St. Louis Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1901-10-06

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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. UT. I.OUIS, MO., October 5. Sixth day. St. Louis Fair Association. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. 1-8 gnrlonS Purse 00. 3-year-oldB and upward. 280 7 dL FIBQ 1gACB5 1 d Horsas A Wt St and A StrFin JockeyB Owners 0 H U P 28145 BENGAL 3 108 8 72 52 52 11 Troxler J J Marklein 7 10 10 5 21058 WABAN 6 116 1 21 211 43 21 Givens W H Leonard 15 20 20 8 28485POMELIA 6 113 5 4" 3a 21 31 WinwrightManton and Co 4 7 7 2 28510 GOLDKN EASTE3 111 6 611 63 31 43 Irvin L C Sloan 3 41 4 8-5 28618 FREE GOLD 6 113 11 9 91 61 51 ONeil A Greonleve 8 12 12 5 28621 BCORPOLETTE 3 108 4 51 7 71 62 Lindsay H T Gaines and Bro 10 16 15 6 26737 HARRY PULLAM3 111 9 101 102 103 72 Dale J P Birth 5 10 10 4 28515 DURRELL 3 108 7 81 82 82 8 Hothersall JMThorntonAgt 12 30 30 12 12711 CHLORAD 6 116 3 la 11 1 92 Wataon W M Gray 10 10 21 8-5 28353 KINK 3 108 14 11 111 12 101 J OConnorH McCarren Jr 12 16 16 7 285612ROHERT W. 5 113 2 31 42 112 H3 L Daly J Persinger 8 8 8 4 28561 JENNIE 5 113 13 13 13 91 126 Dngan T Shelley 10 15 15 6 28437 SPINNAKER 6 112 10 12 12 13 133 Washingtn A D Miller and Son 50 100 100 40 21587 MOBUNI 5 113 15 15 14 14 1410 W Narvaez GoodhteandTorrissl5 60 60 20 28510 ALINES. 3 108 12 14 15 15 15 Reeder JAAbernathy 12 16 16 7 Time, 12, 24, 491, 1:02, 1:091. Winner Ch. c, by Ben Strome Begum. Went to post at 2:15. At poet 9 minutes. Start good. Won in a drive; second the same. Bengal, cleverly handled, eaved ground on the stretch turn and won with something in reserve. Waban ran a good race considering the early use be was put to. He tired in the stretch, but came again under the whip. Pomelia ran in his beat form. Chlorad showed speed, but tired as if short. Aline S. ran away three-quarters at top speed before the start. Free Gold ran impressively. Bengal, show, 2 to 1. Waban, show, 4 to 1. Pomelia, ahow, 6 to 5, Golden Easter, show, 4 to 6. Chlorad, ahow, out. SECOND RACK 3-4 Mile. Puree S300. 2-year-oldB. Selling. " Ind Horses A Wt St and Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners U H C P 2861733T1NG 100 1 11 12 12 1 Kuhn C E Jailers and Co 5 5 41 2 28560 SIB LEWIS 103 5 83 82 72 2 L Daly M J Daly 12 13 12 5 286172MAN 103 8 3" 31 3 32 ONeil W W Jackson 21 3 3 6-5 28464 FUGURTHA 106 2 23 21 23 43 Dngan W M Rogers 3 16-53 6-5 28617 AULE3 100 3 62 4a 82 52 D Vititoe M P Mattingly 20 40 40 15 28580 MORO 100 7 7 5a 42 61 JHothersllF 8mith 10 30 30 10 28617 CLARENA 100 9 5a 6a 5 71 Watson J C Cahn 6 7 6 2 28534 LITTLE MA8TER 100 4 43 72 61 8a FanntleroyHughes and Elliott 6 12 12 5 286373CORINNE C. 103 10 92 910 96 93 Wallace F Gering 10 15 15 6 28462 VARNER 103 11 13 11 10 10 Irvin R R Rice 6 15 15 6 27378 PAMPLONA 100 12 123 12 11 113 R Miller Hutchinson and Co 20 0 80 30 28335 MOLLIE BROOKS 100 13 10a 13 12 121 Lindsay 8 T Gaines and Bro 30 60 60 20 28637 SARAH BLACK 100 6 11 102 13 13 C Moore Murphy and Farley 40 60 60 20 Time, 121, 24i, 491, 1 :02, 1 :15i. Winner B. f, by Prince of Monaco GypBy Queen. Went to poet at 2:48. At post 5 minutes. Start -good. Won in a hard drive of three. Sting .got off running, showed unuBual speed and finished stoutly. Sir Lewis finished strongly and was going best at th ond. Man appeared like the probable winner in the stretch, but faltered in the last seventy yards. Fugurtha woakened in the last sixtesnth. Moro and Clarena had a rough journey. Scratched 28380 Old Huss, 103; 28617 Potheen, 103. Bting, show, evens. Sir Lewis, show, 21 to 1. Man, show, 3 to 5. Fugurtha, show, 3 to o. THIRD RACE 1 Mlio. Purse ?3C0. 