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EBONYS TAIL TROUBLE EXAGGERATED. New York, July 30. Ebony was one of the "good tilings" Saturday. Senator W. II. Reynolds liked him and was sounding his praises to his friend John Considlne. "Hell win sure," said the Senator. "I was talking to a man who saw him work and he said he was a wonder." "Oh, dont bet on him," said Mr. Considlne. "1 was talking to a man, too, and this chap said that Ebony had his tall broken by one of Blnmes horses, named Conscript, running Into him when -they were being schooled live weeks ago." "Five weeks ago," said the Schalor. "Why, thats long enough for him to have a new tall. Anyhow, he dont run with Ills tall, does he? The only animal I kuow wiio does is a kangaroo. Im going to bet on Ebony, tall or no tall." And he did.