New York, Daily Racing Form, 1907-05-22

past performance

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New York Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, May 22. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK GOOD. • FIRST RACE— About 3-4 Mile. 165 feet short. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. jlfXii* 18w*" 1:— !I4.j Index Course Dist Time Tck Wt St *A 4 % StrFin Jockeys Best Company EDNA JACKSON, ch. f, 4. by Watercress— Arnette Brownleigh Park Stable. Weight today 94. 68733 Belmonl Pk 5 1-2 f 1:07 good !4 4 5 l S» l;l Kramer T. McGrath, R. onyx. Wood witch. 6S541 Jamaica 3-4 1:11 last 108 2 112* 1-JMountain KeatOT, Barbary Belle, Workinaid. 65468 Aqueduct 6 1-2 f 1:23 slop 108 ! 5 6 7 71 U Ross Pr.lrederick, SocietyBud, Iirebrand ROSEMOUNT, br. c, 3, by Hasting s— Lady Rosemary P. S. P. Randolph. Weight today 100. 6S753 Belmont Pk Gl-i f 1:19 last 103 3 1 2 L1" - Horner Tileing. Atnpedo, Aletlieuo. 68720 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:148 fast 109 1 4 4 9» 9° Kadtke Ace High, Bar. Belle. lUnvaway. 88583 l.ur,ai a 5 1-2 f 1:08§ mud lltt 3 3 3 3l 6" Mountain Aletlieuo, Roy. Onyx, S. Toddiugtn TOPSY ROBINSON, br. f, 4, by Sempronius— Spider Oots Bros. Weight today 99. 68451 Lexington 1-1 1:131 fast 109 2 2 2 3J lJ D Austin Field Lark. C. Forge, A. McDonald 0.-.131 Churchill D 3-4 1:114 fast 166 12 12 12 102 Si C H ShillgFair Calypso, Alsono, Oasis. S5087 Churchill D 3-4 1:14 last lol S S 3 3J 2£ J Lee Ingolthrift, M. Leeds, Uncle Henry. OY"AMA, b. c, 4, by Commando — Ben-my-Chree G. F. Johnson. Weight today 107. ;::;:; Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:67 good 108 I l 1 lh 5- Kadtke E. Jackson, T. McGrath, It. Onyx. 68629 Jamaica 3-4 1:14J slow 113 3 11 1U V Radtke ClilefHayes, Sir Todington, Suffice. 68543 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 fast 115 1 11 li 2J Brussel Sadler, Pins and Needles, Herman. BELLE STROME, br. m, 5, by Ben Strome — The Humber Arverne Stable, Weight today 99. 68733 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:07 good N 15 16 16 16 16 Conlin B. Jackson, T. McGrath. It. Onvx. 88331 Pimlico Ab 3-4 1:14 last 106 ti I 5 E» 43 Lloyd Tickle, Pr. Brutus, Cousin Kale. SJ9JM Pimlico 5-8 1:013 fast 107 4 1 2 2 25 Lloyd Preen. Tickle. Old Colony. CHIEF HAYES, ch. c, 4, by Balgowan or Sain — Grand Lady B. Schreiber. Weight today 96. 6*702 Belmont Pk 1 l:4«tta*t 92 ! I 3 3 8« 2| E Dugan WaterTaak, Ch. Hayes, St. Valentine ES666 Belmont Pk 1 1:411 bvy 163 2 3 2 2 2 4.J M Preston Iudora, Galliiiib Dan, Li Dorado. 68629 Jamaica 1 4 1:144 stow 113 2 5 2 22 22 M Preston Oyama, Sir Toddington, Sutlice. BATTLEAXE, b. c. 4, by Hamburg — Xela H. K. Vingut. Weight today 104. 68733 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1 :»? good 185 s S 9 9 915 11 Smith K.Jackson, T. McGrath, It. Onvx. 68642 Jamaica 3-4 1:132 fast 112 4 11 l1 l1 J Martin Water Tank. Sutlice. Little Woods. 88388 Aqueduct 6 1-2 f 1:21 slow 113 3 2 2 22 21! W Miller Jacjuin, Fustiau, Umbrella. ACE HIGH, ch. c, 3, by Troubadour — Run of Luck L. Mulligan. Weight today 100. 68720 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:148. fast 104 2 1 1 F l1 C. H ShilgBar. Belle, Flowaway, Mintberia. 68538 Jamaica 3-1 1:13* fast 101 3 11 la 1 Notter Waterhury, Fustian, Athens. 6S463 Jamaica 3-4 1:13* fast 94 8 7 4 5J 7TJ Garner Barl.ary Belle, Dr. Uollis, Teacress. THEYRE OFF. ch. c. 3, by The G ieek — Calenda Brownleigh Park Stable. Weight today 100. 68683 Belmonl 1k 3-4 1:161 "iud IOC t; ti 0 0 ilu Horner Ben Ban, Pantoufle, Red River. 0S44O Jamaica 3-4 1:131 last 110 4 11 l1! li Mountain Oraculum, G. S. Davis, Sen. Clay. 65243 Jamaica 3-4 1:13 fast 111 2 13 51 o10 Shaw Frank Gill. Adoration, Tonrenue. DON FONSO, ch. c, 4, by Dieudonne — May Fonso J. Offerman. Weight tcday 104. 