3-year-olds and upward. 3olling. g0rj"0 Ind Horses A Wt St K X StrFin JockeyB Owners OHO P 288392KLTT1E CLYDE 4 107 4 3 42 31 21 1" Dale T Bayers and Co 2 3 3 9-10 286562TEUCER 6 108 1 1 32 4 33 2" Troxler W W OHaraandCo 4 4 4 1 28565 MENACE 3 101 3 43 1 1 1 320 ONeil FizerandCo 1 1 7-101-3 28163 HARDLY 6 105 2 56 52 51 53 4" Lindsay Brnmfleld and Co 10 15 15 6 283413NANNIE NOLAN 3 96 5 21 2 21 4 51 L Daly T P Hayes 10 10 9 3 28636 JOHN BULL 3 96 66 6 6 6 6 Boeder Hutchinson and Co 30 100 100 80 Time, 131, 25i, 38, 50, l:02i, 1:16, 1:29, 1:42. Winner Ch. f , by Ben Strome Ban Amy. Went to post at 3:15. At post 10 minutes. Start fair. Won in a hard drive; Becond the same. Dale rodo one of his good racB and, being on a game mare in Kittio Clyde, apparently outduiahed the other jockeys. At that had Troxler had a whip on Teucer the latter might have won. He was badly interfered with at the three-eighths. Menace acted sour at the post and in a drive through the stretch weakened and would not extend herself. Nannie Nolan showed speod for three-quarters, but was made too much nee of. Hardly waa badly i- rad with at the first trim and this threw her out of it. John Bull was practically loft at tb Scratched 28660 dcnnell Laufer, 108. Kittie Clyde, ahow, out. Teucer, show, 2 to 5. Menace, show, out. 286 7 7 FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 300. All ages. Selling. ad Horses A Wt 8t 34 X StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO P 28638 CIALES 4 113 3 la 1 12 m patton L V Ballow 5 5 3 6-5 276752TENNY BELLE 3 108 1 22 22 22 21 Dale Hughes and Elliott 3-2 2 9-5 7-10 281902 FICKLE SAINT 3 108 7 5 3 41 3 Davis Rran and Co 15 60 60 15 286042LYNCH 2 100 4 3" 61 51 42 Wataon J C Cahn 20 20 15 5 28110ED L. 7 113 5 4 4a 6H 51 D Vititoe Hamilton and Co 4 5 5 2 286S83BEN FROST 6 113 2 6a 710 715 62 Akar E F Smith 31 5 5 8-5 286182 W. J. BAKER 7 113 6 71 51 31 730 Lindsay HenneBaeyandSon; 15 15 6 2 27824 HERMOSO 6 116 8 8 8 8 8 G Taylor M Leigh 20 20 20 10 Time. 12, 24, 49. 1:01, 1:08. Winner Br. g, by Prince James Medusa, by Sensation. Wens to post at 3:46. At post 13 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second handily. Ciales held his field a tfe throughout and at the end had plenty in reserve. Tenny Belle was ridden hard all the way and was made to laBt long enough to get second place. Fickle Saint and Lynch, fought it out throughout the last quarter, the former wetting third place in the last stride. W. J. Baker was going easy when interfered with in the stretch, Btill this did not warrant Lindsay in pulling him up. 8cmtched-285822Lord Neville, 116; 28657 Dick Hobeon, 111 ; 28618 Peaches, 108; 27930 Miss Dora, 100. Ciales, show, 7 to 10. Tenny Belle, show, out. Fickle Baint, show. 4 to 1. OQi7Q FIFTH RACK 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. iSOD Q The Autumn Stakes. 81,000 added. Sid Horaes A Wt St M Vt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 28622JKINDRED 4 102 3 21 22 21 1" Troxler EandLRohlmau 6 15 15 5 28604 HILEE 4 99 4 12 15 14 2 Wataon W W Elliott 6 10 10 20 28584 L.8TR AT HMORE3 108 7 52 33 32 3a ONeil T P Hayes 6-5 13-101 1-2 285842 PEACEFUL 4 109 5 31 43 43 43 Dale C J Cella 4 6 6 2 286223J1M CLARK 3 97 9 7 61 61 5 Lindsay L V Bellow 4 4 4 7-5 28582VERIFY 6 99 6 4a 5 52 62 J OConnor J 8 Bratton 10 25 25 8 28622JAKE WEBER 4 106 8 81 81 8 72 Patton P M Civill 15 25 25 8 28488 1U3S MAE DAY 4 99 2 61 72 7 81 Fauntleroy W W Elliott 6 10 10 4 285823NE VREST 6 99 1 91 91 9 92 L Daly GDierker 15 40 40 15 26971 BRULARE 6 105 10 10 10 10 10 Dugan A Johnson and Co 8 12 12 4 Coupled in straight betting. Time, 12, 231, 48, 1 :00, 1 :131. Winner B. c. by Kingston Kitty L. Went to post at 4:28. At post 6 minuteB. Start good. Won driving and all out ; next three driving. Kindred, well placed and ridden throughout, finished fast and just got up in time to win. Hilee ran his beat race. Lady Strathmore, off badly, could never get up but about ran her race. The others had no mishaps. Brulare seemed not up to a race. Kindred, ahow, 21 to 1. Hilee, show, 10 to 1. Lady Strathmore, ahow, out. Jim Clark, show, 7 to 10. Mies Mae Day, show, 2 to 1. 