untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1901-11-10


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I Ml Lakeside Jockey Club j roby race track, roby, IN pi an a. I I P. and F. W. R. R. I 15-Racing Days-15 I Central R. R. Leaves Union Depot Specials from foot of at 12 :30, 12 :50 and : Randolph St. leaving Si2 - six or more races daily, SEHuE COMMENCING AT 2 P. IYI j 7ll stations. Faro on all 22nd, 39tli and G3rd trains for round trip Sts. Fare for round 25c. I iSfc I andk Al I 4 trip 25c. Parlor cars l s. and m. s, Qctober ZoNovsmber 1 3 rt Depot VanBnren St g v w " W W B V B 11 M V B j b urban trains bo- and Pacific Ave. Keg:- I twecu Central Station ular trains leave at i and G3rd St. will take a i 7:45 a.m. and 12:05 a t v tv if T T TVT "7 passengers on race p.m., stopping at all I 3 y I I 3 lj OO tickets. Transfer to stations; Returning race trains being at 4 :l9 p.m. ! made at 63rd St. ; I A,,ey Li stopping at all loop stations to 63rd street, connecting with surface ... . n p n I L S.and M.S. n.R. j elestric cars direct to track. All trains leave track immediately after races. III. bGlltral n. n. Fare for Ronnd Trip on all Trains 25c. M. Natlianson, Seoy, 815 Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg., Chicago, j Crescent - City v Jockey v Club OF NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA. TWENTY-ONE STAKES FOR MEETING OF 1901-1902. TO CLOSE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1901. To be run Thursday, Nov. 28, 1901. The Inaugural Handicap Sweepstake. For all eges. To be run Saturday, Jan. 18, 1802. The Live Oak Steeplechase Handicap Sweepstake. 5 to acccmpeny the nomination ; 545 additional to start. The Crtfccent City Jockey Club to add For three-year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination ; 5 additional to start. The ,250, of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third, the fourth to save their etako. Weights to Crescent City Jockey Club to 8dd ,0C0, of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third. Weights be announced three days prior to the race. Six Furlongs. to bo announced three days prior to the race. Full Course. To be run Saturday, Nov. 30, 1901. The Magnolia Selling Stakes. For three-year-olds To ba run Saturday, Jan. 25, 1902. The Cotton Selling Sweepstake. For three-year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. The Crescent City and upward. to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. The Crescent City Jockey Jockey Club to add J1,0C0, of which S2C0 to the second, C0 tc the third.The winner to be sold Club to add ,000. of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third. Tho winner to bo sold at auc-at auction. One Mile. lc-1Ji":crv r, v-rg-gea- .r? ;i0n. Seven Furlongs. To be run Saturday, Dec.?, 1E01. The Palmetto Steeplechase Handicap Sweepstake.. To be run Saturday. Fb. 1, 1902. The Merchants Handicap Sweepstake. For three-Fox three-year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination ; 5 additional to start. Tho year-olds snd upward. to acccmrary tho nomination ; additional to start. The Crescent Crescent City Jockey Club to add ,000 of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third. Weights City Jcckey Club to add ,E0O, of which 00 to the second, C0 to the third, the fourth to save to bo announced three days prior to the race. Short Course. lheirstke. The weights to be announced three days prior to the race. One Mile and One- To be run Saturday, Dec. 14, 1901. The Preliminary Derby Handicap Sweepstake. Sixteenth. KT"- . For two-year-olds. to accompany the nomination; f45 additional to start. Tho Crescent City To be run Saturday, Fob. 8, 1902. The Club House Handicap Sweepstake. For threa-JockeyClub to add ,5C0. of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third, fourth to save their year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho Crescent stake. Weights to bo announced three days prior to the race. Six Furlongs. City Jockey Club to add ,000, of which S200 to the sacond, 00 to tha third. Weights to ba an- To be run Saturday, Dec. 21, 1901. The Crescent City Handicap Sweepstake. For all nouncad three days prior to the race. One Mile, ages to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. The Crescent City Jockey Club To be run Saturday, Feb. 15, 1902. The Desoto Handicap Sweepstake. For three-year-to add ,500. of wlichC0 to tho second, 00 to the third, the fourth to savo thoir ataka. olds and upward. to accompany thonomination; 5 additional to start. Tho Crescent City Weights to be