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TORONTO ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track slow. ©Runs woll in mud. Apprentice allowance. First Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, [nd. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 39281 Kingbrook 5.. Ill ....690 39251 Gold Cure 4... 4. .108 . 710 39193Euclaire 6 106 ""715 39279 Fairy Tale 6. .106 ....695 3S6SS Star Gazer 6. .105 . 690 38S58 Maxette 4,.. 3.. 105 .705 356S3 Maggie W „.. 5..103 700 3S606 The Elba 4,.. 5.. 103 715 357S0 Clarena 4*.- 4.. 102 . 695" 39315 Directum 6.. 102 . 690 39281=Hie Away 6.. 100 ....720 393413Sly Boots 3..100 715 39281 Rideau 8..100 ".710 39309 Cassville -. 4.. 98 . 725 39315 Maru 4.. 94 ""705 39218 George Perry 4.. 3.. 85 "*710 39193 Lady Russell „.. 3.. 83 ..."700 Second Race-5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. The Hopeful Stakes. 00 added. 39280 Termagant 117 725 39310tEricula 117 tJJ 39190JSeotch Plume 117 ....710 39252Loupania 112 720 392S0 Sky Blue 105 715 39310 Short Cake ....105 ... 700 3S591tAli Good 105 ....705 " 3S676 Irene Cross .• 105 700 392522JStrange Device 100 ....100 392523JCon Amore 100 ....710 fS. E. Parmer entry. . E. Seagram entry. Ihird Race— 1 1-16 Milts 3- year-olds and upward. Handicap. The Seagram Cup. 00 added and Cup *i-s— * Value ,000. « .|13|Benckart 4... 5. .130 ....735 353t StBeguile 8. .128 .. 710 392S2tMerriment 4.. 4.. 125 750 392S23Malden .V...?.:: 5..W . 740 39193Euclaire 6. .120 ...*730 39314 Procession 7. 120 725 39224Butter Scotch 7..119 ..".720 392822ttEasy Street 4..117 735 ss.?restfallen 4.. 114 ::::7i5 3934b|Jerry 4«.. 6..110 ....720 39218ttGeorge Perry 4... 3.. 109 ....730 39279 Lucrusta .. 4.. 106 715 tG. W. Cook entry. .JJ. Duggan entry. TtN. Dyment entry. Fourth Race— About 2 1-3 Miles. Steeplechaso. 4- year-olds and upward. Allowances, 392502|Ten Below Zero 4. .168 700 39312fMaple Sugar * 5. .168 *690 SBlfer ••••• . 6 168 ::::67o S-£°l0 J 9. .168 ....680 Kwweed 7"163 — -G85 392o0 Hero 7. .161 680 39188 Grey Cloud 5 161 675 : 28407 Kings Craft Cm ....GSt iW. Hendrie entry. Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds. Allowances. The Woodstock Plate. ,200 added. Ind. Horses, color/Bex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 39221tClaude .129 . 750 - 39343tDecoration T...m 735 S-tShrine 4. 124 ....740 39224 Mamselle 4. 124 735 • Marcellian, ch. c, by Ravels-ton— Marcell 115 . 39224 Camembert ...H2 ....730 : iM. J. Daly entry. . C. Schulz entry. Sixth Race-3-4 Mile. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. ; Gossiper 4 107 39309 Miss Fisher 4.ii07 """ioo 2S354 Lady Powhattan 9.. 107 !!!.*690 SLat,rob£ 3.. 105 ....705 34659 Lady Essex 4 .102 710 39254 Bassanio 3" iy ""71c 39279 Lee Ridley 4*102 "*705 392543Earl of Norfolk 3 102 ""725 39254 Australia 3 100 ""710 35293 Monida 3100 ""705 3S616 Adele Harding 3. .100 ." .720 Seventh Race 3-1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. 39220 Taps 4 112 ./fn 34422 Amahagga 4.. 109 . 715,- 34348 Rio Bamba "" 4 ..109 700 39309 Cartoon 4 109 "695 35691 Destitute 4,.. 4..107 ""710 ■ 393443Oil in the Can 3l05 TLS 39284 Frank Love A.. 4.. 104 725 382592Walbrook 3 102 705 393093June Collins 4... 3. .102 720 36468 Fuego A.. 3.. 102 *686 " 39193 Maria Vaughn ...7... 3 100 m 392493Healinff Salve IlIlOQ 70t