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REYNOLDS and OH Monday Onr information will again consist of two good things at each track. Saturday wo Rave onr clients a bunch of winners. There were no long shots amongst them, consequently we have not to boast of. Beginning November 16 we will got direct information by spacial wire from the California tracks dnily. In the meantime wo will give selections on Bennings and Latonia races. .00 Weekly. Wired at lo a.m. REYNOLDS and CO., RESPONSIBLE BETTORS! Can obtain from two to four GOOD plays weekly on CERTAIN staalos isring the California meeting. This information from DIRECTLY interest partiis and wired only whan the horses are HE WILY backed fcy them. NO MONEY IN ADVANCE; responsible parties furnished the plays for a psreentego ef NET weekly profits 00 same. For full particulars address P. O. Box, 014, Milwaukee. Wis. WfiNTPfl By reliable colored man, position 11 nil I LU as valet to jockey or horseman. Hisrhest references. F. A. Adgley, 4930 Vincennes. Race - Track - Information - Bureau Publishers of Form Letter Handicap. Suite 500, 263-260 Dearborn St. Telephone Harrison 1580. fflannn 30-1 tO Will lO-l TllflGR We advertised that this i good thing had not started lliaiiyu UU l IU UU, 1U 1 piauu. many races at Lakeside. Wo advised 129 clients in Chicago to plncga the limit on this good thing. They did. nd backed it down to 8 to 1 Rival Dari and Sea Qnaan we also gave to our patrnne. 15 TO 40 TO 1 MONDAY, JUST AS GOOD AS MANGO. The kind of a "good thing" Mango was may be judged from the fol-lowing: Mango is a maiden, he bad not started in any race around Chicago, our experts having watchad the work of this horse which was a mile in 1:45 easy. MANGOS RACE 3HOULD "GIVE YOU PAUSE." It Bbonld lead you to ask yourself seriously whether you can afford to bat your good money daily with no basis for your opsratisns b4 your gntsiug er hn.nJieappinir when tho inside information of a corps of high salaried nDd comnitent nxpnrts of national rnnri-tation is WITHIN YOUR BEACH. THIS IS "GETAWAY" WEEK AT LAKESIDE. Three racing days romain. They should prove momontous to onr followers. There are fully a dozsn good things "on the carpet" for exploitation during tho "getaway" days and tho odds against the dozen will average fully as much as those which were laid against MANGO. Follow us the next three days. Do what the plungers di. Do what the OWNERS do. TAKE OUR POINTER8 FOR YOURS. YOU WILL GET THE MONEY. TERMS: .00 PER DAY. .00 PER WEEK. READY AT 9 A. M. Also sold at KolmanB cigar store, 267 Dearborn St., and at cigar stand, Rotunda, Adams Exnress v Bnildina, 185 Dearborn 8t. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO PICKING WINNERS. PICKING WINNERS. MANGO, 0-15-8, Extra Special, 2nd, beaten a neck by hard luck, Wired ail over tne world, as will do all this winter in Galitornia. MONDAY RAIN OR SHINE: ONE. If rain two, odds from 3, 6, 8 or 15. SPECIAL DAILY CITY SHEETS WITH ALL RACES .00. SlX SnedalS for 0 Or S2 for OnB. Wi5e ! to any part of the world. May require two weeka J , 1 7 , i to deliver, as only wire horses of odds, not hot favorites H. T. Allard always at office to explain any matter. I with my track man every morning as yoii know. Office 176 S. Clark St. in ticket office. Tolephone 2149 Centrnl. On sale at 11 :30 a.m. at newsstand, southeast corner of Clark and Madieon Sts. COL. J. C. WOOTERS, MGR., 94 Lincoln Ave. - - Tel. North 1C07,