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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. -7IIICAGO, II.-., September 85. Forty-fourth day. Chicago Jockey Club. Midsummer Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Jndge, J. H. Bbbb. Btarter, J. J. Holtman. . Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. fc O I CiH FIRST BACK 3-4 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. laO O i 3-3 oar-olds. Fillies. Selling. - Ind Horses A Wt St X H X BtrFin Jockeys Ownera OHO P 28419 KOHN SEATS 9913" 22 22 1 Ink T Knight Q W Poole 8 4 4 6-5 264543ABACHNE 107 5" 81 31 32 22 Lyne LBDickersonandCo 4 4 3-2 7-10 282682LADY IDBI8 10312a 12 12 21 81 J MclnernyA E Neff and Co 3 51 4 8-5 28S413AUDi; 102 61 51 51 42 43 Doss C B Campbell 6 10 10 81 28341EVAS DABLING 1011 81 92 611 5 55 Robertson F M Arthur and Co 8 17 17 6 28090 ESTHER BIGGS 102 93 1010 gH 81 6a T Meade WEVater 80 80 80 25 28311 HA1D1.E 107 105 U 41 71 71 B Sullivan B V Prather and Co 6 20 20 7 28090 HATTIB JUNE 102 4" 882 ei 8 J Hicks Mrs Conway and Co 30 60 60 25 28S41ECONoaUC 97 71 4h 71 i- 91 B Steele M Fay 15 25 25 10 28341 MABGiiETJJEN103 In 6a 108 li 5 10 Coburn J Rodegap 10 25 25 7 28197EL8IE KDHW 97 11" 12 12 12 11" Davisson C W Curl 15 20 20 8 28341 PET SHOT io- 12 112 u U2 12 Beaton Mrs B Bradley 30 75 75 25 Apprent"c. alo-ance. Timo, 23, 481, 1:14. Winner . t, uj li vcon-Laurel Wreath. Went to post at 2:00. a t post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Kohn-wreath came criy in the last eighth but h to ba hustled out to stall off Arachnes bold bid in the closing an.djd. Lyn made his run a Iktle too late with Arachna which finished fast and strongly. Lady luris had enough when a furlong out and was dying away fast at the end. Econi mic aud Haidee showed early speed. It was a bad field. Correcttd weights Arachne, 107. Overweights Evas Darling, 21 pounds; Lady Idris, 11; Margaret Ellen, 1; Eohnwreath, 21. Ko-irwreath, show, 3 to 5. Arachne, show, 2 to 5. Lady Idris, show, 4 to 5. OQ A T O SECOND BAOE-6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 tothira. aO00 2 j ear-olds SeUing. Ind Homes A VS t Bt X, H X BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H O t 28393SANTA TERESA 95 8 7" 71 b 121 Bice J Welch and Co 12 13 13 4 28393 DODIE S. 1C3 -" 31 21 2" 2 Coburn B C Hildreth 4 6 6 8-5 284232ELL- PE.1N102 o- 6h 61 El 31 Lyne LTLeeandSon 5 6 6 2 28146 LANDE lut 41 fi 3 3 43 T Knight Ezell and Lazarus 6-5 6-5 1 2-5 28347 MAUCOS iOi 1 li li 1 51 B Sullivan F F Warner and Co 10 16 16 6 284182LADY LIKE 94 9 21 52 63 62 Gormley F Lightfoot 10 20 20 7 284233LY3BETH KO ai 81 41 71 76 J Walsh Mrs L Griffin 10 20 20 7 28244MAJOB BIRD 96 7h 4h 8 83 81 Davisson W E Cotton 20 40 40 15 28347DANDOLA 96 6h 9 9 9 9 B Steele E J GehlbachandCo60 60 50 20 Apprentice allow anc Time, 12, 241, 481, 1 :141, 1 :21i. Winner B. f, by ot. Saviour Penumbra. Weut to post at :a0. t post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Santa Teresa came fast in he last eighth on the outside and ran past her horses easily. Dodie S. ran a poor race, but waB titing badly iu the last sixteenth and just lasted long enough to hold second place. Steila Perkins was cut off at the far turn, but cloeed up fast when she got clear sailing, juandseer qmt badly inthe last eighth. Marcos retired Boon after turning for home. Lady Like showed tarly speod. The winner, entered for 00, was run up to 00, and bought by S. C. Hildreth. , Scratched-28423 Legal Maxim, SS; 281713 Jane Oaker, 93; 28418 Digby Bell, 93. Overweights Doaid a.. 1 pouud. Banta Teresa, show, 8 to 5. Dodie S., show, 3 to 5. Stella Perkins, show, 4 to 5. Landseer, show, out. ilO1 r tf THIRD tiAJS 1 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. 