announced three days prior to the race. One Mile and One-Quarter. Jockey Club to add ,000, of hich 03 to the sscond, 00 to the third. Weights to ba announced To be run Wednesday, Dec. 251901, The Xmas Handicap. For all ages. to accompany three days prior to tho race. Six Furlongs, tho nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho Crescent; City Jockey Club to add ,250, of which To ba run Saturday, Feb. 22, 1902. The George "Washington Handicap Sweepstake. S200to the second, SlOOto the third. Woifthts to be announced three days prior to tho race. For four-year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho One Mile. r-gJSrSSS- "r" "r Crescent City Jockey Club to add ,250, of which 00 to the necond, 00 to the third. Weights To be run Saturday, Dec, 2871901. The If ew Orleans Handicap Sweepstake. For four- to bo announced three days prior to the race. One Mile and One-Sixteenth, year-olds and upward. to accompany tho nomination; 5 additional to start. The Crescent To be run Saturday, March 1, 1902. The Speed Handicap Sweepstake. For threa-year-City Jockey Club to add ,0C0, of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third, Weights to bo olds and upward. to accompany tho nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho Cra3cant City announced three days prior to the race. Seven Furlongs. Jockey Club to add ,000, of which 00 to tho second, 00 to tha third. Weights to ba announced To be run Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1902. The New Years Handicap Sweepstake. For three- throo days prior to the race. Six Furlongs, year-olds. to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho Crescont City Jockey To bo run Saturday, March 8, 1902. The Oakland Handicap Sweepstake. For three-Club to add ,250. of which 00 to the second, 00 to tho third. Weights to ba announced throo year-olds and upward. to accompany tho nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho Cressant days prior to the race. One Mile and Seventy Yards. City Jockey Club to add ,030, of which 00 to tho second, 00 to tho third. Weights to ba an- To be run Saturday, Jan. 4, 1902. The Audubon Handicap Sweepstake. For three- "nounced throe days prior to the race. One Mile and One-Quarter. 7ear-olds and upward. to accompany tho nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho Crescont To ba ruq Wednosday, March 12, 1902. The Hush Cup Handicap Sweepstake. For City Jockey Club to add ,C00, of which 00 to tho sacond, 00 to tha third. Weights to be an- three year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. Tho nouncod three days prior to the race. One Mile and One-Sixteenth. Crescent City Jockey Club to add ,250. Tho winner to receive 50 and a piece of plate of tho To bo run Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1902. The Jackson Handicap Sweepstake. For three- value of S300. 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to ba announced three days prior to tha year-olds and upward. to accompany tho nomination; 5 additional to start. The Crescont race. Two Miles and One-Quarter. City Jockey Club to add ,250, of which 00 to tho second, 00 to the third. Weights to be an- To bo run March , 1902. The Crescent City" Derby. For threa-year-olds foals of 1899. nounced three days prior to the race. One Mile and One-Half. to accompany tho nomination; 0 additioaal if not declared out on or before January 1, To bo run Saturday, Jan. 11, 1902. The Gentilly Handicap Sweepstake. For three-year- 1932, and 0 additional if not declared out on or baforo February 22, 1902. 00 additional to oIub and upward. to accompany the nomination; 5 additional to start. The Crescont City start. Tho Crescent City Jockey Clnb to add ,500, of which S500 to tho socoud, 00 to tho third, Jockey Club to add S1,CC0, of which 00 to the second. 00 to tho third. Weights to be an- fourth to save stake. Allowances: Non-winnera of a raco of tho valm of ,400 or six races of any nounced three days prior to the race. Six and One-Half Furlongs. value since December 7, 1901, allowed 7 lba.; maidens allowed 12 lbs. One Mile and One-Eighth. ALL ON ADDED MONEY SYSTEM. NO HANDICAP LESS THAN 00, NO PURSE LESS THAN 00. Additional Stakes will be Announced to Close January 4, 1902. Address entries and communications to SHERIDAN CLARK, Secretary, 735 Gravier St., New Orleans, Lai Or HARRY WHITE, Room 403, Monadnock Building, Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901111001/drf1901111001_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1901111001_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800