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4 TO 6 WINNERS Every day you can get them from us M. D. MILLERS s1 III. k. V SELECTIONS.. CTfl D throwing away good money on phony in. O I U I side information and other hot air tips PI A Y onr witm8r8 an! you will b ahead all lLHI the time, as are ALL our subscribers. RflMMKIfiN for the local tracks handled bummidoiund ia 8nms of and UPj bB8t ring price always obtained and settlement made every forenoon. Ten per cent, charged only on net winnings. HANDICAP SELECTIONS .00 DAILY. AMERICAN HORSEMENS AGENCy 1 Suite 516. 167 Dearborn flt. Tel. Cantrnl 3719. nnrJTJ FOB ONE WEEK to prove to H K H.H. yon that 1 give the most reliable JL JLAJLl Jj winning information for pool room and hand book players. Wired daily before 11 a.m. by SPBCIiL CIPHER CODE. All tracks. Sand fifty cents in stamps to guarantee charges. JAMES HOWE, East St. LouiB, III. RESPONSIBLE BETTORS Can obtain exclusive INSIDE information in confidence on certain ttabla for percentage of profits. Address P.O. Box 914, Milwaukee, Wis. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION GO. KOHN WREATH, 6-1. A Softer Spot Could Not Ibe Found. Kohnwreath looked a I to 2 shot. My 50 to 1 shot a favorite two dajs ago was 100 to 1. Oae scratch; no place betting on Landseer. My prepared good thing no place betting. Marcos, Santa Teresa, Clusier win, or Obia 2nd, a place, a pipe. Not Being Your;Fault I will Redeem Sheets Bought Yesterday. TODAY! TODAY! I have two of the most certain winners I ever saw. Odds 2 fo 6 to I. I promise the sweetest sheet of the season, all at Good Odds. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL KACES .00. SIX SPECIALS FOR 0 OR FOR ONE. Wired to any part of the world. May require two weeks to deliver, as only wire horses of odds not hot favorites. H. J. Allard always at office to explain any matter. I with my track man every morning as you know. Office 176 B. 0 ark St,, in ticket office. On sale at 11:30 a-m! at newsstind euntheast corner Clark and Madison Bts. COL. J G. WOOTERS, Mgr., 94 Lincoln Ave. GET IN RIGHT TODAY. 2--GUARANTEED SPECIALS-2 I will guarantee all purchasers of todays special sheet-winner on my two specials or refund money. NOTE TO PATRONS: Losing special sheet of any back day are exchangeable for todays spscial at my office or any place where my sheet is for sale. SATURDAY !5 TO 20 TO I SHOT SPECIAL Ex-Jockey Vic Britton, BOOM 610, 325 DEARBORN STREET. Commencing November 2 I will wire spscials as they come off Callfrnia. Those desiring same send name and address Santa Teresa, 15-1, Won. Alfred C, 5-1, 2-1, Place. WERE OUR GOOD THINGS WEDNESDAY. 25 TO IOO TO I GOOD THING - THURSDAY IN SIXTH BACE. Wehave direct inBide information on the best good thing of the year. Here is one that hnn worked 5 8 in one minute : 3 4 in 1 :14 ; is in a vary soft spot so dont fail to get "his extra special ONLY .00 FOR THIS GOOD THING RAGE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU SUITE 500, 263-269 DEABBOBN STBEET. Also sold at Kolmans cigar store, earborn Bfc at cigar stand Adams Express Building