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OAKLAND FORM CHART. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., February 6, 190G.-LSeventy-fifth day. New California Jockey Clnb. Winter Meeting altout 151 days. Weather clear; track fast. .U looks on. Presiding Judge, E. C. Hopper. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Secretary, Percy AA Treat. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. No recall flag used. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. fft PTO FIUST RACE-3 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Gcld-O JL O K7 ings. Allowances. Net value to winner $.325. Ind Horses AWt PPSt H StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P S COOnS EL1IDALB w lit 2 1 1 l3 11 W Dugan J Coffey 7-5 3-2 C-5 9-201-4 G0038 PALEMON w 114 7 5 2k 2i 2i T Clark Molera and JoseplisSJ 1S-518-51 0-20 G0009 YANKEE JIM ws 111 C G 41 3nk 31 Treubel A Ross 4 6 51 9-5 3-5 RAM1RO w 114 5 3 32 45 4 AV Knapp E J Baldwin 7 10 6 21 G-5 DORIC W 111 3 2 5 51 5nt Barrett L, H Ezell 30 10 39 10 4 CHARLEY PAYNE w 114 4 4 6 C G L FountalnJ Touhey 15 30 30 10 4 RED BALL w 111 1 Left at the post. E Walsh S M Williams G 15 15 G 3 Time, S!J, 421. Winner It. e, by Marius II. Makawa trained by J. Coffey. Went to post at 2:05. At post 11 minutes. Start straggling. Won easily; second the same. Elm-dale beat the barrier, won all the way and was best today. Ialemon suffered from crowding at the start, but went around the others and finished running a fast, good race. Yankee Jim, away poorly, finished with a rush. Ramlro, much used at the post and away slowly, was interfered with on the inside and ran as if short, but will easily reverse this running at his next essay. Doric finished going well and is a good looker. Charley Payne closed a big gap in the hist quarter. Red Ball looks like a coming good one. f f n f SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse S400. JJ-year-olds. .Maidens. Fillies. Selling. O J JL O J Net value to winner 25. Ind Horscn AWt PPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C PS. C0112 SAINTOLAT w 105 3 2 41 4"t lit l Sehade B Schreiber 6-5 9-5 9-5 4-5 2-5 59408 SIZZ n 10S 10 7 93 Gl 31 2nk Herbert J J Ellerd 20 40 40 15 8 59707LOVEY MARY w 108 9 S 10akl0 7" :! F Sullivan H Mann 4 G G 11-51 5SS19 EDELWEISS w 10S 5 G 5" 31 5" 4k L FountalnW M MurryandCo 15 30 30 12 G 59707 NETTIE HICKS w 109 11 4 21 2 Ink 5 W Dugan G Burger and Co 4 G 5 2 4-5 59707 SUAVITA wu 10S 2 1 3 5 91 Gl T Clark J AV Blalock 10 13 13 5 21 59911 ESTMERE s 103 7 5 7?. TS G"k 71 Clifford AV L Stanfield 30 GO GO 20 10 E99S3 NIOTA w 108 8 9 9 Si S S M Dickson AV Kern 12 20 20 8 4 CONTESTR1X w 10S 4 3 l"k lk 2"k 9 Gdchild W Kronick, and ColO 20 41 2 1 5975G ALUMDINA w 108 G 10 Gl 9 10 10 Barrett L II Ezell 20 GO 15 5 2 59307 YOLO GIRL w 10S 12 11 11 11 11 11 A Wright V Zimnier 23 GO GO 20 8 59707 PELF n 103 1 12 12 12 12 12 Locke Jones and Lusk 60 100 100 40 20 Time, 231, 4! I, 1:02. Winner B. f, by Sain Astolat trained by H. R. Brandt. Went to ppst at 2:3. At post 2 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; second driving. Saintolat broke striding and was at once outpaced and shut off, but eventually made good decisively and far outclassed the others. Sizz, by saving ground on the last turn, got into a good second midway of the stretch, but was tiring at the end. Lovey Mary, away poorly and quickly shuttled to the rear, closed an immense gap on the extreme outside and was easily second best. Edelweiss finished well. Nettie Hicks helped to force the early pace and failed to stay. Contestrlx showed superior early speed, but tired in the stretch and may have been short. Alumdlna dropped to the rear early. Overweights Nettie Hicks, 1 pound. ftAl ftl THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5-year-olds and upward. Selling. J J JL O JL Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt i StrFin Jockeys Owners OH C P S aTiSGKACEFUL - w-S-10tB . 