Oakland Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1907-05-22

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OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKLAND . OAKLAND. CAL.. Tuesday, May 21. 1907.— One hundred and fifty-ninth day. New California Jockey Club. Winter Muting ils7 days. Weather clear; track fast. 2s books on. Presiding .Indue. ]■:. C. Hopper. Starter, Richard Ovvyer. Secretary, Percy W. Treat. Ruing starts at t :40 p. in. W indicates whip. S spurs. P, blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following tu.» distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse and weight carried. COQKQ FIRST RAO 5-8 Mile. 9BB2 BN— 2-100. I Purse 00. 2 year olds. Colts and f3wOOO Geldings. Selling. Net value to winner .$.".25. Ind Horses AWtPPRt U % % 8tr Fin JeMfeeya Owners O B 0 F 1 6X655 RHINESTONE vv 111 I 2 Il 34 l"k 1 Sandy L T I -1 E| B 5 I 5 2 5 .V-ssVINT MODAN wlo9 1 I P ■ Q -» « ■. o.lchihl Marchmont Sta C 6 4J 8-5 7-W rs-v SYVKDF sM w 109 11 5 2| -" 21 IlC Williams!! I Wilson 7 M I :■ S-5 • .,: ,,, iVl PR w 114 M 8 "". P :i"k 1:! Reach A B lonieroy 7 ltj 16 6 3 ESS MiYi V w lit !• I l| 5 I1 ■■ P Phillips F W Healey 30 :il ::o 12 I r-"- V TVIH W Kit - 3 ST s- 7» fi" Oilb. rt .1 F Clifford 10 12 12 i 2J J,, am WKSLEY wlul I 11 WW 9* II Jarrett C W Cbat.pell s LO 20 fi 3 rs- •■- vv vtDFN Vl-I 1. w 109 I I Vin 81 8" W Fischer Oakland stable 7 s s ?. 3-2 SS mrsii MIKE arttj 7 1 ll V and■ •*» E Graham B Schreiber 12 17 16 v, I iw-ii APACHE ii -1" 11 11 I 10i P DavVlS W N Wallace S» Ion 100 40 15 i-lM.-VI ■v- •- Vo kVv 1 INiIO w 106 l 7 a. - .... 10 11 Charbou J N Mounce 25 m 50 i 10 w ,_ .ivji O.O.J -* Time. 21. 4!»i, 1:02. Winner P g bv Free Knight Belle Dicker trained by L. O. Lee. Went to post at 1 45 At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same. Rhinestone from a 1m kv start, was always feivvardly plaee.l and drew out in the final sixteenth. Saint S in, ami badlv messed about, tinishcl las,. Swede Sam. from I striding outside slum, It. t e rear Mnrt •««■ ",,!;,..!".. "id game contender throughout Rustler closed up steadily from a poor start, liu H.rt iwav noorlv is improving. Altair was repeatedly pulling up. Mr Wesley had no chauce at the Start Irish Mike jiiit. as usual. The winner was entered for 00; uo bid, Scratched— W72SBen Stone, 109. f* Q Q PJ A SECOND RACR4-8-4 Mile. 5RR0."i— 1 :12— 1— 11 ?. Pnrse 00. 5-vear-olds and up-DOOOX ward. SelTlng. Net vhIuc to winner 25. Ind Horses AWTPP St U Vz % Str Fin ilockeys Owners 0 n C P 8 .MilT-A INT POLLY Wsl2 !U3 10 2 1 : 1-. 1-.. 1" Applebv Reality .Stable 15 20 15 li 3 t; 7M SKA Al It ws 5 107 2 10 » TJ 4 S] K Lynch Sea Air Stable 15 25 25 10 5 i.stn.i FOLLOW ME ws :i loo S li 8 :.". 2 8*1 C WllIhunaL C Williams 20 LO 8 3 8-5 68408 CERRO SANTA w J 109 7 1 7"» 4H 31 4 » Herbert J J Ellerd o 3 14-56-5 3-5 67781 DE GRAMMONT wb 5 110 9 3 41 6"k 6J 55 Keogh W Durker 15 M 30 10 5 88252 SANDSTONE vv 109 11 11 11 10 9- 6J Goodchild Fleur de Lis Sta 15 30 30 12 6 88728 OI.HNDKNNING w s 109 1 9 10 91 8s 7=3 A Wright W H Hammond 20 20 20 8 4 B8S20*DR. POWELL wi: I 109 I 3 ::- 31 72 8* T SullivanG P McNeil 15 30 30 10 G bssns SMITHY KANE w .". M 4 4 2A 25 5"k 9* w Fischer Hall and Marshall fi S S 3 8-!! 68729s ROSCOE w 5 112 6 7 5b 8 10 10 R Davis E J Rainsev 4 H r, 2 M 68781*ST. DENIS - wb 5 109 3 S f."t Hroke down.Samly V 1 Yanfce 2. 