Obert Under Suspicion: Judges Call Him to Account for Bad Ride on Coruscate, Daily Racing Form, 1906-08-31


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OBERT UNDER SUSPICION. JUDGES CALL HIM TO ACCOUNT FOR BAD RIDE ON CORUSCATE. I Investigation of the Matter Is Being Made Six Favorites Are Defeated at Latonia Horsemen Are Leaving for Louisville. Cincinnati, O., August 30. The climax to an unsatisfactory days racing, especially for backers of the favorite, came in the closing race at Latonia when Obert gave Coruscate what, to the majority and best of close observers, appeared a criminal ride. The judges promptly called Obert Into the stand to explain. His explanation was unsatisfactory and the judges have taken the matter under further consideration. It is practically certain that, unless he can show good cause for his bad ride, Obert will be ruled off the turf. Should he attribute it to a natural cause, there is small chance of his escaping a lengthy suspension for Incompetency. Coruscate was the heaviest backed favorite "of the afternoon and logically so. Under proper handling she would have been returned an easy winner. Obert, however, let her trail the three horsea comprising lier company and when she shewed an inclination to move up he restrained her until the stretch turn was reached, when he deliberately steered her to the Inner rail Into a pocket whore she was kept until her chance of winning was effectively settled. In the last seventy yards he made a feeble play to pull out, and did so, but the race was over by this time, Savolr Falre winning comfortably trbm Lady Charade with Coruscate a nose in the rear. The" backers of Coruscate were chagrined over her defeat and they did not hesitate, to express their feelings on departing from the track. Six choices fell by the wayside this afternoon and the bookmakers reaped a harvest. The departure of numerous stables for Douglas Park has left a scarcity of good horses here, consequently for the last two days of this meeting the fields will be small, and good quality conspicuous by its absence. With Nicols departure, many of the big speculators have also taken a rest, and the sixteen books, which includes the fielders, did. .a light business daring the afternoon. Another batch of horsemen shipped their strings to Louisville today, and the exodus will continue as fast as cars can be had to transport the stock. On Saturday the horses of P. Dunne, J. C. Fcrriss, Jr., W. R. Hayes and J. C. Cahn will be transported. T. P. Hayes, who arrived today from Saratoga, after a disastrous campaign at the Spa, announced that his horses would be shipped from Saratoga to Douglas Park next Sat-urday Princess Orna if she ships well will probably be a starter iu the opening handicap at Douglas Park. James Perkins has sold Shawaua to Hughes Brothers for the reported price of ,900. Fe-rkln3 bought the filly recently from Talbot Brothers for ,000. Jockey Austin, who had an arm broken by a fall while riding at Saratoga, returned today. He expressed the belief that Horace E. Is the best two-year-old in the cast and he says the Missouri-bred colt will win the Futurity. Jockey Treubcl became ill after riding Estrada Palma and was excused by the judges from fulfilling further engagements during the afternoon. For rough riding in the fourth race jockey Obert was fined 5 by the judges.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906083101/drf1906083101_1_10
Local Identifier: drf1906083101_1_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800