Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-11-06

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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONLY. COVINGTON, KY November 5, 1906. Thirteenth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Fall Meeting 24 days. Weather foggy; track fast. 17 books on. Presiding Judge, Charles F. Price. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Secretary, John B. Dillon. Raeing starts at 2:00 p. in. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures 1m parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried. " BT O O FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 1:1213100. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. DOuD4 Net value to winner 00. Ind" Horses AWtPPSt ,j and and Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q H Q P S 653263MISS ALERT W 991 4 61 41 41 In Johansn J W Bell 3 3 3 7-5 7-10 6530S3ALL ABLAZE WB 101 6 7 4n 31 2n 2 Swain W A Smith 10 10 10 4 2 65299 SIR VAGRANT w 104 2 3 5n andn 51 31 r Austin Mrs J C Milam 10 10 7 3 3-2 653263NEDRA WB 106 14 6 31 2 31 4i Seder W H Fizer 10 15 15 6 21 65348 ARTFUL DODGER WB 101 7 1 11 ll 11 51 F Burton C F Buschmeyer 8 25 25 10 5 65283 SPIDER WEB w 105 9 6" 6 F Keyes W E Walsh IB 20 20 7 3 C5264 INTAGLIS w 9S 13 72 Moreland T W Moore 10 30 30 12 6 65345 OUARDI WB 90 11 5 8" Lloyd J H Baker . 6 7 7 13-56-5 6530S JAY SWIFT w ICS 3 4 6 71 91 Wishard F M Arthur 30 40 40 15 8 6532G SALLIE SUTETt WB 106 1 10k Mountain Nicol and Mitchell 5 9 9 3 8-5 65155 FRANCES J. WB 98 8 llj Goldstein B M McDevitt 40 100 100 50 25 65229 SKIMMER W 98 15 121 T Taylor W Gerst 10 12 12 5 21 65206 MONERE WB 10312 n 131 Abuchon J McClernand SO 30 SO 12 6 65200 SANDY HOOK W PS 10 145 Huestis J H Slack 40 10 SO 12 6 C3305 BEN TRUE W 101 5 15 R Harris Mrs R Varwlg 50 150 3 50 00 SO Time, 24s, 48S, 1:14?. Winner Ch. f, bv Handspring Hattie Vaughau trained by L. C. Bellew. Went to post at 2:00. ,AX post 2 minutes. Start fair. Won driving; second and third the same. Miss Alert came from a long way back and swerved several times in the last furlong, but finished with a lush and got up in the final strides. All Ablaze ran a game race and stood a hard drive resolutely. Sir Vagrant also finished going fast through the last furlong. Nedra was a close contender In the early stages and tired when hard driven. Artful Dodger dashed into a long- lead in the first half, but. tired In the final drive, but at tbat showed improvement. It was impossible to discern all the colors with any degree of accuracy on account of the thick mist. Scratched 0530S Glenarra, 101. Overweights Miss Alert, lj pounds; Sir Vagrant, 3; Nedra, 1; Sallie Suter, .4;.Monere, 2J;Ben True, 3. P KQCQ SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 1:12J 3 100. Purse ?400. 3-year-olds and upward. OOOOO Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPSt and StrFln Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S 65307 REVOLT W G 119 5 2 21 2n 21! In Foy V Gilbert 7 7 7 3 3-2 653272BENSONHURST ws 6 110 11 1 l1! in in 2 Moreland J W Briggs 8 10 8 3 3-2 6520S3RUILOBA w 3 110 7 6 7l 71 4l 33 Mountain G W Innes 10 15 15 6 3 653073LIGTHBURN W 3 114 10 8 6 4n Minder L Lemp 20 23 25 10 5 65307 ST. NOEL wb 5 1191 3 9 52 E MorrisonJ U Strode 12 30 25 10 5 65100 GAUZE WB 3 10S 4 7 4h 62 Lloyd J II Baker 15 40 30 10 5 65123 RED RAVEN wsb 6 10a 6 4 31 3 32 71 Wishard G H Marlman 10 10 10 4 2 65039 TEMPLE w 3 104 8 5 5and 5h gn 8" D Austin J B Respess 5 5 4 .8-5 4-5 65266 THE THRALL w 4 113 12 3 41 71 93 W Gannon F Garrett 10 12 10 4 2 346 ADBELL WB 5 107 9 13 61! 