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LATONIA FORM HART. M1LLDA1E, HY , November 9. ThirUanth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, L. P. Tarlton. Starter, H. D. Brown. Bacing starts at 2-.C0 p. in. 2930T FIHST BACB3"4 M11 nrseoO. 3-year-oldB. Selling. lad Horses A Wt St 34 ft 3 BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 292542BILL MA8SIE 97 4 51 42 22 1k Lyne Oots Bros 4 4 3 65 291441EBEMA 109 1 13 H 12 2 Landry L V Bellow 2 3 3 1 - 28916 PB-CE88 OTILLIE 100 7 7 61 31 36 Miller H Bobinson 6 10 10 4 28309 ZACK FOBD 105 5 41 Si 42 41 Giveno B E Wntkina 12 12 12 4 29216 RUTH PAB K 102 6 63 51 6! 5 Cash JMaddox 15 100 100 30 28271 QUEEN ODAY 105 a S 7 51 61 T Knight JBRespass 21 4 4 l-C. 292592SADHAM 97 2 2a 21 7 7 L Jackson W H Chambers 4 4 4 3-2 , Time, 121, 241,491,1:151. Winner Br. g, by Traverse Belle of Mount Zoah. Went to post at 2:15. At post 7 minutes, Start straggling. Won driving; second easily. Bill Hassio was taken the longest way and stood a long, hard drive through the stretch. Erema tired and was weakening in the last fnrlong. Princess Otillie saved ground on the turns and ran a good race. Zack Ford did well and is improving. Sad Sam quit badly. Scratchod -29259 Jim Nap. 112; 29259 Lyror Bell, 109; 29257 Velma Clark, 101; 25985 Geta Blackburn, 97; 28329 Ida Penzance, 97. Overweights Princess Otillie, 3 pounds; Buth Park, 1. Bill Massie, show, 2 to 5. Erema, Bhow, 1 to 2. Princess Otillie, show, 8 to 5. Queon oDay. show, 4 to 5. Sad Sam, show, 3 to 5. 29308 BEC0ND BA0S-6 1-8 unonffa. Pnrfi3300. 2-y3ar-oldB. AllowanoaB. nd HorsoB A Wt 8t and ft StrFin Jockeys Ownars O fl O P 290873 HEHM18 107 1 21 11 11 12 Lyna H A Enaman 1 ETH 8-"5 29143INVENTOB 107 4 41 43 21 22 T Knight T ivffo 2 11-511-5 7-10 29i58SETAUKEr 107 3 32 31 4 32 Landry H MZieglar 3-2 3-2 7-5 1- 2914S BALM OF GILEAD 107 2 la 2a 31 45 L Jackson Mrs M Abadio 6 6 6 2 29164 FRANK JONES 100 5 51 51 52 52 Miller J H Stanton 10 25 25 8 29258 CIRCUS 103 7 7 7 7 61 Lindsay W T Baldwin 12 30 30 10 29164ARCHIE 103 6 6 62 61 7 B Steele ButlBdseandStevenBlO 10 10 4 Time,12,24,49,l:01i,l:08. m. Winner Ch. c, by Hermence Katie of the West. Went to post at 2:15. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily ; second the same. Morrnis cama away in tho stretch without much effort and was safe from the time he assumed the lead. Inventor ran a game, true race. Setauket did not coma up to expectations. Balm of Ixilead showed a groat deal of speed. Archies performance was away below par. Hermis, show, 4 to 5. Inventor, show, out. Setauket, ehow, out. 29309 THupwaEdCHandicfpmiC8" 0ver 4 Hurdles- SC0 added. S-yaar-olds and Ind . Horses A Wt St 1 Z 3 4 StrFin Jockeys Ownars O H C P 29236 GOV. BOYD 6 128 3 31 3 21 25 12 15 Qormlej J Laird 4 4 2 7T0 28532 L. FABNDLE6 147 1 21 21 31 31 25 22 Dolan TC Dolan 3 4 41 8-5 29162JEL. HOLMES 6 160 8 62 4 510 4 410 38 Butler W H Sayre 4 4 4 tt Z93643R. MOBBISON3 130 2 12 15 12 u 32 410 Corner J A Max well and Co 15 20 20 8 29160GUEBDON 4 1281 5 53 55 41 5105105 Moppins JSWato 13 IS 6 291623 j, BLACKBBN7 138 7 1 7 6 6 6 6 Son F WTorrevson 4 8 8 3 28193 DANGEBLINE3 134 9 7 61 Befused. EUison E Bichardson 5 7 7 21 29162 LIlTLE JOHN6 1311 4 Foil. Cahill JB Btanton SO 30 30 10 29196 BEQUEATH 6 13216 Fell. Sanford BEWatkiS9 15 20 20 8 Time 2 " O? Winner B. g, by Littlo Fallow Lizzie McC. WonttopoBt at 3 -.05. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Governor Boyd was much the bast, favored as ha was in tho weights. Lord Farandolo was easily second best, but did not run to his beat mark. Eleanor Holmes was giving away too much weight, but ran a good race. Bobart Morrison fenced well, but could not keep up the paco. The others are poor jumpers. Scratched 906i2Divorti8sement, 138. OvorweightB Guerdon, 31 pounds ; Little John, 11 ; Bequeath, 21. Governor Boyd, show, out. Lord Farandole, snow, 3 to 5. Eleanor Holmes, show, 7 to 10. 