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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART. SHIEPSHEAD BAT, I. I., September 12. Eleventh day. Coney Island Joekey Olub. Faift Meeting. Weather cloudy; track alow. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Bacing Btarts at 2:30 p. m. OQOKA FIRST BACK 3-4 Mile. On Main Track. ,000 added. AllageB. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt Bt K K BtrFin Jockeye Owners OHO P 281013CHDCTANDNDA 3 116 1- 2U 22 11 li OConnor W H Sealer 6-5 7-6 1 2-i 281532UNM ASKED 4 115 4 3 32 3 2h Spencer J B and F P Keene 6-5 3-2 7-5 1-2 281822 LADY STERLING 2 90 2 1 1 2U 36 J Daly WCDaly 7 10 6 -6 28207 LUCENT 3 111 5 51 5H 52 411 Michaels A LAste 20 60 60 I EXTINGUISHER 2 88 6 41 41 41 53 Bhea T Shiele 50 200 209 BLANKET 2 88 3 6 6 6 6 CrsthwaiteA Featherstone 40 100 60 11 Time, 12, 24, 49and, 1:15. Winner B. c, by Laureate La Tosca. Went to post at 2:30. At post 13 minutes. Start Btraggling. Won in a canter; second driving. Chuctanunda outclssssd the field, especially on such a sloppy track. He is a wonder in m and was under a stiff pull throughout. Unmasked was lucky to be second. He was carefully saved and a vigorous finish enabled him to beat the badly handled Lady Sterling, which had shown a splendid turn of speed in racing with the winner and then fighting it out very gamely at the end. Lucent was outclassed and his speed dulled from recent racing over a distance. Extinguisher ran well and Blanket can do better, having been well tried. 8cratched-28204Yoter, 138; 28C98 Someisat, 118; 281812Paul Clifford, 113; 28206 Icicle, US; 28180 Hans Wagner. 93; 28202 Peninsula, 93. Chuctanunda, show, out. Unmasked, Bhow, out. Lady Sterling, Bhow, 1 to 2. 8ECON:D BACB 1 MUe 51,000 added. 8-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St 34 X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H f P 28203 WAX TAPES 4 115 8 8 7 5h 2 H Odom B B Bice 5 8 7 3 28041KIL.OGB4M 4 110 3 21 la 11 11 2 Wonderly N Bennington 4 5 41 2 28183 THE RHYMER 3 104 6 6a 6 6a 6i 3n Cochran T F Monahan 4 6 5 2 28153 JANICE 3 109 1 3a 3a 2a 31 4 Bullman G B Morris 6 8 8 21 28227 HIMSELF 3 90 5 511 4a 7 7 5 J Daly W C Daly 20 30 25 8 28181 ALABD SCHECK 3 106 4 41 5i 3h 51 6 J Woods J W 8cborr 8 10 7 21 28183 TODDY 4 122 7 7 8 8 8 73 Spencer J B and F P Keene 4 6 5 2 281782SMOKE 4 114 2 Vi 2 41 41 8 OConnor W Showalter 31 5 41 8-5 Time, 24, 49, 1 :15, 1 :41and. Winner B. c, by Candlemas Utility. Wont to post at 3:10. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won handily: second easily. Wax Taper benefited by tbe terrific early pace which wore out the others, which otherwise would have proved contenders, cloBed fast from a long way back, and evidently found the sloppy goiaf particularly grateful to his dicky legs. Kilogram was a good horse today aud if bis jockey had husbanded bis speed in the first three-quartrs, he couldnt have lost. The Buymer closed Bp well at the end, but was very lucky to beat Janice which never had a moments respite from the cowboy tactics Bullman employed. Her race was extra good at the weight. Himself was outclassed. Alard Bcheck ran forward for five furlongs and then faded away. Toddy is unreliable and in bad form. Smoke ran a cood six furlongs only. Scratched 28229 Blues, 126; 28040Dnblin, 124; 278373Carbuncle, 116; 28181 Kinniklnnick.lK; 28250 Chuctanunda, 113; 28132 Imp, 109; 281812Paul Clifford, 106; 28179Ethic9, 100. Wax Taper, show. 8 to 5. Kilogram, show, evens. The Bhymer, show, 6 to 5. OQOFCvJ THIBD BACK Iiiat 5 1-2 Furlongs. New Futurity Conrso. 2-year-olda. andCuOand Fillies. Allowances. The Belles Stakes. ,250 added. Ind Horses A Wt St X i BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 273213Aand11C1T1A 115 2 111 Hi Vi 11 Bullman A Belmont 1 1 4-6 1-4 28180 BUN BHOWEB 100 3 2a 22 25 26 Cochran Jere Dunn 2 3 21 1-1 282042FLOBA POMONA 115 1 3 3 3 3 J Woods J W Schorr 2 4 31 7-11 Time, 1:09. Winner B. f. by Hastings Fides. Went to post at 3:45. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won in a oanter; second eaBlly. Auu-citia was much the bsst in the going and runs as if specially adapted to the track conditions which prevailed today. Sun Shower ran a game race and was easily superior to Flora Pomona, at tbe weights. The latter ran very dully today, as if still suffering from tbe effects of her reoemt hard race with Voter. Scratched- 28154 Hanover Queen, 115; 28202Endnrance by Right, 115; 28IS0 Pearl Finder, 100. QtKQ FOURTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-oids and upward. OiStJO The Omnium Handicap. Value ,500. nd Horeae A Wt St Bt K hi X StrFin Jockeys Ownere O H C P 28181 HKKBEHT 4 122 1 1 2 12 15 16 no L Smith W C Bollins 1-3 2-5 1-3 out 27713T. MUSKETBS 100 3 21 la 2 21 2 25 Wonderly Mrs F Farrell 4 41 4 3- 28181KINN1KINCK7 100 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Cochran T J Healey 12 15 10 1 Adds d starters. Time, 25J, 49, 1 :16, 1 :44?s, 1 Winner B. c, by Albert Bonnie Ola. Went to post at 4:10. At poet 2 minutes. Start fair. Won in a cantor; second easily. Herbert far outclassed the others, especially on a muddy track, on which he is noarly the bast seaa in a deenda. The Musketeor, himself fond of a heavy track, ran well for a half, but was evidently far from fit and showed lameness in his preliminary. Kinnikinnick was unable to keep p and sulked. 8cratched-281552Bockton, 126; 28251Wax Taper, 117; 282033 Advance Guard, 112; 2SlS13Qoli Heels, 109; 28251 Alard 8check, 1C0; 281833Kamara, 100; 2SZ032Belle of Troy. 96; 28181 Musette. 95-281812Paul r Clifford. 95. 9 Q O K A FIFTH BACK Vnll Course. About 2 1-2 miles. 4-yoar-olds and upward. dD andfjr3z Allowances. Huntors BteeplechaBO. Tho Rockaway Btakes. 00 added. ind HorBoa A Wt Bt 4 8 12 16 HtrKiir Jockeys Owners Q ti I! F i 274412l,ABT CORD 4 157 2 25 210 125 iando 1M IS Qroou T Hitchcock Jr 3-5 3-5 1-2 out A 12"86S1FTER 6 163 3 4 4 3 2" 21002100E O Hayas W C Hayes t3 6 6 9-19 M 27320 CHAMPION 5 159 4 31 3U 23 3 3 3 W C Hayes W C Hayes 3 6 6 9-10 M 27441 EOPHONE 4 142 1 12 U Foil. Heider J E Widnor 3 4 31 7-10 1 Added startor. tConplod in betting. Time, 5:51. Winner B. g, by BenStrome- Last Ban. Went to post nt 4:40. At post 2 miuntas. Stnrt good. Won easily ; Bocoud tho earns. Last H Cord outclassed tbo field, but wlion Eophono foil at tho end of a mile tho only apparent cod- H tondor was removed. Biftor and Champion wore both poorly handlod, but aro evidently inferior H performers. H 8cratchod-271UHacklot, 145. M No Bhow betting. H !2S255 BIXTHBACB-l 1-4 Miles. On Turf. ,000 added. 3-year-olda and up. Horses A Wt Bt St M K 8trFin Jockeys Owner O H Q P 28098 L.CHOBI8TEBS 96 3 6 5 31 36 H V Aiirciu A D tf atnp:onand0o20 3a 30 7 28179 LIT. DAISY 3 91 4 31 22 22 1 21 21 Cochran L M Myers 8 12 12 S 282072ASTOB 6 106 2 H 12 12 21 33 36 Odom C B Ellisoa 3 41 4 1 28068 V. PIRATE 3 106 5 4" 4i 5a 5u 4 46 J Woods J 8 OBrien 6-5 6-5 4-5 2-5 281793 FATALL3T 4 104 6 51 5i 6 6 5 55 OConnor J B Doarr Jr 4 4 6-5 1-2 27201 HAB. MCOUN 4 106 1 2a Si 41 4a 6 6 Bonker E A Naidig 20 40 40 10 Time, 26,52, 1:18, 1:5M, 2:13. Winner Br. f, by Chorister Hnpa On. Went to post at 5:10. At post 3 minutes. 8tartgood. Won easily; second driving. Lady Chorister after waiting on the pacemaker in a good position for tha first mile closed up with a good reserve of speed in the stretch. Little Daisy moved too soon and Astor in setting the pace suffered greatly as the going proved very slow and tiring. Wild Pirate was probably handicapped on the grass course but Woods seemingly displayed no anxiety to move up at critical points in the race. Fatalist waB badly outrun from start to finish. Scratched 28157 Bedeck, 97. Lady Chorister, show, 2 to 1. Little Daisy, show, evens. Astor, show, 1 to 2. Wild Pirate, show, out. FataliBt, show, out.