61 51 10 Abuchon Mrs M Goldblatt 21 3 21 6-5 3-5 653273BAZIL w 4 104 1 10 Hi T Taylor W Gerst 10 15 15 5 21 64922 JACK SHINE W 3 102 13 12 12l Johansn F Cook 8 15 15 6 3 65283 AD ARE WB 4 110 2 11 13 Seder R Tucker -10 15 15 6 3 Time, 24, 49, 1:14. Winner Ch. m, by St. Carlo Anarchj trained by V. Gilbert. Went to post at 2:25. At post 1 minute. Start bad. Won driving; second the same. Revolt, running to her best form, followed Bensonhurst closely to the stretch, where she forged into the lead and was easing up to Bensonhurst through the last furlong. The latter was speedy, ran gamely under energetic handling and lasted well through the stretch drive. Rulloba came fast in the last furlong and overcame interference. Lightburn saved much ground on the stretch turn and was going gamely at the end. Temple tired fast and ran below his best form. Adbell, away poorly, showed a flash of speed in the middle half, but quit in the stretch run. Red Raven also quit badly In the last quarter. Scratched 65228 Goldzone, 105; 64403 Adesso, 113: 65201 Fargo, 117. Overweights St. Noel, 4j pounds; Red Raven, 1; Temple, 5. d PC Q d I THIRD RACE 1 Mile. l:3!i 1100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. OOO O tfc Allowances. Net value to winner 00. ind Horses AWtPPStij StrFln Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S C53U DR. SPRUILL w 4 100 7 4 4 41 l1! Moreland C R Ellison 10 15 15 6 21 C5311 -6HAWANA W 5 97 1 5 7 7 21 Lloyd H Berry 8 16 15 6 21 653112 AUDITOR w 5 106 C 1 l1 l1! 3 Seder R Tucker 2 21 21 4-5 1-2 653113GRANADA W 3 93 4 2 31 31 43 Huestis J H Shouldice 3 4 11-59-101-3 653173DEBAR WB 3 98 5 7 6h 51 5J T Taylor H Shannon 21 4 4 3-2 3-5 r,5300MERRY BELLE WB 3 88 2 3 21 21 61 F Burton Mrs M Goldblatt 15 15 12 5 2 32S3THE CLANSMAN W 3 104 3 6 5 6 7 D Austin T W Moore 8 9 S 3 1 Time. 24g, 48J, 1:14. 1:39. Winner B. c, by Dutch Roller Mabel D. trained by J. Arthur. Went to post at 2:48. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won easily; second driving; third the same. Dr. Sprulll, showing suddenly Improved --un, moved up resolutely after turning into the stretch and finishing with a rush won going away. Shawana had a rough trip for the first half and was sharply impeded in the last furlong, but finished gamely and ran a good race. Auditor had the best of the start, showed a high order of speed, but tired badly in the race through the stretch. Granada was a sharp factor In the early stages, but tired and ran poorly. Debar had no mishaps. Merry Belle Bhowed early speed, but found the distance a trifle too far. The Clansman ran poorly. Scratched 65040 Missouri Lad, 88. Overweights Auditor, 2 pounds; The Clansman, 1. CIKQCIK F0URTH RACE Short Course. Steeplechase. 2:5726148. Purse 00. OOOOO 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPSt 2 4 6 8 StrFln Jockeys Owners OH C PS 65267S. HOFFHEIMER w 4 157 8 4 3 l1 l1 l2 B Russell W Gerst 5 6 6 21 6-3 633292DAWSON W 6 149 1 3 4 21 2l 2 McKiny G H Neal 5 6 6 2 1 65298PLEA w 5 142 2 7 5h 51 31! 33 Walker J J Greely 3 4 4 8-5 4-5 C52G7 ONYX II. w 6 138 9 2 7s 6l 4 4 C Johnson J S Bratton 6 7 7 21 7-5 65329 LADY JOCELYN W 6 153 10 5 9l 75 53 512 Yourell C A Holt 6 10 10 4 2 65298 MAVERICK W 6 147 7 9. In 4 6 62 J Ford W P Copping 8 12 12 5 21 6529SJCREOLIN w 6.154 5 10 8l 8 7 7 E MorrisonE Corrigan 2 21 21 1 1-2 65194 OHIO KING w 7 135 4 1 21 3n Fell. . W Gaylor W F Taylor 15 25 25 10 5 6529S MARASCHINO w 7 125 3 8 61 Fell. Garic Hopkins and Bruntz30 40 40 15 8 65329 ROOM MATE w 5 130 6 6 Lost rider. S Hughes J T Combs 30 50 50 20 10 Time, 3:00. Winner Ch. g, by Ornament Full Hand trained by T. L. Pierce. Went to post at 3:13. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won easily; second and third the same. Sam Hoffheimcr, showing his best form, appeavod to be leading all the way and had plenty in reserve at the end. Dawson was right there throughout Plea was given a listless ride. Onyx II. was hard ridden throughout. Lady Jocelyn had no apparent mishaps. Maverick showed a flash of speed between jumps. Creolin ran a bad race and had no apparent mishaps. Room Mate lost his rider at the water jump. Maraschino and Ohio King fell while enveloped In fog. Overweights Room Mate, 5 pounds. 