65233 Latonia 1 l:42g fast 109 111 1 lh 3» NIcol Elliott. Red Thistle. Manfred. 86182 liitonia 3-4 1:14 fast lo-l 4 1 1 l4 4 Mountain Marlins, Sorrel Top, Revolt. 047iHi Windsor 7-8 1:233. fast 106 2 2 2 2 23 1J Mountain Orderly, Reticent, Albula. EL DORADO, ch. c, 3, by Ethelbert— Dorotheo C. C. Smithson. Weight today 97. S8666 Belmont Pk 1 1:41* hvy OS 1 1 1 1 H V Lloyd Emlora, Gallant Dan. Cli. Hayes. 6S49S Pimlii0 1 l:42| good 110 3 1 1 1 l3 I9 Lloyd Percentage, D. Maid, Pr.of Orange 58446 PlmOco 1 1:431 good 108 5 2 1 1 li 2-J Lloyd Orndes Rt., Rocine II, The Clown. GOLDEN WEST, b. f. 3, by Golden Garter — Aurania F. E. Brown. Weight tcday 94. 68815 Gravesend Ab 3 11:14 mud 90 11 1 2 2i li Rowan KiUiecrankie, B. Belle, M.. strome. 68738 Belmont Pk 7-8 1:262 good 87 1 2 3 4 41 44W Walsh s;. Toddington, R. Royal, Cloisteress. 68848 Belmont Pk 7-8 1:29 hvy 88 2 1 1 2 23 2l G Burns Kentor, Star Cat. NIGGER MIKE. b. c, 3, by Shapfe 11— Gertrude J. J. Kenney. Weight today 93. 68720 Belmont Pk 1 I l:14j fast 102 15 15 15 15 15-" J Johnson Ace High. Bar. Belle. Flowaway. 88358 Aqueduct 3-1 1:15 slow 96 1 3 3 i- 510 F Swain Royal Ouyr, Campaigner, K. Aliah. 08282 Aqueduct 5-8 1 :00g good 97 5 6 6 61 6:J Brussel Ace High, S. Toddington, Berkeley. SUFFICE, b. m, 5, by Woolsthorpe — Enough J. T. Muir. Weight today 99. 68702 Belmont Pk 1 l:lo* fast 98 3 16 G 11 l3"JHeffernn W. Tank. Ch. Hayes. Savable. 68629 Jamaica 3-4 1:14| slow 164 8 G 5 51 4*| Heffernn Oyama, Chief Hayes, S. Toddington. 88542 Jamaica 3-4 1:13| fast 99 7 10 7 51" 3J Heffornn Battleaxe, Wat. Tank, Lit. Woods. JACINTA, b. f, 3, by High Order —Miss Jack P. Wimmer. Weight today 88. 68721 Belmonl Pk 3-4 1:141 fast so 1 1 10 lo lo lo-j F Swain Ace High. Bar. Belle, Flowaway. 6S325 Aqueduct 7-8 1:29 fast 105 13 3 3 7 719 R Lowe China, Cloisteress, Trenton Blue. 65470 Aqueduct 5-8 1:02J slop 95 14 12 12 11 11 R McDaniRockingham, Fire Opal, Plaud. PUNKY, b. g, 3, by Commando — Sandfly M. L. Hayman. Weight today 97. 68491 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:49 fast 187 Left at the post. Mountain Marathon. L. Stanhope, Cobleskill. 6S3G2 Aqueduct 1-1 1 : 1 Ig slow 188 0 3 3 1« ]• Mountain Mary Ball, Ontario, Comuiunipaw. 88883 Coney Island 5-8 1:00 fast 115 1 7 8 CJ 1"! Burns Geo. S. Davis, Aletlieuo. YatikeeCirl LISTLESS, ch. f, 4, by Voter — Indifference* W. C. Daly. Weight tcday 94. 68092 Penning 6 1-2 f 1:23 fast 102 S 10 10 10 10"SYorke Wabash Queen, Quadrille, Greeno. 67S59 Bennlng 8-4 1:161 fast 168 13 13 13 13 11 Yorke Akbar. Parkvllle, Jerry C. G7524 City Park 3-4 l:14j fast 105 3 8 7 83 1» W R Wkrlr. Brutus, Consideration, Husted. RIGHT AND TRUE. br. h, 7, by Tristan— Ellerdie T. M. Cassidy. Weight today 99. 68733 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:07 good 58 7 7 7 71 ?! 1 Burns E. Jackson. T. McGrath, R. Onvx. 68463 Jamaica 3-J 1:11§ fast 106 9 5 9 93 9;« Musgrave Barbary Belle, Dr. Hollis, Teacress. 68242 Aqueduct 5-8 l:00j slow 107 14 13 11 11 12 R McDanl Athlete, Keator, Dr. Hollis. LITTLE WOODS, b. g. 5. by Flam beau— Ragner J. 8. Hoy. Weight today 106. 68661 Belmont Pk 3-4 l:14| hvy 107 10 — — 10= lo34 C II ShilgT. McGrath, Yorkist. Water Tank. 68542 Jamaica 3-4 1:13| fast 106 11 8 9 9 4n Mountain Battleaxe, Water Tank, SutHce. 68380 Aqueduct 1 1:414 alow loo 8 8 2 2 33 SJBeckman, Robador, M. Morris, Lord Badge. ALILA, ch, f, 3. by Solitaire II.— Sevens A. B. Spreckels. Weight today 105. 68720 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:141 Cast MS 14 II 14 14 14" W Dovle Ace High. Bar. Belle, Flowaway. 