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LATONIA ENTRIES AND FORM. For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to tho pound. Ah extra good riders average worth is -3 pounds. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. X Runs well in mud. Superior inud runner. First Race 5 .1-2 Furlongs. 3;year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind. Horses. A. Wt. Hdcp. 50420 Dr; Leggo 4. .100. . . .750 C5133. . .Lady Esther 3. .101. . X . .745- G50071 . . . Garrett Wilson ..." 4 . .109 . . X . .740 051 59... Meadowbreeze 3. .108. .X. .733 G5097 The. Clansman 3.. 100 700 Don Caesar, ch. c, by Algpl "ouhtess Irma. 4 . .100 Second Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. C3095 Nuns Veiling 3.. 99,. X.. 725 G4700 Stoner Hill 3.. 10G.. X.. 710 05107.... Giueen Caroline -3.. 97. .X.. 705 C5159 DOrmont 3.. 97. . X . .700. G1599....The Saracen 3.. 97 700 G5K59 .... Bazll 4. . 102 . . X . 095 Itiiandn. . ..Norwood .Ohio 4. .102. .X . .090 0448G Jehane 5. .102. . . . . .090 05123.... Lidwina 4..102. . X . .OSo, 0293C Floss S. 3.. .07. . . .083 01990 Comic Opera 4. .102. . X. .075 O1304 Ed .Early 4. .102. . X . .070 O5073 Veribest . . 3. .101. . X . .QJO. G50S7-.,-.Kiss 3.. 97..X-.G70j 04439 Belltoone 5. . 102.. X.. 003 05059 All Brown 3.. 97.. X.. 025 Third Race lT2.,Funf.l6ngs. 2-year-6lds. Selling. a C19S01 . . .Charley Ward- 00. .... .723" 05121. ., .Froward .. 98..X. .715 51941. . . .Beautiful Mayo 100. . X . .710. 05132. . . , Spider Web .104 V; . .-.703 G50S45. . .Toin Dolan .108... X ...703 C310S King Leopold ..103. . X . .705 05135....San Ardo . . 09.. X.. 700 551 f5 Ericson 94 . . X . . 003 01183. ..Gralldlta ...,..... 9S 01894 . . . JJiss CesarRfiV ..101 . . X . .080 01485. . . nib Gulden Bird.. 90. . X . .073 C5Q7.1. . . .John. Kaufmair ;.7. 103. . x . .675 C42K....Yanu:b !. I . . ;V. 98 050 C3143. .Isabel Alntree- .,-,", 91 030 : -01999 ....Monerd 99 .050 01947. ...Alariieta 91 T Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds; und upw-ard. Selling; C513Gi...Martius i.e... r. .110. . X . .725 051443 . . .Daring . ..v. . .,. ; .: . . . . 3. .102. . X-. .720 G48S0. . . .Black. Mantilla:. . . ; . . . 3. .103. . X . .713 C3123 Frank Bill ...:.;....;.. 4. .102. .X . .710 05130.;. t. Intense .?.;. ...... 4. .102. . X . .703 C50953... Sorrel Top;- 4. .104. .. .703 6312.3.... Lady Lavish .".;? 5. .102. . X.. 700 C470d;.Mbon Fonso 3.. 104 700 05139 . . .Toboggan 0. .107. . X . .695 , C31233... Revolt 0. .108. . X . .695 G4i.,.,Bert OsfiC .... 4.. 97..X..C03. 05144 .... Non ie-LuclU? ii . - 3 . .-1. -... 593 03144 .-...Matador1 .v.-V.........: 4. .11".. .. .090 05l6S. . . .Lieutenant Rice . 4. .103. . X . .083 Glisl Field Lark 3. .105. .X .-,085 .0-15G,..RavIana 4. .102. . X . .075 Fifth Racea-i Mile. 2"e:ar-olds. Aiiowances. 04315;.:. ITexpHn"5-r;. .r.-u- .101. . X..J25 05132-.. ;Stili -Alarm . .100c-. X . .710- C514SI . . ;.Fandft arm .....A, 02 705 G3i!9. . . .Chase ...i 107. . X . .030 05171... . Delia Thorpe .ffl77. X . .075 i 01801... . .Gleuanu ...... .J, . .. . ... .-.101. i . . . .GSO- 51485... .Lady -Emily iSU OW 05117, .. .S.irt Codkii i-. . ."; X OSV. X . .600 Sixth -Race 1 l-i6Miles.4 . ; 3,-year.-plds and upward. SeJUu;. . 65157, .. ;JoeVLesser,vi.. . , cSC vlOl, .. ..725 C5172-! , . . Gohtetf Mineral . ....... C,. . 1$ . . x . 71.5 6j24.. . .Oberori. . . 31 . 08. . X . .71j C146. . ...Theanrelv; ;.; ...... 0. .lf4: , X . .705 . . . Ftorisoluca . . ... ... "... .... 7. . ij4j y. Qj i . . 705 C140jY. . . ..tudge:TVaynor. . 4, . X . .700 . C5jUtOi..,The. Male t.-..-,.. ?.. 08. -X.. 090 03WS. ... .Lutie Mac .... . ...... 3. . 5; . X . .0S5 ; 03120 Mocca-JhxMaicl 3., 9S7,.....CS3 019G9. . . rknowletlge . . . ..-..... . 5. .104;.. ffi. .CSOj 6511i.,-..Gar Minister....,.,. ".. 99;,....075j 0-.14S.-... Sincerity Belle 4;. .ftl .X. .075 044213. . .She-frill". 3. , 95. . X . .OSft 01580.... Pearl Hays. ;...r. ...... 4. .101. .. . ..500