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WESTCHESTER RAGING ASSOCIATION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE JOCKEY CLUB. Race Course: Belmont Park, Queens, Office: 571 Fifth Avenue, New York, Long Island, New York. "The Windsor Arcade." 1907, 1908 and 1909- THE FOLLOWING RACES WILL CLOSE AND NAME MIDNIGHT OF SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th, 190C, TO BE RUN IN 1907, 1908 AND 1909: 1907. FOR THEN TWO-YEAR-OLDS. THE JUVENILE , 500 ADDED. THE JUVENILE For two-year-olds, foals of 1905. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, 0 only If declared by Jannary 7, 190", with ,500 added, of which ?500 to the second, 50 to the third. Colts, 122 lbs.; fillies and seldings, 119 lbs. Winners of 0,000 to carry 5 lbs. extra; of ,000, 3 los. extra; non-winners of ,200, allowed 5 lbs. Five Furlongs. THE FASHION ,000 ADDED. THE FASHION For fillies two-year-olds, foals of 1905. By subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, 0 only If declared by January 7, 1907, with 2400 added, of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third. To carry 119 lbs. Winners of 0,000 to carry 5 lbs. extra; non-winners of ,200 allowed 5 lb?. Four and a Half Furlongs. THE ECLIPSE ,000 ADDED. THE ECLIPSE For two-year-olds, foals of 1905. By subscription of 00 each, half forfeit. 5 only if declared by January 7, 1907. Starters to pay 00 additional, with ,000 added, of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third. The nominator of the winner to receive 00 of the starting money. Colts, 122 lbs.; fillies and geldings, no lbs. Winners of 0,000 to carry 5 lbs. extra; of ,000, 3 lbs. extra; non-winners of ,200 allowed 5 lbs. Five and One-half Furlongs. 1908. FOR THEN THREE-YEAR-OLDS. THE WITHERS 0,000 ADDED. THE WITHERS For three-year-olds, foals of 1905. By subscription of 50 each, 0 forfeit, only 0 if declared by January 7, 1907, or 5 if declared by January 0. 1908, with 0,000 added, of whit-h ,250 to the second, 50 to the third. Colts, 120 lbs.; geldings, 123 lbs.; fillies, 121 lbs. One Mile. THE LADIES ,000 ADDED. THE LADIES For fillies three years old, foals of 1905. By subscription of 00 each, 0 forfeit, only 0 If declared by January 7, 1907, or 5 if declared by January C, 1908. with ,000 added, of which ,000 to the second, 00 to the third. To carry 121 lbs. One Mile. THE 42nd BELMONT OF 5,000. Closed for foals of 10a-, September 15, 1905. To close for yearlings foals of 1905 September 15, 190C. To the winner 1,000, to the second ,000, to the third ,000. To the nominator of the winner ,000. Colts to carry 120 lbs-.; geldings, 123 lbs.; fillies, 121 lbs. Liability of those entered as foals: By subscription of 0 each, the only forfeit if doclarcd by January 7, 1007. If left in after January 7, 1907, a further subscription of 5 each. If left In after Jannary C, 1908, a further subscription of 0 each. Liability of those entered as yearlings: By subscription of 3 each If entered as yearlings on September 15, 1906, the only forfeit if declared by January 7, 1907. If left In after Jannary 7, 1907, a further subscription of 0 each. If left in after January C, 1908, a further subscription of 5 each. All starters to pay 50 each additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add n sum sufficient to make the value of the race 5,000. Mr. August Belmont to add Plate to the value of ,000 to the winner. By filing with the Westchester Racing Association an accepted transfer of the foal or "enriinjr ntrv prior to the dale of the first declaration, the original subscrilwr shall be released from liability as to the engagement of the horse, except for the original forfeit of 0 for foals and 5 for yearlings. One Mile" and Three Fnrlongs. THE 11th NATIONAL STALLION RACE-With ,000 Added. Conditions for Entry of Stallions to Close September 15, 1906. For then two years old, foals of 190C, to