Dead Horses Record as Vindication: Seattle Paper Points to the Huguenots Races as Clearance for John Mccafferty, Daily Racing Form, 1906-08-31


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DEAD HORSES RECORD AS VINDICATION. Seattle Paper Points to The Huguenots Races as a Clearance for John McCafferty. "When The Huguenot passed out to the beyond last week at the Meadows, what many are pleased to call a gentleman was lost to the turf," says the Seattle Post-Intelligencer of Sunday last. "The Huguenot was an aristocrat from the tip of his slim ears to the last hair on his heel. To the very final moment he comported himself as to the manor born, and It is a matter to be more than regretted that the accident culminating In his death cut short a career that has no equal In the history of the northwestern turf. "From the day that he was foaled turf lore attaches to the name of The Huguenot. He was a full brother of Henry of Navarre, the best three--year-old of his day. . As a three-year-old he won, among other races, the Brooklyn Derby, afterward going lame, and was turned out until 1901, when he celebrated his return to the turf by winning a fast race at Washington. "Up to the present year The Huguenot changed bands many times, finally becoming the property of J. J. McCafferty. It was at Los Angeles, and the famous Durnell-McCafferty fight was at its climax. McCafferty started the horse In a selling race, and Durnell claimed him. Immediately putting him in charge of several veterinarians, alleging that he had been doped. It was on this evidence, an allegation of Durnell, that McCafferty was subsequently ruled off the turf by the California Jockey Club. At the time of the alleged doping, Phil Reilly, who has. partially owned and trained The Huguenot at the Meadows, and won ten races with him, made an affidavit that the horse on this particular day of the Durnell charges, was not under the Influence of any drug. It might be mentioned that The Huguenot was a horse of peculiarly intense vitality. His eye was always large and protruding, and his nostrils, when lteklug ut "Of- lil"8UU-lG0ttvsrc-cofi- siderably distended. "Reverting back to Durnell, The Huguenot was put up at auction at Los Angeles before his then owner journeyed east. He was purchased by Mr. Reilly for 50, who subsequently sold a half interest in him to the Schubach Bros, before leaving the south. Mr. Reilly won two races with him, and since coining to Seattle has captured eight, being twice outside the money. He has an unbeaten record oa a northwestern track of seven straight wins. In these latter mentioned races the miles were run from 1:38J to 1:40. Averaged up they show a consistency of 1:392. This is a record uuequalcd by any horse of his age. "To any horseman who really knows horses and can judge of performances, this record should be more than sufficient to exonerate John J. McCafferty regarding any charge of doping The Huguenot. No one who has witnessed his racing here, and no horse that ever raced over a Seattle track, has raced more consistently and has carried more of the public confldence and money than The Huguenot, could, by the wildest stretch of imagination, claim that he had ever been subjected to the drug treatment in order to accelerate his speed. If this is the only charge that the powers that be have against McCafferty, the record in the turf guide and the evidence of every man who knows races and wants to tell the truth should be sufficient."

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