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 266103JJ T 5113 700 27678 Mynheor 4 110 705 70527682Invasion 27682Invasion 4 108 710 71027615Yonng 27615Yonng Henry 3 103 715 71527578Bpry 27578Bpry 3 87 720 720275763Snark 275763Snark 3 96 715 715274233Erema 274233Erema 8 94 725 725Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearoida 3yearoida and upward Allowances Allowances27638ZFree 27638ZFree Lance 7 114 71S 27579 Bellconrt 5 109 710 27682 Morokanta 4 102 725 27636 Tamarin 4 102 705 27636 Randy 4 102 695 27683 The Brother 3 91 700 27698 Little Tommy Tucker 3 91 705 27636 Punctual 3 88 715 715276412Lake 276412Lake View Belle 3 86 720 27700 Badge Bell 3 86 710