28079 SIXTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Purse 5300. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind HorseB A Wt St St and K X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 286363TEA GOWN 3 95 1 41 41 72 6" 31 U L Daly Cole and Co 4 21-54 8-5" 2861930RRIS 4 101 3 2a 2a 2 2 21 21 FauntleroyJ C Ghio 8 10 9 3 286402LA SPARA 4 107 2 31 31 31 VI Ink 38 Lindaay R W Marks 3 18-53 6-5 286403T. INCOGNITA5 110 8 5a 51 61 31 43 43 Dale L Lemp 8-5 8-5 3-2 3-5 28581 L. T. WEST6 101 7 8 8 4a 43 58 510 Dngan J C Ferris Jr 5 6 6 2 28291 G GARDNER 3 95 6 61 61 5a 5 66 615 ONeil E Beck 15 16 15 6 285992TIDAL WAVE 4 101 5 1 U la 71071578 Troxler L M McKee 15 20 20 7 27290 LA CARINA 4 101 47 7 8 8 8 8 JHothersllGandHJEichBchlag 60 150 150 40 Time, 25, 491, 1:15, 1:41, 2:08. Winner B. f, by Free Knight Petticoat. Went to post at 4 :50. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Tea Gown came with a fine rush through the stretch and won easing up. Orris ran in much improved form. La 6 para had too much weight for the distance., but ran her race. The distance and weight were too mnch for Terra Incognita. Scratched-28640 King Elkwood, 101 ; 28636 Pray Tell, 92. Tea Gown, show, 1 to 2. Orris, show, 6 to 5. La Spara, show, 1 to 2. Terra Incognita, show, out. ZQCfQf SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward! ioDOU Allowances. lad HorseB AWtBtK ft X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 286213FOUND 6 104 2 U 13 15 is 12 .ONeil J Huffman 5 6 6 2 28621 SOUTH BREEZE 3 95 7 11a 91 72 4 24 Watson. J C Cahn 4 8 8 4 28379 NETTIE REGENT 4 104 11 101 101 81 510 31 Troxler P J Nolan 3 4 3 9-5 286603 miss THRE3 A 3 95 6 7 53 45 2 42 Wainright F W Holtgrewe 4 5 5 2 28619JHONEYWOOD 4 104 4 32 21 2 31 51 Irvin MKelvyand Johnsn 15 20 20 8 28563SYNCO. SANDY 3 95 12 91.11 91 81 62 LindBay P Kuykendall 4 5 41 2 28602 JANO WOOD 3 95 9 6a 71 101 72 73 FauntleroyJ A Maxwell and ColO 20 20 8 28165 TOM GILMORE 4 107 5 51 31 361 83 Dale JJWhiteBides 10 20 20 8 284823 ALL SAIN rS 3 95 10 8 811 10 95 L Daly JELanoandCo 3 3 3 6-5 28639 BELLE SIMPSON 4 105 3 41 61 51 9 1015 Dngan J Keefe and Co 15 20 20 8 28585 BIRDIE MAY 7 104 1 2a 4 6 11 113 JHothersllJ P Housley 15 60 60 30 28442 HARRY K. 3 95 8 12 12 12 12 12 A Lewis Izatt and Roberts 30 100 100 40 -. Time, 12, 241, 49, 1 :15, 1 :41, 1 :47i. Winner B. m, by Buckmaster Pickup. Went to post at 5:20, At poet 8 minutes. 8tartgood. Won easily; second the same. Found was lucky and showed the most Bpeed throughout. South Breeze began slowly and was cut off several times, but came strongly at the end. Nettie Regent, off badly, alao came faat at the finish. She never found an opening until in the run home. Miss Thresa, under a poor ride, ran about her race under the circumstances. All Saints can do batter. Tom Gilmore is very good now and received a good strong ride. Scratched-28112 Charles D., 104; 28621 Ben OFallon, 104; 28636 Marcy, 95. Found, ahow, 6 to 5. South Breaze, ahow, 2 to 1. Nettie Regent, show, evens. All Saints, show, 3 to 5.

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