5 K Q d d FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. l:12i 3 100. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances OOOOO Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWtPPSt M, and Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS C5346GRACE KIMBALL w 95 12 1 In 11 ll T Taylor H J Sargeant 5 5 18-58-5 4-5 65247CHASE WB 107 9 2 G 21 2 Mountain T Kiley 5 6 18-58-5 4-5 652S7 ID ALIA W 104 6 3 24 41 3 D Austin Mrs J C Milam 10 12 12 5 2 65236 FRENCH EMPRESS ws 95 1 4 Sn CI 4s Moreland W F King 50 50 50 20 12 652S72HATTIE RODMAN w 83 8 5 3n 3n 55 Swain W A Smith 10 10 8 3 6-5 65308 HANDSPIKE W S91 2 8 4 6l 6l Huestis W C Overton 50 CO 60 23 12 652S7LEXOLINE W 111 5 9 6 81 71 W Gannon J McDonald 3 31 31 7-5 7-10 65287 GRIFTEN , w 95 7 6 71 71 82 Lloyd Mrs F M StraderlO 12 12 5 2 65308 ROBERVAL I W 102 10 11 101 10l 9 J Hicks T W Moore 60 75 75 30 12 C51712ZIPANGO N W 105 3 7 - 9l 91 10 Foy L Jones 2 4 4 2 1 62293 LOYAL LAD W S7 4 12 12 11 11 Goldstein J Jennings 100 100 100 50 25 6530S BADEN BADEN" W 90 11 10 ll1 12 12 F Burton G Hendria 60 100 100 50 25 Time. 241. 48?, 1:1.41. Winner B. f, by Greenan Lorius trained by H. J. Sargeant. Went to post at 3:3S. At post 2 minutes. Start bad. Won handily; second driving; third the same. Grace Kimball broke running and showed the most speed all the way, raced Idalia into" subjection iu the first half and luid enough left in reserve to stall off Chase In the final drive. The latter finished fast and gamely, but was not good enough to beat the winner today. Idalia showed speed, stayed well in the final drive and will improve. French Empress ran a surprisingly good race and is worth remembering. Hattie Rodman ran fairly well. Lexollne, away badly, showed poor form. ZIpangos race was too bad to he true. Baden Baden tried to run out all the way. Scratched 65348 Beautiful Mayo, 05; G5348 Gargantua, 90. Overweights Idalia, 0 pounds; Hattie ltodiaan, 1; Handspike, 2J; Lexollne, 1; Griften, 5, j SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:391 -4 -100, Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. O OOP I Selling. Net valua to winner 00. - . Ind" Horses AWtPPSt Vl M, StrFln Jockeys Ownera O H O PS 65312 MTiPJHTT ATT A wsb 3 100 3 2 31 3 21 1 Moreland W -H Robinson 3 3 21 9-102-5 e58f fcAHE fiffllCEL wb 3 102 5 1 2 2 V 23 T Taylor B Vincent 8 15 15 5 2 65269 ElOT3B5flKE wsb 3 102 4 8 71 5a 41 3 F Keyes J H Young 6 8 8 3 3-2 65331 ST. TAMMANY W 7 111 7 7 8 8 5 41! Foy J U Strode 21 4 4 13-103-5 65307 GOLDPROOF wb 3 104 8 4 l1 l2 31 5 D Austin C E Hamilton 2 2 3-2 3-5 1-3 65344 HYACINTH w 4 104 1 3 43 41 6s 63 Abuchon Mrs M Goldblatt 10 12 12 4 2 65300 INGOLTHRIFT W 5 109 6 6 55 On 73 72 Lloyd J II Baker 15 25 25 7 3 65309 ODDOLETTA ws 4 104 2 5 61 71 8 8 Goediko John Marklein 30 JO 30 10 0 Time, 241, 48s, 1:148, 1:41. Winner Ch. f, by Jack Point Amyntas trained by W. n. Robinson. Went to post at 4:03. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. Minnehaha, well ridden, was saved from the fast pace of the first half, then moved up fast and outgamed Lady Ethel In the last few strides. The latter followed Goldproof closely for the first three-quarters and dashed by him on the stretcli turn and was a seeming winner, but tired near the end. Ferronlere closed a big gap after going a half and finished going fast. St. Tammany trailed far back in the early stages and came with a good rush In the last quarter. Goldproof quit badly after showing a high order of speed for three-quarters. Hyacinth can do better and tired in the last half. Scratched 53312Uncle Henry, 111; 65349 Belden, 102; 65349 Sincerity Belle, 102; 65157 Happy Jack II., 105; 65012 Qulckricb, 93; 64926 Klelnwood, 107; 05221 Knowledge, 109; 65331 Mathew Gault, 102. Overweights--Goldproof, 2 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1906110601_3_1
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