untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1902-09-10


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I AiLY RACING FORM I IBSUED EVERY DAY. pfESTERH JOCKEY CLUB BULLETIN OFFICIAL OEQ AN OF THE WESTERN JOCKEY CLUB, Editob and Pbopeietoe, F. H. Bbunell. t Associate Editob, Clinton C. Riley. Seoretaby, Mrs. F. H. Bbdnell, Intend 1b the Post Office at Chicago as second class matter, DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. A Daily Reflection of the American Tnrf . by Telegraph. COPYRIGHTED latered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1902, by Frank H. Brunell, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, U.S.A. The inart and index numbers and track form of Daily Racing Form must not be used. The; irs copyrighted daily and will be keenly promoted. L 34-126 FIFTH AVE., CHICAGO.ILMNOIS SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. TERMS: Per Month .25 Half Year 7.50 One Year 14.00 Jhe above rates are for single copies as sealed loiters first-class mail. aily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as first-class mail in all cases. jocal subscriptions ontsido the down town districtwill be declined at other than first-class mail matter rates. Subscriptions Must bb Paid in Advance. .o be considered and answered all queries to Daily iIaoinq Fobh must be sent over the full name and with the address of the writer. Those names And eddresees are subject to a local and foreign directory test. It; Louis, Mo., Office 19 N. Bboadway, Babe-ment, m. mubphy, agent. On Sale at 8 :30 a.m. aily Racing Form can be delivered to any address in St. Louis, Back numbers can be promptly supplied. Orders for advertisements can be left at the St. Louis office for telegraphic transmission. Cincinnati, O.W. S. Manns. General Agent. Jbtboit Office 139 Gbiswold Street. Frank E. McDonald, Agent. On sale at 9 :00 a.m.. II Hot Springs, Abk. : F. C. Bovtng, 418 Central Avenue. t Denver, Col.: Hakilton and Kendriok, 905-912, 17th Stbubt. lT Nashville, Tenn. : Duncan Hotel. Milwaukee, Wis. : Plankinton Hotel News Stand. Frank Mulkern, 3rd and Gband Avenue. lT Buffalo, N. Y. : New Tifft House. lT San Francisco, Cal. : Foster and Oreab, Market Street Fbbby Nbwb Stand. r Toronto, Ont. : George MoSwbeney, Iroquois Hotel. G. T. Pendergast, Palmer House. Lt New Orleans, La. : H. J. Holle, 641 Commercial Place. Thomas F. Gessner, 108 St. Charles Street Lt Memphis, Tenn. ; R. M. Mansford Co. S. H. Clarke and Beo. lt Kansas City, Mo. : Biokseoker Cigar and News Co., Ninth and Walnut Streets. Lt Butte, Mont. : Keefe Bros., Post Office News Stand. Chicago, Illinois, September 10. 1902.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1902091001/drf1902091001_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1902091001_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800