5 - 4lj71F?l"i -TAVuIiai J U Lyman 4 1 12-pti-5:W GOOGlCERRO SANTA w S 10S 10 3 3i 2i 3 2 Herbert J .T Ellerd and Co 21 14-521 1 1-2 600S5E. M. BRATTAIN w 7 109 3 1 ll 13 Ink 3 W Dugan J D MIlHn 6 9 9 4 2 60110 MIMO s G 104 4 4 2k 31 43 41 Treubel I Sheridan 12 12 10 4 2 59732 MATT HOGAN w 9 IOC 7 7 9l S3 7t 5nk n Wilson W P Magrano 15 30 30 12 G 59554 BOUNTIFUL ws 5 101 S 9 Ga 5"t 5U sj F Sullivan C F TannerandCo 20 30 30 12 C C0061 ROYAIj WHITE w 107 5 6 7 61 6 7 Otis I. and D Stable 12 12 12 5 13-5 59SS1LAURA F. M. W 6 109 2 S S W 91 8 L FountainW M Caine and Co 6 9 S 3 2 59555 PICKAWAY W G 101 91 1 10" 911k S. 9 T Clark A J Jackson 6 10 10 4 2 59S5S COUSIN CARRIE w S 97 11 2 5nk 7UI0 10 Graham G Burger and Co 20 10 40 15 7 54018 POTENCIA W G 105 110 11 11 11.11 Burghart P E Smith and Co CO 100 100 40 15 Time, 24, 18!, 1:1::,. Winner B. 111, by Goldfinch La Cachuca trained by T. O. Williams. Went to post at 2:5!. At iost 7 minutes. Start fair. Won driving; second easily. Graceful, fresh and good, got away slowly, but gradually overhauled the pacemakers and came through fast on "the inside, getting up in the last stride. Cerro Santa was striding at the start and ran in close pursuit of the leader to the last turn, where he was cairled wide by him and succumbed after a game finish. E. M. lirattaiu made the running, but failed to stay, as usual, when hard pressed. Mlmo, rounding rapidly into shape, showed superior speed and finished gamely. Matt Hogan. away badly, had no chance with a novice rider. Laura F. M. was pocketed and repeatedly interfered with. Pickaway got away badly. Scratched RUTSTt Cloche dOr, 107. Corrected weights Pickaway, 104. Overweights Matt Hogan, 2 pounds; Royal White, 1; Potencia, fifl AO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. OllU4 Allowances. Net value to winner $;;2T. Ind Horses AWt FPSt 4 M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 60060CATALINE wn 5 101 4 4 11 ll 1 1". 11 Gdchild J W Blalock 3 31 13-513-103-5 G00G3SrPREME COURT WS 4 104 8 G S5 6 51 2nk 21 A Wright F J Herold 8-5 12-511-51 1-2 GOOIOJACKFULL s G 104 3 9 61 53 6k 5i 31 T Sullivan G P McNeil 5 10 S 3 8-5 GO0:i7DU.STY MILLER Wsu 5 107 7 5 2nk :;i 311 4 .j Graham G II ThomasandCo 10 15 15 5 11-5 59759:GLENARVON w 109 1 1 7"k 74 " 7" ah W Knapp G Summers and Col2 30 30 12 G 60034BIRDIE P. w 5 102 G 7 53 4k 4 G Gnk I, FountainD S Fountain 5 10 7 21 G-5 00S4MAJOR TENNY wu 7 104 9 10 4U 2 21 31 7" Treubel H Green 5 5 41 S-5 4-5 59S0S POSSART ws S 107 5 2 10 9 9 9 S Rettig T A Davies and Co25 60 60 20 10 59SSG CHESTNUT ws 4 107 10 S 31 SJ 8" SJ 9 F Sullivan A Ross 30 GO 60 20 10 59932 MEISTERSINGER w 7 137 2 3 91 10 10 10 10 T Clark C J Casey 30 SO 75 25 10 Time. 2IJ. 41, 1:15?. 1:41. 