18784 Brooklyn 6-8 1:011 fast 99 13 11 11 11= ll» Jas HensyRoyal Lady, Common Sue, Baringo. SECOND RACE— About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 04727— :i:50— 5 --140.J DELCANTA, br. h, 5. by Del Paso II.— Canta Mr. Cotton. Weight today 149, 64480 qpney Island Ab 2 4:07 fast 150 5 Fell. Owens John If. P.. Belligerent. OfO. 64153 Saratoga Ab 2£ 5:22 fast 145 12 3 4 2* 21 Owens Alfar, Hvlas, Mackey Dwver. 64885 Saratoga Ab2 4:25gfast 14S 1 1 1 1 1- 1-4 Owens MackeyDwyer, The Doctor, Pioneer. MR. MCANN, blk. g, 4, by Contract— Lady Wooster R. Neville. Weight tcday 142. 6S719 Belmont Pk Ab 2 1:08 fast 148 2 12 1 1* l1 Stone Dick Shaw. Realm. Guardian. iiSOIO Belmont Pk Ab 2 4:20 hvy ]3S 8 15 3 1- 3J Grantlnd Grandpa, Sandus, Rocket. 68472 Pimlico Ab 2 4:11 fast 112 5 13 1 33" 318 Archibd Rocker, Paprika, Incantation. DOCTOR KEITH, b. g, 4. by Dr. MacBride— Lady Keith M. Dudley. Weight today 144. t,s7"»4 Belmont Pk alxnit 2 4:86 fasl 138 1 3 1 :: 21" V Archibd Sancton, Fallabeen, Navajo. 68311 Pimlico An 2 4:291 fast 145 5 2 2 2 14 1* Archibd Kara. Rocket. Capt. Hayes. 6S227 Penning Ab 2 4:09 good 143 4 2 2 2 210 li Archibald C.Fontalne, Rk. Storm, F.Virginian. GRANDPA, ch. g, 8, by Grandmaster — Philippa W. C. Hayes. Weight today, 165. 68646 Belmont Pk Ab 2 4:20 hvy 153 4 2 2 1 l3 llJ Stone Sanetns. Mr. MeCann, Rocket. 45042 Belmont Pk Ab 21 5:4S fast 170 3 Fell. Mr Havea Y. Christy, Oleroso, Pure Pepper. 54916 Brooklyn 2 1-2 4:402 fast 162 6 1 2 3 42 3"1 Mr Hayes JimniyLane, Phantom. YamaChristy. CALLER, b. g. 8. by Tammany — Caledonia J. E. Widener. Weight today 152. 65114 Belmont Pk Ab 3 6:17 fast 141 G 1 2 3 S* 2J Donohue Bound Brook, Adams, Allegiance. 65018 Brighton B Ab 2 4:20 hvy 145 2 12 2 2-0l2:, Donohue Jimmy Lane, Oro. 64998 Brighton B Ab 2 4:12 fast 150 12 3 3 3a 2« Buttner BoundBrook. Garterknot. Allegiance AMANDA H., br. f, 4. by King of Coins— Katie Rigg I. Fox. Weight today 142. 68572 PimHco Ab 2 4:31] fast lis 111] li If Archibald Varner. Cardigan, Harp Player. 68447 PimHco Ab 2 4:321 good 110 111 1 1* 1« 6 McClain Sir Tristan. Bound Brook. Saauket 68348 Pimlico Ab 2 4:473 mud 110 3 3 1 1 S» 4* S McClain F.Soniers, F. Virginian. II. Baylor. BANNELL, b. g, 4, by Bannockburn — Mrs. Brunell B. Schreiber. Weight today 136. 88719 Belmont Pk Ah 2 4 99 fast 135 7 Lost rider. Kohler Mr. MeCann. Dick Shaw, Realm. 68648 Belmont Pk Ab 2 4:20 hvy ]::2 2 11 Fell. Kohler Grandpa, Sanetns, Mr. MeCann. 56516 Ascot Park lm 50y 1:45 fast 107 3 4 4 o 53 624£Kent Von Tromp, Standover, I Told Yon. BRENNUS, b. g, 7, by Bassetlaw — Peril Orangevale Stable. Weight today 140. 67402 Ascot Park SC1:I2 good 152 1 Fell. T McBride Indian II., Decinio. Vencido. 67412 Ascot Park 7-8 1 :11J slop 110 3 4 3 3 4h 2h Butwell Chan. Walworth, Revolt, Woodthorpe 87312 Ascot Park S C 3:00 fast 112 4 11 1 l4 llu T McBride Indian II. , Decimo. Vencido. DOURO. br. g, 10* 4 by Potomac— Za mora J. W. Colt. Weight today 152. 62343 Belmont Pk Ab 2 4:23 good 153 2 6 5 4 415 431 Rodrock Hylas, Ben Crockett, Goldlleur. 61676 Washington 2 1-2 5:01 fast 146 4 3 3 3 2 1* Rodrock Copper, Phantom, Oleroso. 51396 Washington Ab 3 4:22 slow 153 4 4 4 5 310 318 Davidson Garterknot, Life Buoy, Black Death ESSEX II.. b. g, 5. by Judge Morrow— Mimosa D. K. Kerr. Weight today 140. 68791 Belmont Pk Ab 2 12 5:15 slow 156 4 3 - I --■ !•* Mr D KerrGarrett, Navajo, Guardian. 88421 Pimlico Ab 2 4:44 slow 1 16 I 2 1 1 I1" 1* Mr D KerrGuardian. Firefly, Fearless. 68226 Penning Ab 2 1-2 5:0U§ good 149 2 2 2 1 1- 1J Mr Taylorl.ysistrata, Guardian. SANDALWOOD, b. g. 5, by Sandringham — Branch Seminole Stable. Weight today 136. is;77 Aqueduct Ab 2 1-2 5:24 slow 140 2 2 1 2 22 E,HGallagher Hot Shot. Y. Christy, Pagan Bey. 68-,43 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:36 slow 156 6 L 2 3 38 3" E Heider Jimmy Lane, Dulcian, Arabo. 