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JOCKEY CLUB PROCEEDINGS. A meetiing of the stewards of the Jockey Club was held Wednesday afternooon at 3 oclock at the office of August Belmont, 23 Nassau street, Mr. Belmont presiding. The other stewards present were F. R. Hitchcock, Andrew Miller and H. K. Knapp. In addition to the routine business or the meeting, the stewards voted to appropriate from the Fund for Disabled Jockeys the sum of 00 for the benefit of the old time jockey Jimmy Tribe. Tribe was formerly a well known rider, and after his weight prevented his further activity in the saddle he became an assistant to C. H. Pettingill when the latter was starting races on the metropolitan tracks. He has been laid up and in hard luck for some time, and his friends presented his case to the stewards with the result noted above. There was a bunch of applications for the privilege of being allowed to name foals after the prescribed date had passed, but David Gideon was the only applicant to get a favorable answer. He wanted to rename the two-year-old brown colt by Pirate of Penzance Flica, on payment of the 0 provided by the rules, and was allowed to do so. T. B4. Davis, of the firm of Davis and Hall, applied for permission to name and register two foals of 1S99 and one of 1900, all the property of C. C. Hall, without the payment of the penalty, but the application was denied. Nor did S. L. Adams have any better luck. He wanted to register five foals which had been neglected heretofore. On motion, duly seconded, the following applications for jockeys and trainers licenses were granted: Jockeys James Anderson, W. Dangman, Alfred Epps, J. P. Forehand, John J. Hoar, W. Hicks, Thomas Hyland, Joseph A. Jones, Richard Johnson, John Keenan, Noble Lewis, Frank Miller, William Morris, Andrew Minder, J. Martin, Edward Neeley, Joseph Robertson, Oscar Sailing, George Scott. Trainers John Adkins, W. K. Beal, George Barbee, John Callahan, M Devlin, J. F. Daniels, A P. Doyle, Louis Enton, M Jordan, M. J. Lynch, W. H. Mosby, Robert Mc-Keag, William McCullach, H. M Mason, G. W. Poole, C. Ray, C. B. Reid, Frank Stephenson, A Shipley, T. Settle, Louis Stuart, G. Wilson, R. J. Walden, Thomas Welch, James Henley.