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LATONIA ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 6 points to the pound. An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2::!0 p. m. X Runs well in mud. .Superior mud runner. First Race 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances, llid. Horses. A. Wt. Ildcn. t;ir.m; ogbent io::. . x . .725 01027 Chestnut Bell 10:: 715 ilHi!H3...Ladv Flora 10.". . X . .710 0071 1 Thebais 11::. . X . .710 liJICMI Ladv Vie 10:;. . X . .703 IKHNO Hazel M 100. . X . .085 IKI515 Iresente KKi. . X . .ISO 00027 Pleasant View Belle 10J! .0S0 OS72.-: Miss Schirndiug KKi 000 i 000.-.S Xazlmova KKi 050 OS00", Marv Estes KKi 023 OUOjU Sivilla V 103 023 , Hannah Dixon, b. f, by Sir Dixon Hanna Bell 103 Cloyno. br. f. by Cameron Clara Meadcr KKI .losika. b. f, by Longstreet Tyra 103 Lady Martha, br. f. bv Ma ceo Flash vf Lightning 103 Second Race 3-4 Mile, ."-year-olds and upward. Selling. 0i510J... Haughty 4. .107. . X . .723 003013... Beatrice K 4.. 103 713 0807O3 gnes Virginia 3. . KKi. .. .711 KKilil Xedra .3.. SS..X..710 01153! Sylvan Velle 5. . 101 . . X . .703 ti!53:i Cygnet 7. .KKI. . X . .703 0!i::SO Katherine .Moore 4.. 111.. X.. 705 0!I5!I7 Xellettc !H. .X..700 !i:i5::3... Viperine 5. .105. . x . .7Ml MI001 Dele Strome :i. . OS. . X . .700 0!l5.!l...BeIltone 0. . 1 14. . X . .0!5 03307 Idiioletta 3. .101. . X . -OS3 OOOSO The Golden Bird :!.. SS..X..iS 0!I55!I Our Anna !!!.. X.. 075 07120 Stoic 4.. SS..X..075 Geppiua. b. f. by Goodrich Arabella 3.. SS Third Race 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. OOOill Devout .. 5. . 111. .X.. 723 ?JO;K!...IIenrv 0 5. .108. . X . .715 0071! Florizel 0. .KKi. . X . .710 000.V. Dr. McCarty 4. .107. . X . .705 01712 Lacaehe .. 7. .103. . X - .705 01I11O Tsara 4.. 102 0!3 0171! Prince of Pless 4 . .10X. . x . .000 0071H Lieutenant Rice 5. .1 11 . .. .083 01221 Fred Hornbeck 5. .11 1 . . X . .085 0H320 Bullfinch 0..108 073" 01710 Don Lent 4. .107. . X . .050 01517 W. K. Slade 4.. 107 050 4S211 Hallucination 7. .100. . X . .000 Fourth Race 7-8 Mile, o-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 005110 F.iivov o.. 101. .X-. 750 0-3!l!3... Cablegram 4. . 101. . X . .743 01000 Old Honesty li. .105. . X . .740 00G0O Lcxoliuo :i. .103. . . .710 0U2"Jl:!...RedgauntIct o. .102. . X . .735 Fifth Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 01717 MARCLS AURELIUS 03.. X.. 725 G0i3! . . . Ilanbridge 114. . X . .715 R:iS3. A .Duuvegan IV... X.. 710 0!I05!3... Bucket Brigade 104.. ..700 01010.... Colon el Brady 101..X..0S5 1105!.... Bitter Gold !! 025 01I0.31 Overby Ill 035 01515 Simon Weil ll.i 000 t;0;iS3....L. C. Widrig 00. . X . .000 Sixth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. O00O21... Quagga "... 05.. X.. 725 SltKiS3... Minos 3.. 05 720 0174:!... Oriandwick .".. 00 720 0DIS4... Deacon .".. 18. . X . .715 0110811 Hyperbole S7..X..710 i5Ki03...Belleview 4. .104. . X. .705 IKHS03... Solly M 02.. X.. 705 0,1742.... Ouardi " S0..X.-700 O002S. . . .Caper "... 8S..X-.035 01741 Anna Ruskin "... 82...... 000 0!7153...Bonebrake 5. .111 . . . .!00 095114 Knight, of Ivanlute 02.. X.. 085 2li12 Wlstone li. . 104. . .. . .ISO 011715... Canillle "... !.!... .5i5 01510.... Harold D .".. .101. . X . .050 General Early, ch. c. by Frankroit Mists Hel-yette 3.. 104