85751 Denning 3 5:41 fast 104 6 1 1 1 21 S° W Doyle Holscher, Palette, Pete Dailey. BLUE PIGEON, b. m, 5, by Blue Devil— Longevity J. W. Colt. Weight today 133. 65583 Bennlng 1 1 :4S mud 88 111 1 I* V W Burns NohlesseObligo. P.. Izzy. Garterknot 65399 Aqueduct 1 1:421 fast 97 8 5 7 8 7i 6"J T Mahon Aster dOr. llowAboutYou. Comedian 6497S Brighton B 11-16 1:48 fast 107 1 5 11 11 ll3 ll-8 C Ross L. Tarantella. Woodsman. Adonis. ROCKET, b. g. 4. by Racine — Silver Queen C. H. Smith. Weight today 137. 6S646 Belmont Pk Ah 2 4:1!0 hvv 112 9 7 1 4 4-" 4HG D WilnGrandpa, Sanetns. Mr. MeCann. 68472 Pimlico A b 2 4:111 fast 132 3 2 2 2 U l3 P Hagan Paprika, Mr. MeCann, Incantation S8367 Pimlico Ab 2 4:41 hvy 117 13 3 I 3 3 Mr Taylor Kara, Bound Brook. Bonfire. OPTICAL, ch. g, 4, by Sir Modred— Optic H. V. Van Voorhis. Weight today 134. 65549 Penning 7-Sl:2 mud :»4 a 6 G 7 9 91 J Johnson Firebrand. Anna Smith. Hooray. 65413 Pimlico 3-4 1:15 fast 115 9 7 S 71 7" Klenck H. Johnson. Niblick. Oundrille. 65394 Pimlico Ab 3-4 1:151 fast 113 7 6 9 S3 9-.Klenek Chippewa. The Saracen, Benevolent. BUCKMAN, ch. g, 7, by Dorian— Miss Buckman T. Hitchcock, Jr.. Weight today 130. 644 » Saratoga Ab 2i 5:37 good 110 I 1 1 2 Z*tM Gntland Maximilian. RedWarrior. Allegiance 64174 Saratoga Ab 2 4:25 fast .152 4 Fell. J Meaney Cham. Elysees. Waterford. Pirate. SUNGLOW, ch. g, 4. by Octagon— Glory J. L. Hayman. Weight today 133. E4688 Coney Islaml 6 1-2 f 1:20 slow 110 1 6 7 8 7**§Ij WilliamsDr. Gardner. Wes, Zienap "093 Saratoga 5 1-2 f 1 :0S1 fast 104 2 3 3 3and 4l Perrine Optician, Disobedient. Flavigny. 1 57033 Providence 5-8 1:01 fast 102 3 11 I* 1* Perrine Bust, Belvolr, Ambitious. SICK SHAW, ch. c, 4, by Banastar — Agnodice Bonniebrook Stable. Weight today 135. 6S719 Belmont Pk Ab 2 4:03 fast IM a 4 1 - 2* 25 Rogan Mr. McCaun, Realm. Guardian. 68646 Belirtont Pk Al 2 4:20 hvy 132 10 Foil. Rogan Grandpa, SjuicIus, Mr. McOann. 6S322 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:24 fast 130 2 2 3 5 31 31* Rogan Piilcian, Toiu Cogan. Aril bo. LICKPENNY, b. g, 7, by Bcu Brus h— Frugal F. P. Keeno. Weight today 140. Mrs* start. J. W. Colt onlry— Douro and Blue Pigeon. THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Manhansef Stakes. 2-year-olds. Allowances. M 12S— 1 :00B — *— U4. TRANSVAAL, b. c, 2, by Commando— Royal Rose J. R. Keene. Weight today 112. 68700 Belmont Pk 5 S poos fast 115 3 1 1 I1 1* W Miller Alaada, McGregor, Haroourt. 68490 Jumaica 5 S 1:01| fast 110 8 4 4 SJ 3«! C Koerner Wocxlliino, The Dane, Aunt Rose. 68399 Jamaica 5-8 1:02 fast 10S 1 4 3 3- 2* W Miller Tartar Maid. Alaudii, Gold Heart. FORDELLO, b. g, 2, by G. W. Johnson — Virginia Lee F. A. Forsythe. Weight tcdav 104. 68716 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f E3| *»■* WW 2 1 1J 15 M Preston Hollistor. Smirkor. Glorious Betsv. »;sot4 Belmont Ik 4 1-2 f 54g hvy 112 I 1 15 2J Notter Sanguine. M. Robert. K. Cobalt. 8443 Jamaica M1M fast 105 8 8 8 7j « "i C II Shil;- I.ajeunesse, Tberniidor. Sansamon. SEYMOUR BEUTLER. b. c. 2. by Sain— Grand Lady B. Sehreiber. Weight today 107. 68754 Belmont Pk 4 1 2 f r 2 Rood 110 2 2 Pi g .1 Martin Sepoy. Rialto. Sparkles. 68008 Oaklawn 4 1-2 561 hvy los S 9 9 74J E Rice Manchester, Chulita, Toro. MM oaklawn 1 2 49s fast 112 5 6 2b lJ E Rice Bannatyne, Washakie, B. Bowlegs. ZIEPHEN. br. e, 2, bv King Lee— Alleviate fW. F. SchulteL Weight today 112. 68735 Belmont Ik 5-8 148 need MC — — — I"1 10"*Mountain F. ONeill, L Eves, M. and Faces. 684M Jamaica 5 -8 1:011 fast 115 E 5 I 51 7"»JR Lowe Woodlsue, The Bane. Transvaal. 