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FAVORITES AT WORTH. Tbe eminent success of the recent meeting at Worth justifies the conclusion that the Worth Jockey Club is destined to a high place in local popular esteem. In all details the meeting was well managed and conducted. The officials were vigilant, "expeditious and correct in their decisions, although many extremely close finishes marked the progress of the racing. The money offered during the fifteen days of the meeting aggregated over 0,000, a very liberal sum that will be increased next year. As soon as the Western Jockey Club shall have settled the apportionment of dates for 1902 the Worth Jockey Club will arrange the details of a stake program that will be in keeping with the importance of Chicago as a turf center. "Form" was closely approximated in the racing at Worth, nearly fifty per cent of the purses being captured by favorites and the great majority of the other races falling to second and third choices. A complete detail of winning and losing favorites iB given in the following table : Horse. Odds. Won. Lost. October 10, track good. Oliver Mc 7-5 Yaldez 3-1 " Qallantrie . 7-10 " Argregor 8-5 " AndeB 1-1 St. B era 2-1 October 11, track slow. Sevoy 13-10 " John GrigBby.... 7-5 " Lacrimae 11-5 " W. B Gates 3-1 Orontas 1-1 " Adelante - 2-1 October 12, track sloppy. Erema 13-5 " Burnie Bunton 11-20 " Merriment 8-5 " Boiling Boer 11-5 " Valdez.. 8-5 " Step Onward 2-1 " October 14, track heavy. Goal Runner 14-5 " Burnie Bunton 8-5 " Lacrimae 12-5 " W. J. Deboe 7-10 The Lady 1-2 Taldez ... 8-5- " October 15, track heavy. BrawLad 8-5 i Frangible 8-5 " Harry New 8-5 " Odnor 2-1 " W. B. GatB 2i-l " Wild Oats 3-1 " October 16, track heavy. Strangest 8-5 " Merriment 7-10 " Qallantrie 1-1 " Boiling Boor 9-20 " Benckart 8-5 " Evelyn Byrd 2-1 October 17, track slow. Mabel Winn 8-5 " Barilla .... 9-5 " McChesney 9-10 , " Federal 1-1 " Money Musb 13-5 " Baird 1-1 October 18, track good, Bilk Cord 6-5 " Prince Blazes 21-1 " 1 Money Muss 8-5 " St. Marcos 1-1 " Orontas 1-1 " Bynia 3-1 October 19, track fast. Federal 1-1 " Barilla. 8-5 " Bt. Cuthbert 9-10 " Argregor 8-5 " Eva Bice 9-5 " Mabel Winn 16-5 " October 21, track fast. Monos 12-5 " The Pride 2-5 " BoBe Plume 13-5 " St. Marcos 7-10 " W. B. Gates 9-5 " Searcher 4-5 " CONTINUE! ON FIFTH PAGE, FAVORITE3 AT WORTH. Continued from First Page. Horse. Odds. Won. Lost. October 22, track fast. Fleetwing 14-5 " Valdz 2-1 " McChesney 6 5 " Cambrian 8-5 " Red Hook 2-1 " 8t. Cuthbert 7-5 " October 23, track fast. , Omdurman 8-5 " If You Dare 14-5 " Queen W 41 " The Pride 11 " OronteB 9-5 " Lord HobertB 2-1 " October 24, track fast. MiBS Conrad 13-5 " El Caney 13-5 " Merriment 11-10 " Yulcain 3-5 " The Boer 8-5 " Amote 1S-5 " October 25, track fast. Do Madge 3-1 C. B. Campbell 11-5 Gallantrie 9-5 " Federal 910 " Bed Hook 1-2 " Eva Rice...". 11-5 " October 26, track fast. St. Cuthbert 1-1 " Corlnne Unland 7-5 " McChesney 3-5 " St. Marcos 9-5 " Kentucky Babe 12-5 " Gonfalon 9-5 " Favorites Won 42 Favorites Lost 48 Number of races 90 Percentage of winning favorites, 46.6.