Delmar Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1902-09-23

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DELMAR PARK ENTRIES. Pobabilitis : Weather cloudy ; track good. Apprentice allowance. First Race 6 1-3 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Sailing. Ind. HorseB. Age. Wt. Hdoi. 351613Tom Collins 7 .... 118 705 34832 The Phoenician 7.... 115 725 35132 Hengist 4.... 112 710 34920 Deveric 5.. ..112 700 351562Mission ..5. ...112 705 34768 Aline S 4.... 107 700 35041 Macon 5.... 107 695 34924 In victus 4 .... 107 ...... 705 351013 Anna Elliott 3 .... 106 720 34319 Wedding March 3.... 106 15 341443Little Dutch 6.... 102 710 351602Spurs 6... .102 715 Second Race 3-4 Mile- 3-yaar-olds and upward. Sailing. 345613Blueblaze 4 .... 105 715 35156 One More 4.. ..102 710 337873Lizetta S 4..:.102 710 83188 Prince Real 5.... 102 715 34707 Amelia Bay 5 .... 102 700 28262A1 vin W 8 .... 100 70o 35103 Palmette 3.... 100 710 35222 Yellowstone 3.... 99 725 35041Fred Hessig 4.... 97 720 35196 Aransas 3.... 96 705 S51563Tuck Paw 3.... 91 700 Third Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Sailing, 351263Tros 4.... 106 710 34861 Morris Volmer 5. ...105 705 351343Maggie Felix 5.. ..104 725 34800 Van Hoorebeke 5 .... 102 710 35194 Flop 7.... 102 705 35226 Miss Mae Day 5.. ..102 700 35226 Kiss Quick 5. ...102 715 351932 Velasquez 4.... 97 700 35197Our Lady 4.... 97 720 35161 Doeskin 3.... 96 715 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-alds and upward. Selling. 352263H You Dare 4.... 112 715 33477 Graden 3.... 107 700 35136Hilee 6.. ..106 72a 35226 Theory 6.. ..104 710 35105Father Wentker 3.... 98 715 35222Hainault 3.... 97 705 35197Nearost 7.... 97 720 Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 35161Fourleaf C 6.. ..107 720 351362Temptross 4. ...107 70o 35227Red Apple 4.. ..107 710 351942Tickful 5....107 715 35160Dandy Jim 4.. ..105 00 35193Sweet Dream 4.... 102 715 352222Aules 3.. ..101 725 352262Tha Boer 4.... 97 715 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 30 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 35161 Lunar 5.. ..110 ......725 35136 Antolee 4.... 109 710 351963Lennep r 7... .105 705 35107Orris 5. ...100 725 35227leven Bells 5.. ..100 715 35107 Varner 3.... 99 700 35034 Lingo 3.... 95 705 35222 Has Gift 3.... 90 700 351972Optimo 3 ... 90 715

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