3-year-olds aO Ob and upward. Selling. Ind Horsen A Wt St V X BtrFin Jockeys QwnarB O H O P 28397DNCLE TOM 3 86 6 61 5 3h 21 1 D Mitchell T J McHale 15 80 15 6 28031 COBA HAViLL IT5 98 1" U H 12 H 2b Bice G B Havill 6 16 16 6 28374 MATTIE BAZAR 4 98 ll"x81 7" iB 51 31 Beaton Mrs B Bradley 10 20 20 8 27916DEPENDING 6 9i 71 41 4 43 42 41 Apperson E M Bergen and Co 20 40 30 12 28374 DAGMAB 6 107 4 221 22 21 82 5 Landry B T Wright and Co 8-5 21 21 1 28l72CORBELLA 6 9J. 2b 71 85 6" 6 63 Helgeaon Doll Bros 30 75 75 40 281512VEBNETTA 4 93 12 12 12 12 8a 72 Davisson Matthei and Spoerl 3 5 5 2 2773S3BTJST10 GIRL 3 91 91 52 61 5b .72 82 B Steele C M- Waters 6 7 7 3 22921 CATHEDBAL 5 106 8"10i 91 9U 91 9" Bassingor J F Holt 10 25 25 10 28424 ANN. OLDFIBLD6 93 5b 113 113 102 101 101 Gormley L Marion and Co 6 6 5 2 28373 BIG INJUN 3 88 10" 91 lOJil.2 Hi 11 J Walsh J D McMillan and C08 11 11 41 28091 ONOTO 4 98 3h 31 3b 85 12 12 T Dean E Fitzgerald 6 20 20 8 Apprentice all-wanca. Time, 25, 481, 1 :15, 1 :42i. Winner Ch. c, by Joe Norwood Myrtilla. Went to post at 3:00. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving; next three the same. Uncle Tom moved up fast in the last eighth, but had all he could do to win under a weak ride. Cora Havill II. showed the most early speed, but began to weaken in the last sixteenth. Mattie Bazar came witb a rush at the end and would probably have won in a few more strides. Da-pending finished well and ran in much improved form. Dagmar died away fast when the pinch came. Onoto showed epeed for five furlongs. It was about as bad a field as could be gotten together at the track. Overweights Dagmar, a pounds; Rustic Girl, 11. Uncle Tom, show, 3 to 1. Cora Havill II., show, 31 to 1. Mattie Bazar, show, 4 to 1. Dag-mar, show, 3 to 5. . o A FOURTH RACE 5-8 Mi.e. Purse 00; 5 to Becond; 5 to third. Qfc I J 2 year-olds. Free Handicap. j id Horsbd A Wt Bt 34 K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 28344 JAUBERT 114 11 21 21 12 Hi T Knight MHTichenor andCo4 6T5 IT 28423 C04COA 96 41 4h 4b 32 21 J Hicks W T Muir 30 40 40 15 28398 J UI A JUNKIN 103 61 31 31 41 31 Gormley F Lightfoot 8 10 10 4 283443 H.G1 97 51 95 96 82 42 J Walsh P Dunne 5 6 6 11-5 28396 NELL. WADDELL 117. 7b .62 61 61 51 B Sullivan T Carey 3-2 8-5 8-5 7-10 28248 HOODWINK 95 31 5h 5 5" 61 Beaton C E BrosBman 10 15 12 5 283932EVENING bTAB 105 21 1h Ih 21 72 Blake J Griffin and Co 7 10 10 4 28393 I. 8AMELSON 103 8 72 73 71 81 Coburn T J McHale 10 11 10 4 28125 INBPECrOB SHEA 91 98 8b 8 98 910 Bice J N McCarthy 40 60 60 25 27774 HOPEDALE 92 10 10 10 10 10 Boyd Mrs E Harris 100 150 150 60 Time, Hi, 23i,;351, 48, 1:001. Winner Br. c, by Azra Mishap. Went to post at 3 :35. At post 12 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second handily. Jaubert came away with a ruBh in the last eighth