Tabular History of the Flatbush Stakes, Daily Racing Form, 1906-09-08

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TABULAR HISTORY OF THE FLATBUSH STAKES. The Flatbush Stakes has been one of the Important Sheepshead Bay fixtures for two-year-olds ever since the Coney Island Jockey Club gave Its first meeting and has never been won by an Inferior racehorse. From Wanda down they were all youngsters of high class and many of them in after years among the greatest racers of American turf history, such names as Sir Dixon, Salvator, Potomac, Senator Grady, Lissak, Requital, Ornament, Lieutenant Gibson, Irish Lad and Highball attesting this. The record of the event Is as follows: Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. 18S4 Wanda .. .Onloy . .107 Lizzie Dwyer 107 Florlo 107 ,475 1:31 1885 Charltv R. Williams.. 97 Dew Drop 107 The Bard 110 4,700 1:3U 18S0 King Fox Spellman. .112 Kingston 115 Lizzie Kreps ..107 3,650 1:27? 1887 Sir Dixon Fitzpatriek. .115 Benedictine 107 Tea Tray 110 C.650 1:29 1888 Salvator . .Barnes. .100 Madstone 110 Fresno 115 5,450 1:30J 1889 Torso . ...Hamilton. .110 lteclare 112 Onaway 110 0,000 1:34 1S90 Potomac namllton. .115 Strathmenth 110 Sal. MClellaud.112 4,550 1:29 1891 Merry Monarch Bergen.. 110 St. Florlau 110 Bashford 110 4,450 1:29s 1892 Lady Violet Simms..ll2 Dr Rice 110 Miss Maude ...112 3,800 1:2SJ 1893 Senator Grady Doggett..llO Galilee .111 Pet. the Great.110 3,350 1:29 1894 Lissak Doggett..llO Gotham ..110 Monaco 110 3,500 1:29 1895 Requital Griffin.. 115 Ben Brush 110 Crescendo 115 2,450 1:25 1890 Ornament A. Clayton. .110 Ogden 110 The Friar 115 2,350 1:27 1897 Previous T. Sloan.. 115 Hamburg 120 Firearm 115 2,350 l:28i 1898 Autumn ...Manor.. 112 Frohsinn 115 Ethelbert 115 2,400 1:23 1899 Lieutenant Gibson. .. .OLearj. .115 McMeekin 115 Sarmatian 115 3,475 1:30 1900 Ballvhoo Bey T. Sloan.. 120 Tommy Atkins 115 Alard Scheck ..115 3,850 1:26 1901 Nasturtium N. Turner.. 115 Goldsmith 115 End. by Right. 112 3,850 1:25? 1902 Irish Lad . N. Turner.. 11 5 Acefull 115 Hurstbourne ...115 3,830 1:20 1903 Highball Fuller..l20 Broomstick 115 Pulsus 115 8,350 1:25? 1904 Tradition .Lyne. .112 Oiseau 115 St. Bellane 112 8,350 l:25i 1905 Yankee Consul J. Martin.. 115 Timber 115 Whimsical 112 S.350 1:20

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