4 IS 57-6 3-5 Time. 24 J. 4!»J. 1:15. Winner — Ch. in. by Rrnndywine— Laura Keene t trained by o. A. Appleby. Went to post at 2:10. At |M st 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. Aunt Polly, from an outside start, ipihkly established a good lead and won all the way never seriously menaced. Sea Air, away very badly, closed an immense gap and showed vast improvement. Follow Me eauie fast from the rear and is also Improving. CetTO Santa was crowded to the rear early and had no chance With an Incapable rider. De Oramniniit finished well. Smithy Kane got awav pooriv. The winner was entered for .f4Mi: no bid. Scratched— 08730 Andrew P. Cook. 112. overweights Aunt Iolly. 1 pound: De Grammont. 1. OQQ prpT THIRD RACK— 3-4 Mile. 5.SS05— 1 :12— 0— 118. Pnrse 00. 4 -year-olds and up-000»J»J ward. Selling. Net value to winner $: 25. Ind Horses AWt~PP~St % Vj % Str Fin jockeys Owners O II C P S 68806 HERSAIN wsb 5 102 2 9 fi- 4- 4 Grote R R Rice .Ir 10 20 20 S 4 SSSOSPEGGY ONEAL WB 5 109 3 4 7"t :. 5- 2 AVilliams.I C Davidson 4 23-641 2 I 18335 LAST FAFSTFS w 5 104 S 10 ll3 7" fi»k ?•■ Mc-Rae J Rvan 12 20 20 S 4 88728 EL CHIHUAHUA w f M is 12 91 71 4* Sandv E Bedenbeck 10 11 10 4 2 67911 LORD PROVOST wn 4 109 7 7 ** 2] I1 5»* Kirschm EC Plum 10 10 7 I 8-5 88785 BTIPUL AND BSTwsn 7 112 11 1 FJ 1 tl W Fischer . I Pondy 10 12 12 5 2 ■8K4 DICK WILSON w 4 112 5 5 V 8 1 3«k 71 R Davis P Sullivan I 10 10 4 2 68805SANTA RAY w 4 107 4 fi 2 Snk S2 8s Alarie J F Clifford 5 7 7 3 3 2 8728 DISTRIBUTOR w G 109 6 2 V W W t% F Graham F .T Neil 8 12 12 ■ 2J 68621 BLACK F.YFS w 4 107 12 11 9-11 11 lo- J Smith G Edison 20 UK fio 30 15 I681621SHEEN wsb 5 102 10 3 33 fi1 9 kll E Lvneh P G I.vnch ■ II.." 0 5 7-10 68728 BOGOHAMA w 4 107 9 12 Ioli-YU. Appleby R Flahertv 12 25 20 8 4 Time. 24J, 40. 1:141. Winner — B. 111. by Sain — Hesperia trained by It. R. Rice. Jr.. Went to post at 2:3S. At post 1 niiniile. Start fair. Won easilv; second driving: third the same. Ilersain got away badly, but ctssed up rapidly on the extreme outside ami liuall.v made good de. isivi lv. Peggy ONeal, in close anarters in the early running, linislied fasi on the inside. I-ust laiisius. away v.i badly, closed | Mg rap. El Chihuahua, impeded by accident in a bad inside start, made up miieii gr mid and is good. Lord Provost tired tinallv. Santa Ray and Sheen quit liadlv. The vv innei wa- en ten 1 for 00; no bid. Overweights— Peggy ONeal. 2 pounds. tUQA FOURTH RACK 3-4 Mile. 5BMS 1 :12— 1— US. Purse 00. 4-vear olds and up- UOOuU ward. Selling. Net value to winner .25. I rul Ilorses AWt IP St j y2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C V S 68749*MY CHOICE w 4 107 7 10 r.ni. 5nk :.■■.. 1. Howard A Ooodin 4 1 M 6-5 3 5 ;si,:u IlTCS II. w 7 lot I S :!ii Zak 2- 2 Mentrv Q P Mc.N.-il 10 K IS I I S8765»THE SKIPPER w fi 112 fi fi V. 1*1 ll 3 1 Ooodchid Marchmont Stablel 23 .4. S 5 4-5 68749 AARON .1. w I loo 5 5 2 2U 4J 44 F Graham .1 H liranncin 2. 24-541 2 1 68731 PRCESS WHEELER W 5 109 1 7 7 fi- 3* and■ Rettig W P Fine 20 40 40 15 8 C8806 PADDY LYNCH w S Ml 19 : 4- 2- fi". ;■ C WilllainsODneUdc Cryslr M 15 io 4 I 68728LOTTA OLADSTONEvv 1 lo7 1 4 :., 7 7 7"* Sandy R H Harris fi 10 10 4 2 I6SK91 YELLOWSTONE w 8 107 3 1 S 8 S S»i F Wilson J S W 1 S 12 12 5 2 68731 E. M. BRATTAIN W B 191 9 2 9 9 I 9 Wilmot .1 D Millin 10 p; it; I :: 68658 SEARCH ME w I 112 2 1 10 10 10 10 A Wright J Pell 25 50 50 20 8 Time. 24J. 4S|i. 1:14. Winner — Br. f. by Kismet — Ona trained by A. Ooodin. Went to post ,,t 3:00. At post 1 miniiti . Start fair. Won driving: second and third the same. My Choice, away