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ST. LOUIS ENTRIES. Probabilities : Wtathor clear ; track fast. Apprentice allowance. ©Buns well in mod, First Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. Moulin Rouge, b. f, by Himyar — Monte Rosa 115 Anne Davis, br. f, by Loyalist — Valeriana 115 S9C50 Liberty Bell 115 ....G90 S9625 Mrs. Malaprop 115 ....6S0 S9G252Witchcraft 110 ....700 39551 Canossa ««..110 I... 670 39G01 Sextette 110 ....675 39213 Signorina 110 ....670 390G0 Wootsy Winierd 105 ....670 39G01 Hoedown 100 ....675 39G50 Wreath of Ivy 100 ....6S5 39G25 Ann Dear ►f.-.lOO ....6S0 39G74 Enigma »K.100 ....695 39554 Bush Smith ►K.lOO ....675 3939S Lona S 100 ....670 Second Ksice— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 397033Vestry .J... Ill ....705 39G77 Hemlock 105 ....700 395773Maverick 105 705 39G54*Dolly Gray 104 ....720 39577 Harry Griffith 103 ....695 395772Flash of Night J«..103 ....705 395232Budweiser 102 ....700 39G73*Cardwellton 101 ....G90 39704 Lady Vashti 100 ....715 39G9SsGoudy 97 ....715 39G49 Crime 97 ....710 39G98Hook Se Oka 95 ....725 394G0*Anzeiger i .. 95 — 705 39G77 Marchioness 95 ....695 39673*Edith Mack 93 ....690 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 39551 Castlegregory 10S ....700 39554 Arnold K ....725 39578 Lustig 10S ..i.720 39G27 Atlas .£..105 ....715 39G75 Maxrose 105 705 39099 Mafalda 105 ....715 39G25 Folies Bergeres , 105 ....705 3957S Don OHigh 100 ....710 Fourth Race -3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and npward. Handicap. 394G22Scorpio C..118 ....715 39G28 Frank Bell 7.. 114 ....720 39402 Maltster 5. .104 ....710 39G70 Santa Ventura 5. .103 ....715 39G2S Louis Wagner 4.. 103 ....705 39G302Bridge 4.. 99 ....725 39G7G Father Wentker 4.. 99 ....710 39028sCroix dOr 4.. 92 ....695 397042Orleans »£.. a.. 89 ....705 39030 Happy Chappy !*.. 3.. 89 ....700 Fifth Race-1 1-8 Jrtllts 3-year-olds and npward. Selling. 39G51 Kittie Clyde G..115 ....715 394313*The Way 4.. 109 ....725 39G2G2Joe Doughty 7.. 107 ....720 24383 Jean De Reszke 4.. 105 ....700 D9700 Tammany Chief ►£ •• 5. .104 ....710 39552*Dominis 8.. 104 ....G90 39305*Chopin 7. .102 ....705 39700 Eugenia S 7. .101 ....700 394G4s*Neversuch 3.. 93 ....095 39G053*Sardian 3.. 90 ....700 39G77*The Wizard 3.. SS ....710 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and npward, Belling. 3967andW. B. Gates 7.. 109 ....715 37595 Mynheer G..106 ....710 3907S*Baronet 5.. 105 ....700 39582f*Charles Ramsey 7.. 102 ....720 39553 South Breeze »!«.. 5.. 102 ....725 39098 Kings Pet +.. 7.- 95 ....700 394023*Josie F 4.. 95 ....715 395822*Leenja ►£ •• 4.. 91 ....710 39053 Detest 3.. SG ....G95