Hyland Talks About Yankee Gun, Daily Racing Form, 1906-08-31


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HYLAND TALKS ABOUT YANKEE GUN. New York, August 30. John Hyland has arrived at Shecpshead Bay with Oscar Lewisohns Futurity candidate, Yankee Gun. Hyland is not as sanguine as to the chances of Yankee Gun in the Futurity as he was before the running of the United States Hotel Stakes at Saratoga, last Saturday. It is not that he has lost faith in tin colt. He still believes the son of Yankee and Royal Gun will make good in the best of company eventually. Yankee Gun Is not, In the opinion of Hyland, merely a mud runner. He was not beaten In the United States because he could not run fast on a fast track. Hyland believes he can run anywhere when he Is fit. He was beaten in the United States, his trainer believes, because he was raced back too quickly after his gruelling effort in the mud with De Muud. De Mund came back also, but he did not have to stand any such drive on the first occasion as Yankee Gun was subjected to. De Mund got away with the lead and was not bothered In the five and a half furlongs racing In the mud. Yankee Gun, never a quick breaker, was all but left. He was the last horse from the post save one, and immediately after breaking he met with a rebuff which further handicapped him. He did not get fairly in his stride until De Mund began the turn out of the backstretch fifty or seventy-five yards In front of him. From the half mile post to the finish Jack Martin flogged him without mercy. Martins connections were betting on Yankee Gun, and under such circumstances that young man docs his best. His best is excellent. It is as good as the best of any jockey in the United States. It was not the fault of Hyland that Yankee Gun ran back in the United States Hotel Stakes. Hyland urged against starting the big colt so soon after his hard race in the mud. But Jesse Lewisohn, the only representative of the owner of the colt at Saratoga, Insisted upon Yankee Guns starting and Hyland had to yield. Hyland is not sure Yankee Gun will have recovered sufficiently from the effects of his gallop In the United States, which was also hard, to show well in the Futurity, but it is likely the colt will start just the same. Jesse Lewisohn wishes to sec his brothers colors up oucc more.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906083101/drf1906083101_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1906083101_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800