badly, rapidly improved her position and got up on the inside in a swift Stretch effort. TitDS II. broke slowly, but moved into close pursuit of the leader and put up a game finish. The Skipper set the pace fas|, hut tired finally. Aaron J., under a bad looking ride, was pelted up at a critical mon.ent on the last turn and finally crowded out. Princess Wheeler is improving and finished going well. Paddy Lynch failed to stay. Yellowstone got away poorly. I:. M. Brat tain was crowded out early. The v inner was entered for 809; no bid. Scratched -4J8765 Prestige, 112; Q887S Mas, do. 107. overweights Princess heeler, 2 pounds. ftQQP»7 Ill "Ill RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 43815 1:051 C— 100. Pane fan* s s«ajt olds and OOOO I upward. Handicap. Net value to winner .50. Ind Domes AWtPP St % , %~Str Fin Jockeys Owners 6 H C 1~8~ 68749MISTYS PRIDE 7 M 2 1 l 1 1* 1 Kirschm B H Kirbv 1 Is 51fi EC 5 1 2 68808 NATIVE SON ws :, 102 1 4 3". and■» Pi ■* V. Lynch II Stover 6 13 13 SJ 1 I 68784M40SSIPRR II. W 5 100 I 5 fi C 4"". 35 Sandv J Tonhey 3 4 4 fi-5 12 t«K785t PTICIAN Wan 4 11: 3 fi 4" 5 5* 4i eoodehd I" V. De Annan 4 5 4 2 1 S8784» ROYAL BOOUH W 8 193 5 :t :, |J I] 51 W Fischer C C M.CalTertv 7 13 13 4 3-1 68750 ST. FRANCIS 4 ln2 4 2 2. I] fi i R Davis Maple Stable 4 4 16 56 5 3 5 Time. 2 3|, 48|, l:0i»=. 1ih;J. Winner— Ch. m. by Handsome — Misty Mom trained by W. L. Stanfleld. WCut to |« st at 3:25. At |Mist 7 minutes. Start irood. Won handily: second and third driving. Illstys Pride outbroke the others and made the running throughout undisturbed and is extra good. Native Son broke slowly. 1 lit was soon in forward game contention. Oossiper 11.. away poorly, closed up steadily into a fast going third. Optician, away ve.y poorly, dosed np much ground in a cracklne effort. Royal Rogue vv as outpaced, but held on well. St. Francis showed brief early speed only, ran much lielow his true form and his race should lie thrown out. r» Q Q fr Q SIXTH RACK 1 Mile. 58818— l:.TX.l— 4— 117. Purse 00. .1-year olds and upward. DoOOO Allowances. Net value to winner 85. Ind Ilorses AVt"PP"st~%~% % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H "c~~P S 68810 SAN AL ISO vv 1 : S 6 1 1 1 1 l«l 1 1 H Davis Sobra Vista Sta 2 13-613-51 1-2 68809 CAP.IN WB 5 191 1 2 21 21 V% 2*1 2*1 P Graham J II P.rannon 2 18-4518-56-5 2-5 R73 I.IVHS vv 3 M I 5 5nk | 4 *:■ 3a Sandv F Wallhauser 3 16 53 1 2 5 fisTsi; .loll N rSTOW N WB 4 105 5 6 4nt lh :;-.. 3»k 4; W Fischer W Cahlll fi G 4 6 5 1-2 t.s537 -MAMIE ALGOL W S 101 2 4 6 5b 6 5"k 5- Kirschm F M Smith 7 10 S 3 1 68657 INTEGRITY w 4 105 4 I 3? S* 5- I 6 Stuart T J Hennessey 30 150 luO 20 I Time. 25 . 50. 1:1«. 1:40*. Winner — II. e. by St. Symphorien — InstiLMiix trained by W. Covington. .Wi nt to post at 3:53. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving: second and third the same. San Alviso, from a tlying si art . won all the way and finished gamely. Cabin was always in nearest and game, but unavailing, pursuit of the winner and was wearing him down at the end. Livius. outpaced in die early running, closed I Bap in the last half and is a stayer. Johnstown was well up throughout and pu up an extra good effort. Mamie Al-ol. out of place in short races, was repeatedly shut off. Integrity showed speed.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1907052201/drf1907052201_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1907052201_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800