untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1903-03-21


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CLIVOSO, 121 Heavy, Won FOSSIL, 2;1 Heavy, Won FRIDAY. SHARP BIRD 3-1 Special Won BEANA 3-1 Heavy Won SWEET TONE 3-3 Special Won TKLMA CLARK.. 3-1 Heavy Won The above were given to win and to win only. This: sort of information is always obtainable from us. is SATURDAY We have another grand long shot winner. The price will bo from 15 to 25 to 1. This trick is the biggest cinch of the yoar. CALIFORNIA Telegraphic - Selections, Suite 708, 335 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. J Wired at 10 a. m. Terms for Handicap Sheet, including- Specials, $ i Per Day, Weekly. Also for sale at naws stand corner Clark and Madison sts. CeIetoant 1-1 Guaranteed Special Finished 3nd Silver Fringe 10 to I was civen to win on our regular sheet. 10 to 30 to I Shot SPECIAL TODAY Barring accidents this one will win to a certainty. Remember we give the largest percentage of winners that can be obtained. Sheets are always on file for public inspection. Terms for Handicap Selections, including best bets hot to exceed two a day, DAILY, WEEKLY or .00 for Five Winning Specials. Reynolds and Co. Established 1890. 119 DEARBORN mT., - SIXTH FLOOR. Chicago, 111. Also sold at news stands in Saratoga and Sherman House Hotels and stands at Clark and Madison Sts. NOTE We have positively no connection with any concorn in this building or elsewhere. BlueMiracle20-lwon Sam Fullen, 8-5. Fossil, 3-3. Given to all our clients yesterday. , rnn A -W- AT NEW ORLEANS an -I UUA Y other BLUE MIRACLE .00 For This One. Steensen S. S. Go. SILVER FRINGE, 8-1, Won WHOA BILL, 8-1, Won "Not Hot Air Specials, but WINNERS." M A. WALKER and CO., 502, !G7 Desrtorn St. FRIDAYS GUARANTEED SPECIAL: ELIZA DILLON, 10 to 1, WON. We also gave Henry of Trastamare to win, Dotterel to win and place, Silver Fringe place, Mauser place. SOMETHING BETTER SATURDAY. The New York and San Francisco TURF INFORMATION CO. Room 3, 79 Clark St. Telephone Central 3193 Sheets on sale at news stand Clark and Washington Sts At Little Rock and Memphis W. E. TRIMBLE and CO. with their corps of handicappers and "dockers" will wire you direct from the Little Rock, Ark., and Memphis, Tenn , race tracks their best and safest bets. Terms, daily .00. weekly .00. Address: Care of Little Bock, Ark., Race Track; care of Memphis, Tenn., Race Track. Main office: 818 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. W. E. TRIMBLE and CO. LONG BEACH TURF EXCHANGE. FOUR REGULAR TRAINS VIA Stations 1st 3nd 3rd 4th Lalca Shore RV Harrison St 13:35 1:05 1:35 3:10 "Jr " 31st St 13-40 1-10 140 315 Grand Central Station, Harrison St. and Englewood isi48 l":18 li48 3i33 Fifth Ave. Grand Crossing. 13:54 1:34 1:54 3:39 RUNNING TIME 35 MINUTES. South Chicago.. 1:01 1:31 3:01 3:36 Four trains returning at.4 :45, 5 :24, 6 :10 and af tar last race. ROUND TRIP.35 CENTB

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1903032101/drf1903032101_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1903032101_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800