93X0 F0UKTE BAOK-1 Mile. Purso SS00. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. nd Horo3s A Wt St X ft 3 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P " 92562 WIN TEB 5 103 1 41 51 51 42 12 T Knight J B Bobdbsb 5 o 1na e 19213 FAIRY TALE 4 108 4 21 2 12 11 22 Silvarf GRBmith 10 15 15 R S2S?EWAG,NEEI 97 3 H 4 41 2i 3 Li"dsay LSmiShaandCo 6 10 10 4 29257 ECOME 5 105 2 33 31 2 31 42 R Steele J J Marklein and ColO 1 12 5. 2G0672JUDGEBED WINES 104 8 6 7 7 61 53 Lyna Baker and Gentty 6 7 7 21 28902JOUB LADY 3 105 8 8 61 8 8 6 Givens J N Miller and Co 7 15 15 6 28990 BARONET 3 104 5 7 8 61 7 71 LjLLonJWPuah 21 8 8 S 293152CHOBU6 BOY 5 107 6 H U 3 52 82 Laundry HBoWnson 4 41 44 I S i9216MB. POMEROY 3 100 7 9 9 9 9 9 jlaffirellF W Seyson lo 25 25 8 . . Time, 13, 24f, 491,1:16, 1:421. w inner r, B. m, by Exile Wildflowor. oaS?10081337?1881"003- Won ridden out; second easily. Winter was b3as but ran sluggishly and bad to be whippsd out from the nrBt quarter home. Fairy Tale showed speed for eix furlongs but was tiring badly at the end. Dollio Wagner ran herVace Ecoma quit in the Btretch. Chorus Boy showed speed for six furlongs and then retired. Kcratchpd-2925433im W.,101; 29276 Waterhouse, 102; 29213 Phosphorus, 106 OvBrweights-Dolhe Wagner, 2 pounds; Chorus Boy, 1. -"illz01 jl Fairy Tale Bhow 3 t0 l- Dolli Wagnar, show, 8 to 5. 293X1 Handlcai15-1 1-16 JttUeB" W0Oadded 3-year-olda and upward. Horses A Wt St H ft X StrFin Jockey Ownars O H O P 292C0SNELLLAUFEB4 97 3 3 22 22 H 12 Lyna a Ballnw 5 i 29197 NOBLEMAN 5 90 5 12 12 m 2 21 Louden WcS I 10 ? I 29193J. H. BLOAN 4 108 2 L?ndBay L 42 42 42 32 3 LSmUha 2 1 J .91982JOHN.MOABT1.Y3 loHNMJASiiS!! 98 S i lBB I1 f 21 5 ,4i J ft1 BSteola Ut4oa w L MGoidbiatt Hazalip 2 I 21 f 21 V 7-10 i"5 Winner B. c, by Deceiver Anna Gray. TonfL?nt-t?postaiti4!l? Ai po5 7 minmo3- 3tartgocd. Won easily; second driving. Schnell Lanfer was carefully placad and came away when his rider waa ready. Nobleman showed snam! nd improvement but began to tiro on tho far turn and had to be whipped out Xi Second pface J fl-.oaii was. sluagish in the first part of the race, but finished strongly and wonld ha bean second had the dietance been a trifla further. Jessie jarboe had enougb fter going six ""longs. "lonm Johnny McCartey seemingly did not hava his speed with him today. CarUyshoiTtoV110" 1 Noblernan ehow evens- J- H- Bloan. show, 2 to 5. Johnny Mc-593X2 81XTH EACic-3 mie8- PursaC0. 3-yaar-olds and upward. Sailing, ind Horses A Wt St ft m 11 11 BtrFin Jockeya Owners O H O P " 292132FACADE 5 97 5 41 4a 55 31 51 la Lyna jnarmll k S i 1 2S5S3 L.T. TUCKER 3 93 2 8 8 8 7 21 o Steele B J Hinnr I i 1? 1 SfflSPNBDALB 3"3i46 4 It 1" " MLyles I 2 2 4-5 29m DPrnRNP I Itl 1 53 II 5 S ll 11 P0?van E W Fitzgerald 10 12 12 4 ffiWi i ! ? r nnf . , L, u V.-.ffli!1 a S s Winner B. g, by Fabulous Bnpea. Weut to post at 4:35. At posCS minutes. Start good. Won in a hard drive-socond aasilv Lyna rode a well timad racoon Facade, saving him carsfully for the finish the W Tcomlng with a sustained rush through tha stretch. Little Tommy Tucker atronriTat the end and made bold bid for was bf comine vary a first honors. Woodtrica aeemed to dSKfs bast mnsdale UinBdale and Deloraine had enough after going a mile and throe-quarters and tired "IdE? B Ovarweights Hinsdale, 11 pounds; Deloraine, 11. showrout.8 ShW 1 10 2 LUtl8 Tmmy Tnck8r Bh0w 8 t0 5" Woodtca, Bhow, 2 to 5. Deloraine,