be run at the spring meeting In 1908, the progeny of stallions duly nominated. Nominations of stallions to close and name by midnight of Saturday September 15, 190G. By subscription of 0 each, or only 5 each for stallions which have not sired a winner prior to December 15 1906 Of the subscriptions for stallions the nominators of the sires of the first, second and third, horses shall receive 25 per cent., 15 per cent, and 10 per cent, respectively. The remaining 50 per cent, to the winner. Conditions for the Entry of Foals of 1906, to Close and Name by Midnight of Saturday, December 15, 1906. Foals of 1900, the progeny of stallions duly nominated to be entered and named by midnight of Saturday, December 15. 190C. Colts and geldings at 0 each, fillies at each, the only forfeit if declared by December 15, lOOi. If left in after December 15, 1907, and declared by April 20, 190S, colts and geldings :o pay 0 each, fillies 5 each. If left In after April 20. 1908, colts and geldings to pay 00 each, fillies $.10 each. Starters Colts, geldings and fillies to pay 00 additional. ., The Westchester Itacing Association to add ,000 and the remaining 50 per cent, of the stallion cn-Ka5,s of wI,lcn ,200 to the second and 1906.sh00 to the third. The nominator of the winner to receive ,000 out of the subscriptions and the starting money. Of the subscriptions for stallions, the nominators of the sires of the first, second and third horses shall receive 25 per cent., 15 per cent and 10 ner cent, respectively. Colts to carry 122 lbs.; geldings and fillies, 119 lbs. The produce of stallions which have not produced a winner prior to December 15. 1900. allowed 5 lbs If claimed at time of entry. . By filing with The Westchester Kacing Association prior to December 15, 1907, an accepted transfer of the foals entry, the original subscriber shall be released from liability as to the engagement of the horse, except for the original forfeit of 0 or . Fivo Furlongs. 1909. THE 43rd BELMONT OF O,000. ..,wTo?lof for,foalsf. i!J5G September 15, 1900. To close for yearlings foals of 1900 September 1C. J?Ja ?. t,he wlnner 4,000. to the second ,000, to the third ,500. To the nominator ol the winner ,500. Colts to carry 120 lbs.; geldings, 123 lbs.; fillies, 121 lbs. Liability of those entered as foals: By subscription of 0 each, the onlv forfeit If declared by January 0, 190S. If left in after January G, 1908, a further subscription of 0 each. If left In after January 0, 1909, a further subscription of 0 each. Liability of those entered as yearlings, September 1C, 1907: By subscription of 5 each, the only forfeit If declared by January C, 1908. If left In after January C, 1908, a further subscription of 0 each. If left In after January G, 1909, a further subscription of 5 each. All starters to pay 00 each additional. The Westchester Racing Association to add a sum sufficient to make the value of the race 0,000. Mr. August Belmont to add Plate of the value of ,000 to the winner. By filing with The Westchester Racing Association an accepted transfer of the foal and yearling entry prior to the date of the first declaration, the original subscriber shall be released from liability as to the engagement of the horse, except for the original forfeit of 0 for foals and 5 for yearlings. Mile and Three Furlongs. THE ELEVENTH MATRON For mares covered In 190C, foals of 1907, to run at the Autumn Meeting In 1909, then two years old, to be run In two races, with ,000 adiled to each. Colts and geldings In on race, fillies In the other. To close and name for mares at midnight of Saturday, December 15, 1906, for which entry blanks will be duly mailed. NOTICE Entries for the above are received only under the conditions as printed and in all respects subject to and in accordance with the rules of The Jockey Club and Westchester Racing Association. For entry blanks apply at the office of Daily Racing Form, 124 Fifth Ave., Chicago, Til. SAILOR BOY. WON, 3-1 Another sample of Majors Famous System Plays. LA GLORIA. XXX SPECIAL, WON 3-2 ENTREE, XXX SPECIAL, WON 7-5 NOTICE! NOTICE! FRIDAY! FRIDAY! A Crackerjaok ! Splendid odds assured. SATURDAY 2 GRAND XXX SPECIALS That will simply earthquake the bookies 3 709 Promises Fulfilled; Parons Bubbling with Joy 709 Wednesdays Winning Specials: INQUISITOR, System Play, won 0-1 ZINFANDEL, XXX Special, won y-1 MOONVINE, XXX Special, won 8-5 Tuesday I gavet TOBOGGAN, Advertised Killing. Won . . . 