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; LOUISVILLE TRACKS ARE IN A POOL. Holdinq Company Is Formed to Operate Churchill Downs and Douglas Park. Louisville. By., February 26. — Through the formation of a holding eompnny, the late tests, Baaacial and. otherwise, of the two local racing plants. Churchill Downs ami Dottghu Iark. are to be pooled tor live years dating from March 1. 1007. This was brought aboat largely by the State Racing Commissions stand tor United racing in Ken tacky. Tiie idea was born at the conference of the representatives of these two tracks which was held on the morning of the meeting of the State Racing Commission in Lexington, Pebrnary 16. At that conference Charles F. Grainger, Matt J. Winn and Hamilton Applegale represented the New Louisville Jockej bit. and Jadge Henry Bond sad C. A. Tilles. of Si. Louis, represented tee Doaglas Iark Jockey Club. Fieviously th re had been a conference between Matt J. Winn and Louis A. Cella on the question of a division of the dates here, but no agreement was reached ami both associations had saked the "state Racing Commission for thirty days in the spring. At this second conference it was foand that they were no nearer an understanding than at the Winu-Cella taeeting and they were aliout to leave the SOcatloa to the State Racing Commission for settle-nent, when the pooling of interests and the holding of a thirty days spring meeting at Churchill Downs and a thirty days fall meeting at Douglas w is sngge-ted. It did not take long to reach an agreement, subject to the ratification of the others interested, and so they went before the State Racing Commission, the Douglas Park people withdrawing their application for spring dates and substituting one for fall dates. Captain Tilles journeyed on to Hot Springs and laid the plan before Louis A. Cella. the principal owner of the Douglas Bark pleat. Cella was agreeable. Tilles communica ted this to Winn and Friday last there was a meeting of the directors of flie New Louisville Jockey Club at which the prop, .si lion was ratined. Alt icles were drawn and mailed last night to Judge Bond at St. Louis, .ludge Bond is the legal representative of Cella. Adler and Tilles. and when he shall have passed upon the agreement it will be a It nail by all parties concerned. By the terms of tin- agreement the spring nioet lags are to be held at Churchiil Downs and the fall neetings at Douglas Bark for the next five years. The staled valuation of each plant is 8999.099. 11 does not necessarily follow, however, that the holding of the new company will be placed at .1907.sh00.-909, n has I" en agreed that the officers of the company shall be as follows: President, Charles F. Graiager; rice president ami general aaanager, Matt J. Winn; secretary, Hamilton Applegate; treasurer, Jbha llacbmeisier: directors, Charles F. Qrahager, Matt J. Winn. Hamilton Apple gate, John Hach-mister and Louis A. Cella. With Matt J. Winn, who is president of tic Amrican Tart Association, as general manager of both tracks, it is assumed that the meetings will be held under the rules of the American Turf Association. No announcement on this point, however, was forthCOSalag today. H is the understanding, though, that the same officials will be employed at both tracks.