68136 City Park 4 1-2 f 55g fast 11C 2 2 2J 45J D Boland Blue Lee, Par. Model. WhiskBroom LIVE WIRE, b. c, 2, by Handsel— Mother Bunch W. W. Darden. Weight today 107. 8710 Belmont Ik 5 s l:nig mud b»s 4 3 3 2- v,7- Notter Thermidor, K. Cobalt. K. James. SPARKLES, b. c, 2, by Star Ruby— Prim II. P. H. McCarren. Weight today 107. 68816 Gravesend 5-8 1:041 mud 112 10 8 8 61 6i.T Martin Spoon. -r. Ladv Winifred, Heknows. 6S734 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 52 good 107 4 4 41 4" C Koerner Sepoy, Seymour Beutler, Kialto. First start for the follow in-: GOLDQUEST. b. c, 2, by Goldcr est— Quesal H. B. Duryea. Weight today 114. FAIR PLAY, ch. c, 2, by Hastings —Fairy Gold A. Belmont. Weight today 107. FOURTH RACE— About 3-4 Mile. 165 feet short. All Ages. Handicap. MIHW I IW| I III PRINCE HAMBURG, b. h. 5. by H amburg— Maori H. P. Whitney!. Weight today 126. G ,•■: Belmont Pk 3-4 1:13] mud I2G 3 3 3 3 2r- 0 Koerner Sir Toddington. Kinds Daughter. 6.M75 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 slow 126 6 2 2 3 » 35 J Jones Sewell. Monet, Gambrinus. 65125 Belmont Pk 6 1-2 f 1:17* fast 120 4 6 6 6 5" Radtke Voorhees, Frank Lord. Kiamesha. DREAMER, h. g. 5, by Hamburg— Forget H. B. Duryea. Weight today 111. 08755 Belmont Ik 3-4 1:121 fas! MB 7 7 7 ft1 8*1 Brunei Suffrage. Jack Atkin. PantomV. ECU Aqueduct 1-8 1:27 slow 112 5 3 3 2 V. V W Miller llandzarra. Gillette. Royal Ben. 5431 Aqueduct 3-11:13 fust MB 4 2 2 1 Bj W Miller llandzarra, Toiirenno. Canibrinus. HEASLIP, ch. c, 4, by The Commoner — Penitence II. P. J. Rainey. Weight today 124. 6X379 Aqueduct 3-4 1:l4g slow 114 1 111" l2 Radtke Wkmnid. Hvperionll.. St.Valtine 68281 Aqueduct G 1-2 f 1:21 slow 111 4 2 2 32 2s Radtke Dr. Gardner, Marster. T. Wiiddell. MM C y Island 7-8 1 :26J good 10S 3 4 5 4 45 4le Seweii Rosebeu, Sanfara, Detitsehland. DE MUND, ch. c, 3, bv Goldfinch— Graciogity P. J. Rainey. Weight today 119. 6S464 Jamaica 3-4 1:13J fast 118 4 5 3 51 54J Radtke First Premium, D. Domo, Inquisitor 68245 Aqueduct 7-8 1:284 slow K«J 111 1 1" 43i Radtke Gloritier, Roseben, Don Diego. 64937 Brighton B 3-4 1:128 fast 124 6 11 1J 21 Radtke Klectionoer, luuinonok. Purslane. MCARTER, b. c. 3, by Knight of the Thistle — Candle Newcastle Stable. Weight today 116. i;m;.! Belmont Pk 3-4 1:16gmud 109 5 5 S W 4 W Miller Ben Ban, Pantotiric. lied River. 68630 Jamaica 5 1-2 f 1:07 slow 105 2 11 1* 1B W Miller Halifax. Inquisitor, Don Domo. ill:.:; Brighton B 3-4 1:128 fast UK 1 2 2 2* 6=i W Miller Klectionoer. De Muiid, Paumonok. FAUST, b. g, 3, by Mirthful— Imp J. E. Madden. Weight today 95. 68811 Gravesend Ab 3-4 1:12] mud 100 1 7 7 7* 51,1W Miller Jack Atkin. Voorhees. Gentian. 68750 Belmont Pk 1 1-1G 1:44* fast SO r 7 7 8 8 4".: Goldstein Superman, Dollv Spanker, Blamly. 6s717 Belmont Pk 1 1-1G 1:46! fast 80 2 11 1 1 » 445 Goldstein W. II. Iarey, Sen. Clay, Zethus. HYPERION II.. b. c, 4, by Mazagan— Van-a-Clar L. A. Cellal. Weight today 118. 88755 Bel nt Pk 3-4 1:12] fast 112 11 11 11 11 ll-:c II Shilg Suffrage, Jack Atkin. Patitoiine. 68379 Aqueduct 3-4 1:14] slow 122 2 3 3 32 1*1 C H ShilgHeasllp, Workmaid. St. Valentine. G7S20 oaklawn 3-4 1:12* fast 112 1 I 1 1» 1« D Riley Mike Sutton, The Bear, FutiicuPe. P. J. Rainey entry — Heasllp and De Mund. FIFTH RACE — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 33S« — 1:68 A Q . MAXNAR, b. h, 6. by Maxio— Narcola C. F. Clark. Weight today 111. 68489 Jamaica 1 1 1G 1:48 fast 111 2 2 2 2 tl 2* Radtke Jacquln, Robador. Retort. 68413 Jamaica lm 70y 1:45! good 100 2 3 4 4 4i- EH Finn Athlete. Orbicular. Dishabille. 08280 Aqueduct 1 1:40| good 122 5 i 5 5 5 S-iFinn W.H.Carey, S. II. Harris, Tartan MOLESEY. ch. g, 3. by Kingston — Sylvabelle J. A. Bennet. Weight today 86. 68510 Jamaica 11-10 1:40 slow H 2 ! E 1 3*] 2*1 Clausen Campaigner, The Knight, Kudora. 