1:441. Winner Ch. g, by Sir Dixon Catallna II. trained by J. M. Stokes. Went to post at P.:2l. At post : minutes. Start good. Won easily; second the same. Cataline, gaining a flying start in an inside position, stole a long and winning lead on the first turn and was never seriously menaced afterwards. Supreme Court was carried out on the first turn and pocketed to the half, where he came around wide and put up a game, but unavailing stretch run. Jackfuli suffered from crowding at the start and closed a big gap and is extra good. Dusty Miller tired in the final quarter. Glen-arvon favors mud. Birdie P. was outclassed here. .Major Tcuny tired after going a good seven furlongs. Mcistershiger bolted at the start. Interfering with the favorite. Scratched 5!198S Harbor, 107. Corrected weights Glcnarvon, 100; Possart, 107. ftm ftQ FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. ::-year-oIds. Selling. UU1 OO Net value to winner 25. Ind Horses AWt PPSt hi StrFin .Jockeys Owners O H C P S 599S;iQUICKRICH wit 107 5 4 C1! 53 2nk Jh 1 E Walsh ApplegateandCofn 5 6 41 2 4-5 60135 A BE MEYER ivs 109 ! 2 1J 11 2 23 AV Dugan L I Coggins 7-5 11-511-59-102-5 G01353LEGAL FORM .w 110 S 3 33 3. 4-1 4 3" L Fountains Judge and Co 7 S 7 21 6-5 G0035TAVORA w 106 5 2s 2- 31 3 41 AV Knapp H Mack 3 3 12-51 1-2 60035 IRON WATSON w.s 107 10 6 41 6 5 5 5" Rico AV L Stanfield 20 30 30 10 5 G00S3 SAINADA w 100 4 7 Si 7i Gl 61 G"k Schadc B Schreiber 20 30 30 10 4 00035 ROTROU w 107 2 1 5.. 41 7 7 7 T Clark E E Burnett 7 8 G 2 1 G0112 PETALUMA s 108 J I1 9 81 S1 L Hoftinanll Stover 30 50 50 20 10 59112 HELEN S. w 105 1 S 73 Sl Sk 9 9" J Kelly I E Clark CO 100 100 40 20 000S3 MILDRED GRIST WSB 105 3 10 10 11 10 10 10 Treubel EWFltzgerldandCo 30 60 60 20 10 Time. 251, 4!j. l:Hi. 1:41J. AVinner B. e, by Goodrich Lilly M. trained by I. Snyder. Went to pust at .":51. At. post ." minutes. Start fair. Won easily: second driving. Quickrich, away slowly, moved up with a sustained rush from the far turn, winning off and was much the best. Abe Meyer forced the pace under a pull for six furlongs, but failed to stay. Legal Form, badly messed alnnit, finished with a belated rush and was easily second best. Tavora tired in the closing drive after forward and game contention throughout. Iron AVatson finished well up and going fast. Sainada was-never dangerous. Rotrou was repeatedly shut off and forced to pull up at the half. Corrected weights Quickrich, 107. Overwelghts-Abe Meyer, 2 pounds; Tavora. 1: Petaluma, :S. AH! ft I SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 1906.sh00. it-year-olds and upward. Handicap. UU1 I I it: Net value to winner 50. Ind Horses AWt PPSt U V- SA StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 Oil lDEUTSOII LAND wit 6 110 2 1 1 ll 1 1 AV Dugan B Schreiber 21 21 9-5 3-5 out P0I14 PRINCESS TITANIA w S 107 5 1 21 2 2J 2 E AValsh .1 IV Millin 3-2 12-512-57-101-3 GOOG2MAJITINMAK w G 103 1 2 3 3 3137 T Clark C T Hensliall 1 1-5U-5U-57-10out .9030 A L B E RT F1K W I 100 1 5 5 11 ll IJ Rice Jones and Lusk 10 10 9 3 4-5 593G03CHARLATA N w 3 102 3 3 4 5 5 5 Treubel AV Gum and Co 20 10 40 8 21 Time. 21. 47J. 1:121. AVinner B. h, by Sain Derfargilia trained by II. K. Brandt. Went to post at 4:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good. AVon iu a canter: second easilr. Deutschland jumped into the lend at once and won all the way uuextended. Princess Titania got into second place directly nud stayed there without being seriously menaced for that position. Mprtiumas made a game effort, but was never really dangerous. Albert Fir. away slowly and inadequately handled, was short, will improve Immensely and finished easing up. Charlatan also finished easing up and was not fit but his appearance was superb. Ovenvelshts Charlatan, 1 pound.