when called upon and was eacily the best. Coacoa ran a surprisingly good race, finishing fast and strongly. Julia Junkin hung just a shade inthe closing Btrides. Hargis finished fast under a weak ride. Nellie Waddell showed no great speed at any part of the race and ran below the mark. Evening Star quit when a furlong out. Bcratched-28344 Magi, 110. Overweights inspector Shea, 1 pound. Jaubert, show, 4 to 5. Coacoa, show, 7 to 1. Julia Junkin, show, 9 to 5. Nellie Waddell, show, 2 to 5. - . 0 0 4 m FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00; 5 to Becond; 5 to third. yOt I 3-year-oldB and upward, Belling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt 3 K X BtrFin Jockeys Ownera OHO P 28151ALEE 4 98 4" 111 12 12 12 p Gormley F Cook 4 6 5 lf 284243ALFHED C. 4 101 61 3 21 22 23 22 Blake J OFlahorty 5 6 4 8-5 28H5 B. G. FOX 5 101 8a 62 5 51 41 31 T Knight D P Rogers and Co 10 12 12 5 "83193KING DELLI3 4 107 3" 52 3a 81 31 4b JWinkfleldC Lind 2 11-511-59-10 284473M1BB SOAK 6 107 51 2a 42 411 51 5" Landry W L Hazelip 5 9 9 3 28447 EL GHOR 5 1041 91 81 73 76 72 62 Robertson G W Curtis 15 20 20 8 S0813EL CANEY 4 106 2" 4b 6 62 61 73 Coburn G C Bennett and C06 8 8 31 2898 PRAIRIE DOG 4 105 10 10 10 9 81 81 B Sullivan W W Clark 10 13 13 5 14087 MAYME M. M. 5 103 1" 7h 8 81 96 98 Lyne H B Durham 15 60 60 20 275933DO MADGE 4 102 71 95 9" 10 10 10 Bilvers MannionandConnell20 50 50 20 Apprentice allowance. Time, 241, 481, 1 :141, 1 :40i. Winner-Br. g, by Bt. George-Levee. , Went to poBt at 4:15. At post 5 minutes. Start good. xtt Won in a canter; second easily. m Alee off well, went to the front quickly and easily remained there to the end. Alfred C. Bhowed speed and ran his race. He had no chance to beat the winner. B. G. Fox quit in the last eighth and then came again. King Dellis did his best but hardly ran to his bast form. Miss Boak had enough when a furlong out. The others were never contenders. Scratched 28273 Zack Phelps, 90; 27759 Hermencia, 103. Overweights Prairie Dog, 2 pounds; El Ghor, 11. . Alee, show, 6 to 5. Alfred C, show, 4 to 5. B. G. Fox, show, 21 to 1. King Dellis, show, 9 to 20. Ch O A r7 SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00; 5 to second; 5 to third. 5q44: l 3-yoar-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind" Horses AWt Bt Bt K K X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 9RS71 OB1A 3 102 2a li 12 12 1 11 11 Blake George J Long !S !5 5 1 283952CLUSTEB 3 105 1" 4 4 4 2 21 211 B Steele JBLewmanandCo2 13-513-511-20 28395 BBUTAL 3 103 4 31 211 21 31 33 85 Coburn A Pohiatowski 7-103-4 7-101-5 244912VALDEZ 3 991 31 2 31 3" 4 4 4 Otis J Arthur 10 20 20 5 Time, 251, 511, 1 :17, 1 :421, 1 :55. Winner B. f, by Pardee Day Dream. . . Went to post at 4:45. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second easily. Obia was rated cleverly in front all-the way. but had to be driven to the limit to stall off Clusters bid in the last eighth. The latter finished with resolution, but hung just a trifle at tha end. Brutal failed to respond when called upon in the last eighth. Ha probably runs best in the mud. Vai-dez was right there for Beven furlongs. He was probably a shade short. Overweights Brutal, 1 pound ; Valdez, 41. Obia, show, 1 to 8. Cluster, show, out. Brutal, show, out.