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LOUISVILLE FORM CHART. LOUISVIIXE, KY., November 9. Beventh day. Douglas Park Racing Association. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, John Morrow. Starter, William Brnen. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. f Q Q -I Q FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse S250. 3-year-olds and upward. t tJ O JL O AUowancea. Iod Horses A Wt Bt and K 1and StrFin Jockeyo Owners O H 0 P 29166 YOUNG HENRY 3 97 1 12 12 11 11 W Woods A Brown and Co 8-5 9-5 8-5 4f 29260 INCANDESCENT 5 105 2 2h Sh 41 21 T Walker D Giles 10 10 10 4 29260 MISS AUBREY 3 97 3 51 51 31 31 Mahon J F Dockery 3 42 29281 DUCA8BA 3 1C0 10 8 61 7 4 J Daly JCFerriBJr 4 5 4 8-5 29235 BWFET CHARITY4 106 4 51 22 21 5 Absher C C HugheE - 6 7 6 2 29287 JACK WILLIS 4 110 8 61 7 5" 6 Meidling P Browning 15 15 15 6 28285 ROSY MORN 5 109 9 41 4h 61 76 Ballinger J Brinkman 4 5 4 2 -19304 MAY TARE 3 1041 6 7 8 8 82 May HWWhauserandColO 15 15 8 29231 MORUN1 5 1C6 11 11 10 9 9 C Wright GdbarteandTorriss 20 20 20 3 27813 ALLS WELL 3 1041 7 9 9 10 101 J Murphy C 8 Crow C 8 8 4 29287 LILL. M DON ALD7 109 12 12 12 11 11 Pattereon T J Harmon 40 40 40 15 BAD PENNY 3 102 5 10 11 12 12 C Murphy CFBchleith 10 20 20 8 Time, 231, 49,1:02,1:09. Winner B. g, by Henry Young Volandera. SSmSSSrk Went to post at 2:11. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily ; second the same. Young Henry broke well in his Btride and tiptoed hie field for the first five-eighthB but had to do hie best at the nd and was tiring badly. Incandescent ran in improved form and performed im-preesivcly. Miss Aubrey was slightly interfered with on the stretch turn but it cut no figure in the result. Ducassa ran a winning race from where she got off. Sweet Charity showed early speed bat weakened et the end. Rosy Morn quit as if short. Scratched 18424 Incidental, 109; 291683Mandamus. 101; 29260 Protio,104; First Lady, 102. Overweights Incandescent, 1 pound; Sweet Charity, 2; Jack Willis, 1; May Tarr, 21; Moruni, 2; Alls Well. 21. Young Henry, show, 2 to 5, Incandescent, show, 2 to l;IMiss Aubrey, Bbow, avone, Dncaeaa, ehow, 4 to 5. , I I ! MSB 293X4: SEC0ND BACK 7-8 Miio Pnrat 5230. 2-year-olds. Allowances. t-tf Horses A Wt St M. 1 StrFin Jockeys Owners O M 0 J 2923I3BUCCLEUTH 97 2 3 33 3 21 12 ONoil T P Hayes 1 6-5 6-5 A 292612LILLIAN M. 102 4 1 1 11 11 26 Troxler F M Connor 7-5 7-5 7-5 2-5 29t63MYRTLE DELL 105 3 23 22 21 3 31 T Walker J Newman 5 6 5 3-2 29232 DE MILSOM 102 5 4" 41 41 41 411 W Woods E Moore 4 5 5 3-1 292813FLORRIE S. 97 1 5 5 5 5 5 J Daly B O Kennedy 5 10 10 3 Time, 231, 481,1:14,1:271. Winner B. f, by Oddfellow Montgomery Cooper. Went to post at 2:36. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second tho same. Bnccleuth was under restraint in the flret part of the raco nnd came away in the stretch whet called on and won in impressive style. Lillian M. ahowd early Bpsed, hungon gamalv under punishment and was easily the best of the others. Myrtle Dall weakened at the end as if short. De Hilsom performed poorly. OverweightB Myrtln Dell, 3 pounde. No show batting on first tbrae. pr THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 50. 3-yoar-oldB andupward. Smi J O X J Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St H 36 Bfrrgin Jockeys Owners O I f 29166TRE.1AR 3 102 4 11 Hi 11 In M JohnBon H L Johnson 8-5 11-511-54-5 290S4JED L. 4 109 2 2 21 211 2 BeauchampHamilton and Co 3 3 11-56-5 291923 JAKE WEBER 4 109 1 311 4" S2 32 Troxler P M Civill S 3 3 6-E 29137 CAD HAZEL 8 106 5 51 53 41 46 Howill Moore and Bradley 6 7 7 2 292502 KIND RED 4 115 3 61 62 61 5 DugaD E and L Bohlman 8-5 S-5 8-5 3-5 29232RAGNAHOK II. 3 97 7 I Si 52 68 Lanmard M A Stevenson 20 48 40 1! 28045 ALEA 8 102 6 7 7 7 7 L Daly 8 P Harlan 10 29 20 ? Time, 281,48, l:C0i, 1:07. Winner B. f, by Tremnnt Margo. Went to post at 3:00. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Tre-mar was wefl. bandied, jseved ground by hujrging the rail all tin way and, although apparently beaten in the last furlong, came again and just got up in time, Ed L. was hard ridden all the way and ran a good, honest raco. He faltered slightly in the closing strides. Jake Wobar lost ground on the turn for home, but finished stoutly ind would have won in another stride. Kindred could not concede tho weight and was never a factor. Overweights Cad Hazel, 2l pounds. Tremar. show, 2 to 5. Ed L showl to 2. Jaka Webar, show, 1 to 2. JHndred, show, pn OQ1 FOURTH EACE-l Mile. PurBOJ50. 4-yoar-olda and upward. Allowance!. aotXD Gentlemen Riders. nl Horass A Wt St M hi 3 BtrFin Jookeya Ownare O H O g 29!622METOXBN 5 1S5 2 11 is li V i Mr Arnold T A Daviee 652 I s3T 291S8 SAUCE BOAT 4 1161 3 41 31 3 35 2a MrBnrkderA Brown and Co 6 8 8 3 29263 PAN CHARM 6 143 1 31 21 23 22 35 MrHeneon J C Ferris Jr 1112-6 29262 MR.BROOKWOOD5 1S81 5 5 42 412 415 420 Mr WatsonP Browning i 4 4 6-1 9311 REDWOOD 12 130 4 21 5 5 5 5 Mr Barke C M Caldwell 4 5 5 3- 29231 ST. ALOYSIUS 5 125 6 L.oet rider. Dr Bental C Barre 10 23 20 6 Time, 25, 501, 1:18,1:461. t . Winner B. h, by Patron Azalea. Went to post at 3:50. At pcBt 3 minutes. Start good. Won cloverly ; seoad driving. Mot-oxen was mnch the beet and was never extended. Sance Boatgot second plica la the final strid and only the pull in weights enabled her to do this. Pan Charm ran weh under tha weight. St. Alqysius ran away a mile before the start and Dr. Bental fell off him in to 9 race. Redwoot? pulled up lame. Scratched-29!63Banquo II., 153; 292623Hallott P., 133. Overweights 8auce Boat, 11 pounds; Mr. Brookwood, 31. Metorin, show, out. Sauce Boat, show, 3 to 2. Pan Charm, show, oat. Mr. Btokwooi, show, 1 to S. 6Ci"jf FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Furso 50. 2-year-olde. Allowances. fad gorges A Wt Bt BTrFln JockeyB Ownm Q a U 291672FUGURTHA 107 3 1 1- V U Troxler J V Conran 4-5 4-5 4-5 T-fi- 291913DUBIOUB 112 6 6 6 31 21 Houck A Brown 2 21 21 1 29261 KEGEL 99 4 41 31 21 31 ONeil P M Civill 4 4 4 3-2 29286 COB1NNE C. 99 8 8 7 62 45 Wallace F Gerinc 15 15 15 6 292S42LITTLE HINDOO 107 2 31 42 5J 5 T Walker T A Davies 4-5 4-5 4-5 8-6 29191 CALLED BACK 107 1 21 21 41 6" Howell E ApDerson 3 3 3 6-5 29284 EDNA KENNER 99 5 52 5 7 712 J Daly P J Nolan 10 15 15 6 29261 ALICE HOP 95 7 7 8 8 8 M Johnson B O Kennedy 40 50 50 20 Couplsd in straight batting. Time, 28i, 491, 1 :09i. Winner Cb. c, by July Hearsa. Went to poet at 3:56. At post 8 minutes. Start good. Won oasily ; second driving. Fugnrtht showed much the most speed and wan eased up in the last hundred yatds. Dubious began slowly closed a big gap, finished Btrong and was under a hard drive all through the last quarter. Kegel faltered at the end. Called Back pulled up lame. 8cratched-29232 Arthur Moll, 107. Overweights Dubious, 2 pounds. Fugurtha, show. out. Dubois, show, 1 to 2. Kegel, show, 4 to 5. Little Hindoo, show, 4 to I. Called Back, show. 1 to 2. 203X8 SIXTEE BACK 1 Mile. Puree S250. 4-year-oid and upward. Balling. ln.l. Horeae L t St H K 5 ElrFin Jockoya Owner O H Q 292852ELEVEN BELLS 4 100 8 4" 41 41 3 HI J Daly T A Daviee 2T4 4 8f 2923SHONEYWOOD 4 105 1 72 72 62 41 2 May MStowoandCo 3 4 4 8-5 29260 DOUINI8 6 100 4 I 12 12 li s ONeil F Boweraaiith 10 10 18 4 29193 SKILLMAN 6 104 3 61 51 Si 2" 41 Kuhn C M CaldweU 3 3 8-5 4-5 29264HIE AWAY 4 105 6 51 21 2 5 51 W Woods E Moore 8-5 2 2 4-5 29233 EL8IE BARNES 7 105 2 21 Si 51 61 61 Troxler W H Billings 4 4 4 8-5 29264 FRANK PEARCE 4 95 7 31 61 7 7 7 Lampard M A Stevenson 20 30 SO 10 28599 OPERA GIRL 5 107 5 8 8 8 8 8 Hart P Bitzer 40 ICO ISO 30 29262 SOUDANA 4 100 9 9 9 9 9 9 Collins H D Monroe 40 108 100 80 Tinas, 241, 49, 1 :14i, 1 :421. Winner Br. f, by Quicklime Elsie 8. Went to poBt at 4:22. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second driving. Eleven Bells was off well in motion, but got in a jam on the first turn. She then wore the leaders dowa and was going away at the end. Honeywood closed a big gap, caught Dominie tiring and got second place in the last stride. Dominis showed much early speed, but could not last. SkiaV man quit. So did Hio Away. Scratched-27704 Arriba, 105; 29262 Cherry Head, 105; 29262 Friesland, 98; 29231 Quaver, 95. Overweights Bkillman, 1 pound. Eleven Bells, show, 4 to 5. Honeywood, ehow. 4 to 5. Dominis, show, 2 to 1. Bkillman, Bhow, 2 to 5. Hie Away, Ehow, 2 to 5. Elsie Barnes, show, 4 to 5.