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NEW TOItK TURF GOSSIP. New Yobk, September 12. The Jockey Club announced late last night that no evidence of fraud had boon discovered in connection with Shaws handling of Blue Girl in the Great Filly Stakes, but that his rido was careless and inefficient enough to warrant a suspension for tbo remainder of the Coney Island Jockey Clubs meeting. Echoos of tbo vnet hotting transactions on tho result of the Flatbueh Btakes, won by Nasturtium, aro coming to light and probably tbe largest single wogor ever made in this country by a bookmaker doing business in u raco track inclosure was the 5,000 laid by Sol Litchon-stein against 00 wagered by tbo rotirod Wall CONTINUED ON SKOOND TAOS, a mBmammmm acpa waaa NEW YORK TUBF G038IP. Continued from First Paga. street broker, L. V. Bell, on the chances of the western colt, Sir Oliver. Billy Lakelands great horse Ogden will be sold at auction next Saturday. David Garrick will be returned to this country for stud purposes after one more seasons campaign on the English turf. Charles F. Price, general manager of the New California Jockey Club, authorizss the important announcement that two or more hurdle and steeplechase races each week, will be given during the entire meeting. This resolution was taken by Mr. Williams when at Saratoga in August, when he fully recognizad what a fascinating and attractive sport it had develope d into in the past few years under the Jockey Club.