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I MONTHLY FORM BOOK. The Form Book for June is ready for Bale, ind Includes the racing of Juno 27. Paper :over, .00; leather cover. . j GOODWINS] h U U 1 1 A I Used by 811 Jockey milium- U 11 il II U I Clubs in the United states and Canada. OFFICIAL /Contains 2,000 pages I of carefully com- piled events from every section in North, Mv- America: also numerous statistical matter of great value to all. , - CHARTS to ALL PBIN- P IllflO CIPAL MEETINGS . . . J U | U U including interest ing foot notes. FOR 1902. PBICES In Cloth .20 UnW REinV InHalfMorocco7 20 nUn nCAUI InHalf Calf ....9.30 Q odd win Bros. Pub. 23D „„n VPAP YEAR moBway, New York.