8460 Jamaica 1 1-K 1:47] fast K8 l 2 I 2 t* 2" Clausen Savalde. Asora, If aster of Craft M324 Aqueduct 7S1:27 fast H« G G « G G Gs M Preston Berkeley, Tileing, Campaigner. KILLOCHAN. br. c, 3. by Kilmarn ock— Misi Buttermilk F. McCabe. Weight today 84. 68720 Belmont Pk 2 1 1:14] fast il j I 9 7 8«J Sumter Ace High. Bar. Belle. Plowawajr. GS."d4 Jamaica 1 1 -16 1 Aft slow !«» 4 5 4 4 43 Ink flarner Bon Mot, Shenandoah. Lord Badge. 88330 Jamaica Ian Hy 1:16] fast 85 1 1 2 1 2 2J t: Burns M. Morris, Btdlsniiker, . Sp;:iy. RIGHT ROYAL, blk. h. 5. by Rapallo— Mrs. Delanev M. L. Haymanl. Weight todav 110. 08728 Belmont Pk 7-8 1:28] good 197 3 3 2 2 2r 8* .Lis Hogg SirToddington. Cloistereas, G.West. 64918 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:47] fast 10 1 lo 9 10 9 7"k CnEnglder Oarsman. Bragg. Pauique. 64616 Coney Island 1 3-4 3:00jj fast 16 1 7 6 I 4s 64J Sewell Lancastrian, Ebony, Sir Ralph. PALETTE, b. f, 5. by Ben Br,ush —Bonnie Lee G. L. Richards. Weight todav 99. 8008 Jamaica 1 1-K 1:0H mud 99 S 7 6 9 S 7" Beekmaa Col. White. Rcldmoore, Shenandoah. 65751 P. linings I! 5:41 fast lot 3 2 2 2 T 2° P.eckman Ibdscher. Pete Dailev. Banker. 5709 Benninga 2 1-4 4:o.j fast I07 3 2 2 2 1" 4 *|Beckman Hoatcher, Banter, Pete Bailey. MASTER OF CRAFT, ch. h. 5, by Parachute— Jilt P. 8. P. Randolph. Weight today 114. 68792 Belmont Pk 1 3 rS 2:00s slow Hit 6 :. 4 5 E» 5" -Molenian Philander, PUmnap, Gilpin. 88400 Jamaica 1 1-K 1:47] fast 117 3 3 4 4 4" 4T| Nleol Bavable, Molesev. Azora. CS600 Aqueduct 1 5-16 2:15 slow 111 9 8 8 8 81 681 Byers A. Muskoda. . Palette. Sir Ralph. JOHN SMULSKI. b. h, 5, by Esher— Ellangowan J. P. Mayberryl. Weight today 109. 68066 Belmont Pk 1 1:41] hvy KM 6 7 7 7 S S-iV Miller Ftidora, Oallant Dan. B1 Dorado. flSXJamaiea 1 1-H lM slow IM 2 4 4 I 4 S*| Mountain T. B.Miero, Shenandoah. L.Staidu i o. HENRY WATTERSON, ch. c. 4, by The Commoner— Pretence L. Mulligan. Weight today 109. 68084 Belmont Pk 1 1 :42g mud 100 4 5 6 G» 8"JC H ShirgShenandoah, Tonv Bonero. Azelina. 840 Jamaica 11-16 1:49 fast 1% 2 11 1 1* 1* Notter Savable, Cobleskill, Entree. Gsill Jamaica lm TOjf 1:45] last 106 1 1 1 1 2s 2s W Miller Jaeipiin, Azora, Ocean Spray. FLIMNAP, br. c, 4, by Sir Dixon— Mermet W. Hustonl. Weight today 106. 08792 Belmont Pk i 3-16 2:009! slow 100 T 0 S 4 4., 2- Horner Philander. Gilpin, Masanielb*. 6M126 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :4S] slow 102 5 5 5 6 7 7s?. R I.owe T. Bonero, Shenandoah, J.Smulski. 6S.M7 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:48] slow lnO 9 3 4 3 3- 3ri Notter Q. Brady, Chdsteress, Waterbearer ROBADOR. ch. h, 6, by Rey el Santa Anita — Ladv Diamond M. Krausi. Weight today 109. 68702 Belmont Ik 1 1:40] fast 13 6 S 8 11 9- 9""C Koerner W. Tank. Ch. Hayes. Savable. 68620 Jamaica 1 1-10 1:48] slow 106 8 8 8 7 6- 64i W Dovle T. Bonero. Shenandoah, J.Smulski. MM Jamaica 1 1-16 1:48 fast lo9 3 3 4 3 3s 334 Mountain Jacqnin, Maxnar, Retort. DEKABER, ch. m, 7. by Pirate of Penzance— December W. H. Hollowayl. Weight today 104. 68520 Pimlico 1 1-10 1:481 fast IooIlIlK! 13 12 12" Hvland IT. l.intus. Nellie Barn. Vi|ierine. 68329 Pimlico lm OOy 1 :46i fast 108 8 8 8 S 9 S**]LJoyd Savior. Ivanhoe, Ilavigny. C8238 Banning lm40yl:48 good 105 6 5 E E i- 36* W MclnteBulwark, Sally K., Ivanhoe. CONTEND, b. g, 9, by Galore — Conjectrix D. Reynolds. Weight today 106. 687X3 Belmont Pk 5 1-2 f 1:07 good ME 19 19 19 19 19 Farrow F. Jackson, T. IteGrath, It. Onyx. 8008 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:49?, mud 106 7 3 5 8 11 11S"..0 Booker Col. White, Reidmoore. Shenandoah. 