9-5 Mj 3-Horsa Wire is a Revelation to Turfites. Mondays Winning Specials: FISH HAWK 5-1 won BA1NRIDA. 8-1 won DON DOUO 3-1 won NEVA LEE, Finished FAR WEST 7-1 won 2nd 25-1, 8-1 Consistency and Honest Information Jewel of my Success. NOTICE Call up to my office and let me advise you. It will be a pleasure. Tatronsthat follow roe day in and day out get splendid results. Written testimonials on fllo In my office stating: Major is the only man taat made me a winner. I have an occasional oil day and am honest enough to admit same. . 835 Dearborn St. ffljJ0R " DAILY. Room 709. Initials F. P. .00 WEEKLY. f rnmjll I have another long- 1 rKllltXY shot cinch that will m win galloping. f The odds should be at least 1 Jm 1 SATURDAY, 20-1 This cinch has been secretly prepared for this killing, and one that is going to win or die in the attempt JOHN J. WARD, SUITE 37, 90 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL Telephone Main 2028. 15 Years Experience as Trainer, Owner and Clocker. Trm: Daily; 0 W,kly. J CITY OF TRAVERSE FARE, 25 CENTS. Leaves Barrys Dock, foot of East Michigan St. North Side, at 1:15 p. m. S. S. Lena Knobloch leaves SSth St. pier at 1:45 p. m., transferring passengers to the Traverse off that point. Return trip will be made as follows: S. S. Lena Knobloch will debark passengers for 55th St. pier at 4:30 p. m. and after last race, making the second trip to 55th St. Passengers wishing to reach the city early can leave Traverse on 4:30 boat and make connections with 5:OT express train on Illinois Central at 53rd St. station, which reaches city at 5:20 p. m. A bus line has been established between corner of Randolph St. and Wabash Ave. and Barrys Dock. Service every 10 minutes. Last bus leaves at 1 p. m. sharp. NOTICE. The Traverse will not go to South Chicago except when weather conditions prevent the S. S. Lena Knobloch from landing at 63th St. On such days passengers will be landed at 02d St. In time to catch 5:05 express train on III. Central. Established 1890. I REYNOLDS and CO. B6f SOn evee0daWi0 Hper. 114 DEARBORN St. Dally. CHICAGO. S5 Weekly. Yesterday our one best bet at Coney Island was: t510, Broadcloth, withdrawn. Louisville it was: HANNIBAL BEY, Won ..... 6-1 We Never MIsrep- Oar one best bets at CONEY I resent. ISLAND and LOUISVILLE are getting the money. Thursdays TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL was: ENTREK .... 7-5 WON One bet a day is what the above Specials consist of, and plnce june 1 shows over 66 per cent in the money. A straight bet ot 820.00 on all above Specials since then won over 9475.00. The price is .00 per month. Get in! New Book Out Today T. C. WOOD and CO., R. 312, 59 Dearborn St. Chicago Fridays Special 1M11 26-11-24 3W. Entry List 704-707-715-714-8 ll-752-756-7tS-76l.7M. THE NOXaLl SYSTEM solves the problem at any track, poolroom or handbook. Requires no tips, handicapping or selections: big results, small capital. Money refunded after, 30 days trial If loss can be shown. Greatest wonder of the age. Send for "FREE BOOKLET." Inveetl-gate. Address NOXALL SYSTEM, Grayeaend, K. Y. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW No. 3S9. Boom 87 Tl Dearborn Street. Chicago, ID. Yesterdays Special, ENTREE, 7-5, won. Our three-horse wire Is a big winner every week and you are missing it if you do not get In. .00 per weelu