6.",46t; Pimlico 1 1-8 1:5: fast llo S C 10 11 11 lF-JBarnett ;rt villa, Ivanhoe, Lemon Girl. LORD BADGE, b. g. 8. by Badge— Mocking Bird fW. L. Oliver. Weight today 106. GK1.08 Jamaica 1 1-10 1:19* mud 106 11 11 11 10 9!» 8HW Miller Col. While. Reidmoore, Shenandoah. 8514 Jamaica 1 1-1G 1:49] slow lot; 8 S S 7 * 42 Bmaaal Killochan, Bon Mot, Shenandoah. MM A|iieduct 1 1:43] slow 109 9 9 9 9 61 3IU Crimns Robador, M. Morris. Jack McKeon. POQUESSING, br. g. 4, bv Knight of the Thistle— Octa Reed B. Murray. Weight today 103. 68733 Belmont Pk .". 1 J t 1:07 g I 101 14 11 11 11 11 Brussel K. Jackson, T. McCrath. R. Onyx. MM Jamaica 3-4 1:15| mud !!S 4 4 4 E 514 Henry Draculum, Don Domo, Oallant Dan. C.647 Penning 7-S l:28j fast IM 2 12 5 58 G:9 Miles Firebrand. Welbourne, Bivouac. SIXTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. 2S.-.01— .- ! ?— 2— no. TLLEKILNS, ch. f. 2. by Dr. Hasbrouck — Tuilleries D. C. Johnson, Weight today 90. 08710 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f BO] fast 107 11 14 14 14**11 Martin Fordello. Hollistor. Smirker. 8SH Jamaica 5-8 1:01 1 Kood 17 1 2 2 1 ",- P.eckman Sen. Beckham, Marbles, Benrose. 68267 Aqueduct 1-2 4SJ fast 104 8 12 12 10lu Beckman Notasulga, Tea Leaf, Frizetto. SEMPRO, b. c, 2, by Sempronius — Lady Hoadley J. C. Jones. Weight tcday 104. 8MB Jamaica 5-8 1:02] fast Mi 1 1 1 1» 3» W Doyle Sussex, Helen B., Win. IT. Lyon. TINKER BELL, ch. f, 2, by Farandcle — Custance S. Paget. Weight today 95. 68592 Jamaica B-8 1:02« mini 99 7 7 7 * Hotter Bounding Elk. Taul Pry. Fresh. 0MH Jamaica 5S l:01g fast 99 4 G I 7 7 *|Notter Youthful, Son. Beckham, Enlist. JOE NEALON. ch. c, 2, by Kism et— Bonita R. C. E. Durnell. Weight today 93. 67-ns Behnont Ik 5-1 IM slow :11s S S M M*i B Dugan Hal, Onda. Dead Jone. ACREEDOR, b. c, 2, by Colonel Wheeler — Mortgage T. Fitzgerald. Weight today 98. MM Jamaica E-S 1:031 mud 102 .", 6 s 8"]Pottering T. Calhoun, B. Williams, Ast. Belle 6*341 Aqueduct 4 1-2 f 54* fast 102 13 13 13 13ls,.Hrussel Citizen. Biskra. IM.k. MZ71 Aqueduct 1-2 47 fast 108 9 9 9 91" W MclnteM. Robert. Br.Whist. Son.Beckirm GLORYAR, b. c, 2, by Himyar— Vain Glory R. T. Wilson. Jr.. Weight today 110. 8321 Aqueduct 4 1-2 f E0| fast 112 17 17 17 17 17-4 Cherry Kerry. Sluinborless. Albia. TOMMY AHEARN, ch. c, by Jean Bereaud— Beth Broeck W. White. Weight today 98. O770 Belmonl Pk 5-8 1:01] mud 10S 10 lo ]o 9 9-:.Zeigler Thermidor, K. Cobalt. Live Wire. 6S71T. Belmont Pk 5-8 l:00it fast 110 4 5 6 S* B»l Biggins Stargowan. Tliormidor, D. Stafford. 68662 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 54] hvy 112 8 8 7J 710 Diggins Banyah, Thermidor, L. Winifred. BEARD ALL, ch. g, 2, by The Greek— Marionette W. Kunze. Weight todav 101, 684M Pimlico 4 1-2 SO good IM 3 m 2:l Klenck Blember, Black Mask. Awless. M3M Pimlico 4 1 2 f M| mud M I 9 9- 9**]Kl«nck Lawless, Billil. Beckon. ALEX GRANT, b. c, 2, by Himyar— Katie Longfellow W. W. Darden. Weight today 101. 8788 Belmont Pk MlMtihm 99 13 12 12 12 l2"lR*atelger Hal, Onda. .cad Gone. CONCERNED, b. f, 2, by Bowling Brook — Bettie Gray G. Merriweather. Weight today 100. MM Jamaica B-8 1:01] fast I02 11 11 11 11 11 V.Clausen Youthful, Son. Beckham, Enlist. 8341 Aqueduct 4 1-2 f 54J fast 102 14 14 14 1415 Musgrve Citizen, Biskra, Look. RUTH TAYLOR, b. f, 2, by Paladin— Grilte S. C. Hildreth. Weight today 95. M3M Oakland 1-2 514 hvy 111 S 8 8 8 Sandy Bil. Watkins, Albia, Wilinore. First start for the following: MASSON, b. c, 2, by Mazagan — Josie W. Weight today 102. MISS ADKINSON, br. f. 2. by Caldron — Dixie Flyer J. Adkinson. Weight today 98. GOLD FRANC, ch. g, 2, by Goldcrest— Francolin W. Lakeland. Weight today 95 SEVENTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling.— r.0?! — 2— 90. HELEN B.. b. f, 2, by The Pepper — Brune T. Monahan. Weight today 99. MM Jamaica 5-8 1:M] goad 94 ll 9 9J 8KJ Henry Sen. Beckham. Marbles. Tilekilns. 8488 Jamaica 5 8 1:02] fast IM 5 5 4 3h 2nk Nicol Sussex, Sempro, Win. II. Lyon. 68326 Aqueduct 4 1-2 f 56 fast 105 2 3 4 412JW Miller Berry Maid, Bigot, Hands Around. CUERNAVACA, b. c, 2, by Del Paso II.— Mary Kinsella F. Burlew. Weight today 95. 08592 Jamaica 5S 1:02- mud M 2 ." 5 N 5*1 al Preston Bounding Elk, Paul Pry, Fresh. 6X513 Jamaica 5-8 1:02] slow 99 6 3 2s 21 Jas He: syRitle Range. Albia, Irivolor. MM Aqueduct 4 1-2 f 57] slow 99 7 8 8 4= Jas HensyPaul Pry, Orena, Blvira M. SALLY COHEN, br. f, 2, by Star Ruby— Afric Queen M. L. Haymar.. Weight today 90. 68698 Belmont Ik 4 1-2 f 54 fast 96 11 10 10 9s Q Bums Minnie G., Sen. Beckham, Biskra. BENROSE. b. c, 2, by Ben Strome — Roseland F. Burlew. Weight today 95. KM Jamaica 5-8 1:01 i good 94 I 3 4 4:; 4:l B Dugan Sen. Beckham, Marbles, Tilekilns. MM Jamaica 5 8 1 :02] fast 99 S 8 8 Sh 7r,l Jas HensySussex, Helen B., Sempro. WUERZBURGER, b. g, 2, by Indio — Hohefrau Keene Bros. Weight today 99. 68198 Oakland 1-2 49J fast 111 4 I |*| 2i T Rice Tillinghast. Irish Mike, Oronogo. 67031 Oakland 1-2 48*. fast 106 4 5 4- 4"i Scoville Heather Scott, B. Watkins. Slater. 66981 Oakland 1 2 4S! good lol 1 1 11 2J Scoville L. of Cold, Leonardsdale, Follie L. WM. H. LYON, br. g, by Charade— Looking Glass J. Garson. Weight today 99. 68592 Jamaica 6-8 1*2] mud 101 1 2 2 33 44 Lloyd Bounding Elk, Paul Pry. Wesb. 6S488 Jamaica 5-8 1:02] fast 99 2 2 2 4j 4ai Brussel Sussex, Helen B., Sempro. 68327 Pimlico 12 49J fast 103 2 2 2U 32J L, Smith Beta Louise, Awless, Dick Rose. GAY GRYSELLE, ch, f, 2, by Me adowthorpe— Gryselle A. J. Joyner . Weight today 90. 6.69.8 Belmont Ik 4 1-2 t ~A fast M 13 15 1" 15 Siuni.c Minnie C, Sen. BeeUliam. Biskra. 68564 Jamaica is 1.014 mud 94 Left at the post. Sumter Sussex, Thos. Calhoun, AutoriaBelle VTLHALLA, b. f, 2, by Pessara-r Wallhalla F. A. Forsythe. Weight todav 09. 6S012 Jamaica n 1:0* ir *irl lot» 9 6 S Si 8" Lloyd Ruscimo, Divorcee, Spring Heel. DIVORCEE, b. f, 8. by Ben Strome — Broken Vowt tL. A. Cells. Weight today 98. 6STI6 Belmont Ik -1 1-2 1 ..::; last 107 12 13 13 13:i K Swain Fordello, Ilollisler. Smirker. 68612 Jamaica 5 S 1:01 mud 1"6 3 2 3 3i 2H W Miller Ruscimo, Spring Heel. Minnie G. 6S539 Jamaica 5-S 1:02] fast 106 3 11 1- 2»* Abuchon Sansamon, Sequence, Sungleam. WEDDING, blk. f, 2. by Hawkswic k— Wedding Day W. C. Daly. Weight today 90. 08244 Aqueduct 4 1-2 f 54* slow 94 14 14 13 13 Yorke Thos. Calhoun, Kerry, Sweet-taire. 68148 Benning 1-2 514 slop 104 9 5 7b 96 Yorke Black Mask, Helen B., Laudable. 68091 Benning 4 1-2 f 57i fast 103 6 6 10 11 L, Smith BiliH. BlackDomino. GloriousBetsy. PRICELESS JEWEL, br. f, 2. by Plaudit— Par Excellence R. L. Thomas. Weight today 101. 6N710 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 53 fast 107 14 10 10 » C H Shilg Fordello, Hollister, Smirker. HEEDLESS, br. c, 2, by Hammon— Neglect M. Kraus. Weight today 99. MM Jamaica 5-8 1:02] mud 104 S S 8 8 S9 W Doyle Bounding Elk, Paul Pry, Fresh. LUZETTA, br. f. 2, by St. Simon ian II.— Sarno G. A. Bronder. Weight today 95. 68and19 Pimlico 1-2 49J fast 102 11 9 n 11 Vesper Maid of Carroll. Profit. Bergoo. 88327 Pimlico 1 2 49 fast 91 ., 8 8" 7*1 A Martin Krta Louise. Awless, Win. H. Lyon 6S129 Benning 1-2 51 mud 107 6 7 7 7"iWr MclnteBeckon, Merry Man, Long Ball. MYSTIFIER, b. g, 2, by Mesmerist — Carmcncita J. Bauer. Weight today lot. 68771 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 54 mud 105 13 13 13 13" Notter Crack Shot. Smirkor. Belphoebe. 6S361 Aqueduct 4 1-2 f 54 slow 100 13 12 12 I2x*ftl McDanl Rustle, Masks and Faces, L. Clay.

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